Friday, October 21, 2011

God is speaking - Are you listening?

There is only one big problem in the world and that is sin because sin separates man from God. The wages of sin is death. Dear friend no sin can come into the presence of God but it is not the will of God that man perish. It is the will of God that man REPENT of sin and have life. And for that purpose God is speaking, He is speaking to the whole world, He is speaking to every individual. Each of us was born with a conscience so that we can know right from wrong. If we obey our conscience, then we do according to the will of God because He has written His laws in our hearts. We’ve got no excuse and that conscience is speaking to us all the time. Dear friends, God cares for us and if we do not listen to our conscience, He does not just abandon us, He speaks to us from the outside. He allows circumstances to come over our lives, things go terribly wrong with individuals, with countries because God is speaking to them. God speaks to countries through natural disasters, plagues, sicknesses so that they can REPENT. He speaks through floods, through droughts, through famines, through wars so that they can REPENT from their sins and call on God. If we stop sinning and we come to God, then we come under His protection. God is speaking to individuals, through sicknesses, through circumstances because He cares. If He didn’t care He could just leave us or He could just obliterate us, He could take us from the face of the earth, in a moment, in one foul swoop, but He cares for us and He is speaking to us. God has always spoken to us and He has spoken to this world through Jesus Christ. He sent Jesus to come and take away the sins of the world. To come and die on a cross, to take our place, to pay the price for our sins, because the wages of sin is death. He who had no sin died in our place, so that if we accept Him and obey Him, He gives us eternal life. He takes away our sin and on top of that, He gives us His Holy Spirit inside of us to guide us, every moment so that we will not sin. That we will live in holiness. Dear friend, God is speaking. He is speaking to this world right now, through terrible disasters, through economic collapse, earthquakes, natural disasters, floods, famines, droughts, the elements are shaking, there are things happening in outer space, there are things coming our way, planets. Some people know about it, they are scared, God is speaking friend, and He can stop those things. God could have destroyed us a long time ago but because HE CARES, He is speaking. He is speaking to you right now. You need to remove the sin out of your life, you’ve got to stop sinning, turn away from sin and obey God. You’ve got to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Master because only Jesus can take away your sin and make you new inside. Only Jesus can give you eternal life. He is speaking to you right now dear friend, in many ways, maybe you are just not listening, maybe you did not understand it, but you’ve got to listen, you’ve got to go on your knees and repent, repent means turn away from, STOP, stop sinning like pulling a tooth, STOP altogether. Not just admitting your are a sinner, stop doing sin. Because as long as you are in sin the chastisement of God will be on you, the punishment, why? Because He cares for you. He wants you to stop sinning and be holy. He wants you to have eternal life and that is why He is speaking to you. Through all these things that are coming your way, you must REPENT and call on Jesus. Ask Him to forgive you, accept Him as your King, as your Lord, CALL ON HIM, go on your knees, you might not understand it but Jesus my friend, Jesus is real, He is God. If you go on your knees and you call on Him, He will answer you. Ask Him to forgive your sins, but you must repent, you must turn away from sin. You must be serious in your heart because God knows, He knows our thoughts. God is speaking to you my friend and He will keep on speaking but if you keep on refusing and keep on rejecting Him. There will come a day when He will speak no more, He will take you away. Then your chances are up, they are done, it is gone. The Spirit of God will not plead with man forever. We don’t know when we will die and then comes judgment. Dear friend, God is speaking to you right now. You might say you are a Christian, you might think that you are saved, but God is speaking to you. He is speaking to everybody because He is bringing us into obedience, into holiness. If you are not obeying Jesus Christ, you are LOST, you are on your way to hell dear friend. God is speaking to you right now, will you listen or will you reject Him? God cares for you. He does not want you to perish. Go on your knees right now, call out to Jesus, submit yourself, ask Him to forgive your sins, to make you a child of God. He will put His Spirit inside of you, to speak to you all the time, but you’ve got to listen. He wants to bring you into that close communion with Himself. Where you hear His voice all the time and you do what is pleasing to Him. Dear friend, God is speaking, will you listen? Will you listen to Jesus? He is speaking to you, right now. Go on your knees and repent of whatever He puts in your mind right now. Seek Him with all your power for the rest of your life and He will give you eternal life. Obey Jesus and be pleasing to Him, dear friend and you will have eternal life. May Jesus bless you.

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