Saturday, August 27, 2011

Divine Council - Word from the Holy Spirit

I want to share with you a word that I received from the Holy Spirit: August 27th 2011.
I wrote it down and I read it:
Divine council – every disciple needs divine council, not self study and self education, neither the council of men.
Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to comfort and guide His children but they prefer the council of others. They ignore the Holy Spirit and do not trust Him.
Many say you must make sure that you are listening to the right Jesus – they prefer their own council.
They do not trust the Holy Spirit. They grieve the Holy Spirit. They are in darkness and they don't even know it. They ask
the opinions of men and listen to councilors of their choice. They search for answers in the scriptures but they do not as
the scriptures tell them to do. They are forever learning but never come to the truth because they refuse to trust the Holy Spirit. They are ignorant of the will of God because they refuse the council of God.
They will die in their ignorance if they do not repent and seek Me. Many will perish because they listened to men and refused My council – they would not follow My guidance and do My will.
Set aside your many councilors, repent and seek Me. Ask Me and I will guide you. I will reveal to you what is to come.
Be not wise in your own eyes. Trust Me. Wait on Me diligently – seek Me every day. Do not doubt Me, then I will leave you to your own devices. Ask of Me and I will teach you, I will guide you every step of the way. Set yourself aside for My
Kingdom, willingly seek to serve Me and I will share My secrets with you.
Do not be foolish but come to Me and follow Me so that you can have life abundantly

May Jesus bless you

Friday, August 26, 2011

Spiritual Man - A teaching of the Holy Spirit

I want to share with you a teaching that I received from the Holy Spirit. 8/26/2011
I wrote it down and I read it:
Children of God are spiritual people. The natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God.
Spiritual things are spiritually evaluated, not by feelings or by natural intellectual ability.
Spiritual man is not led by his senses, he is led by the Holy Spirit, by what he hears from God.
Natural man will not follow Jesus because he evaluates everything by his intellect.
Natural man wants to see the future, plan and take action to preserve himself.
Spiritual man sees Jesus, he is not concerned about himself. He is concerned about the Kingdom of God and doing the will of the Father.
He acts by faith in obedience to what the Spirit has told him.
Spiritual man waits on the Lord, listens, trust, obeys the Holy Spirit.
His life is focused on Jesus because Jesus is his life.
He is not concerned about what people say or about their acceptance or approval.
Spiritual man is rejected by man but proven and confirmed by God.
He walks by faith, not by by sight. He is tuned in to the unseen God.
Natural man has no defense against the attacks of the evil one.
Those who are led by the Spirit overcome the evil one. They are not deceived by the devil.
The devil works by deceiving people and then he destroys them.
They think they are smart but he is playing them like a fish.
Those who are led by the Spirit escape the devil's snares.
The Holy Spirit leads them out.
Without the Holy Spirit you cannot do anything, you will not overcome.
Fix your sight on Jesus, trust Him, wait on Him, follow Him.
Do not fear the things that you hear and see. Fear God.
Listen to His Spirit.
Watch and pray that you are not deceived.
May Jesus bless you