Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Why the Bible IS NOT the Word of God

The scriptures that are contained in, what is commonly known as the Bible are all, the writings of men. They were written by men, not by angels or aliens or even God Himself. They were the writings of men. Some of those men received revelation from God, God spoke to some of them, some of them prophets, others were given revelation by the Holy Spirit, but still IT IS THE WRITINGS OF MEN, flesh and blood.
The gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were written by four different authors. Luke investigated what had happened in that time that Jesus walked the earth and from what he determined, from his studies, he wrote up his own account, and that is the book of Luke. Luke never walked with Jesus. The apostles themselves also wrote, Paul who wrote the most, Peter, John, but those words that they wrote were their own. They were epistle (letters) written to the believers like I would give you a message that I received from the Lord, which might contain words that the Lord gave me but also my own words. Its not the word of God. THE BIBLE CANNOT BE THE WORD OF GOD. There are messages that might be from God, but that is why God sent us the Holy Spirit, the SPIRIT OF TRUTH, to guide us into all truth, to confirm to us WHICH OF THOSE WORDS written by men and spoken by men WERE REALLY FROM GOD. Because not all those words were from God. Everything that Paul wrote and said is not the gospel, they are his own words. The gospel of Jesus Christ was preached by Himself but it was recorded by men and men are fallible! Men make mistakes in their recordings. Men make mistakes in their translations and THERE ARE DELIBERATE MISTAKES MADE IN INTERPRETATIONS made by men, because they do things according to their own liking.
So dear friends, this (Bible) is not the Word of God. This is a book, it is just the scriptures and it contains the truth also but it needs to be verified by the Holy Spirit. We must trust in Jesus and be led by the Holy Spirit, that is why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit. Man will not live from bread alone but from every word that proceeds from THE MOUTH OF GOD, whatever God speaks. All of this (Bible) was not spoken by God, it was spoken by men. The words that God spoke will happen the way God spoke them, but all that is written here (Bible) is not the word of God, its the words of men, that have recorded, some words of God sometimes. Our focus and our trust must be in Jesus, WE MUST BE LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD. He gives His Holy Spirit to every man who accepts Him as MASTER and He guides them by His Spirit, NOT BY A BOOK! NEITHER BY OTHER PEOPLE.
Dear friend, YOU NEED TO HEAR FROM JESUS HIMSELF, His sheep LISTEN TO HIS VOICE and they follow Him. HIS VOICE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. Have you received the Holy Spirit, and do you LISTEN to the Holy Spirit? Because, if you do not have the Spirit of Christ and you do not listen, YOU ARE NOT HIS SHEEP, YOU DON'T BELONG TO HIM!
You need to pray, get on your knees and pray, ASK HIM to give you the Holy Spirit and guide you by His Spirit.
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

ONE SIN can cost you eternity

There are some children of God who think that they can go on sinning as long as they asked forgiveness every night.  Dear friends, God is not mocked.  The Spirit of God will not plead with man forever.  You cannot play games with God,  as the writer of Hebrews also wrote in Hebrews 12:16 He says "see to it that there be no immoral or godless person like Esau, who sold his own birthright for a single meal. For you know that even afterwards, when he desired to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought for it with tears." There comes a day that the door is closed.  If you keep on going on with your sin and you think that you can just slip back and ask for repentance or hope for a death bed repentance, there comes a day that that door closes dear friend and you are left outside.  And like Esau even though he longed for it with tears, he couldn't get back.  Dear friend, today when you hear the voice of God speaking to you, make haste and get serious with Jesus.  Stop playing around, because the day comes when the door closes on you and even though you WISH to come in and you BEAT on the door, the door is closed.  Don't play with God. Get serious, stop sinning, be holy and follow Jesus with all your heart.
May Jesus bless you.

BREAKING NEWS! - Jesus of the Bible IS ALIVE!

Jesus Christ of the Bible IS ALIVE. Sadly most believers who call themselves Christians do not believe that Jesus is alive. They ignore Him, blatantly ignore Him. To them their Bible is alive. Their Bible is their final authority. The reason for that, dear friends, is that they do not know Jesus. They have not met Him. If you know Jesus, if you have met Jesus, He is your reality. He is your Lord, He is your King and you have become part of the Kingdom of Heaven and you constantly follow HIM! You ask Him everything. You don't go and look for answers from other people or in the Bible – Jesus is your reality!
You ask Him everything, He is your FINAL AUTHORITY!
If your Bible is your final authority, you don't know Jesus, my friend, then you are not a Christian, then you are just a BIBLE BELIEVER and you are ignoring Jesus Christ, the Living God. Get to know Jesus, my friend, stop ignoring Him. Get on your knees and call out to Him with all your heart, with everything that is in you and get to know Him, before it is too late! If you keep on ignoring Jesus, He will also ignore you! JESUS WILL SAY TO MANY PEOPLE IN THAT DAY: GO AWAYA I NEVER KNEW YOU! WHAT WILL HE SAY TO YOU?
Get to know Jesus, my friend, He is ALIVE! He is the LIVING GOD! Don't look for Him in the Bible. Go look for Him on your knees. You will find Him when you pray, when you seek Him with all your heart.
May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bible witchcraft by preachers explained

Many preachers use the Bible for witchcraft.  They use the Scriptures to deceive people.  Witchcraft is LIES.  The devil is the father of all lies and all lies are witchcraft.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ by which we are saved is plain and simple.  It is written in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  Those are the Words by which we are saved, IF we OBEY them.  Those Words need no interpretation, they are plain and simple.  You can go and read the Words of Jesus as they stand in the Scriptures.  It is plain and simple, a child can understand it.  Preachers manipulate the BIBLE for their own advantage.  They use the words of Paul and some of the other  Scriptures to deceive people, to make them SLAVES of themselves and of their church organizations.  Jesus said:  ONE is your TEACHER, even the CHRIST HIMSELF.  We are to bring people to JESUS and HE will TEACH them HIMSELF.  When you read the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, it is all written in there.  If you don't understand anything, go on your knees and ASK JESUS to explain it to you.  Dear friend, it is all about the RELATIONSHIP between you and JESUS.  Jesus did not sent or appoint another man, another human, as an intermediary between you and HIM.  JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF is the Way and the Truth and the Life, no man.  TRUST no man.  GO to JESUS HIMSELF, don't listen to preachers , they will use you and they will abuse you and it is all for their own benefit.  A true man of God, TAKES YOU TO JESUS.  A true man of God, tells you to GO ON YOUR KNEES and ASK JEUS TO GUIDE YOU.  DON"T LISTEN to people.  SEEK JESUS, ETERNAL LIFE is KNOWING JESUS CHRIST and OBEYING HIM.  May Jesus bless you.

Bible witchcraft in church explained

Church organizations use the Bible for witchcraft.  What is witchcraft? Witchcraft is deception, fakery. They use the Bible to build their own little organizations to deceive people for their own benefit.  Dear friends, salvation is through Jesus Christ alone.  Through believing Him and obeying His Words.  The Words of Jesus by which we will be saved if we obey them are written in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  Jesus said: "The Words that I spoke will judge you in the last day."  If you want to have eternal life, you must GET TO KNOW JESUS and JESUS MUST KNOW you and HE must be PLEASED WITH you.  That is all that matters, nothing else.
Churches  are using this Book here to take advantage of you and to deceive you.  Jesus said:  FOLLOW ME, FOLLOW HIM.  Jesus said: His sheep know His voice and they listen to Him.  Church says: You must come to church and you must listen to the leadership of the church.  Jesus said: One is your Teacher, Jesus Himself is your Teacher.  He sent the Holy Spirit to Teach every one and to guide every one who believes in Him.  He did not appoint people to lead and guide us.  We are here to take people to JESUS and He will guide His own sheep.  The churches use the writings of other followers of Jesus to MANIPULATE people.  They use the words of Paul and of other writers to take people into supporting their church organizations.  Jesus never establish an organization on this earth.  He said: My Kingdom is not of here, it is of a different realm.  If you are of the Kingdom of Jesus then you are not of any organization of this world here.  People reserve those things which Jesus commanded us to do to themselves.  They only baptize members, you can only take communion if you belong to that church.  They force you to pay money to the church, it is all about the church and how do they achieve that?  They quote you Scriptures but hardly ever the Words of Jesus Christ and if they use the Words of Jesus then it is only to deceive you.  The Roman Catholics says that the Rock on which the church is build is Peter, it is not Peter. The ROCK IS JESUS.  They twist the Scriptures to deceive you to their own detriment.  The Roman catholics say that you must call their priests “father.”  Jesus said: Call NOBODY on this earth your father because God is your Father.  Dear friends, if you want to know the truth, go and read the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John for yourself and PRAY and ASK JESUS to open those Words to you.  You have been brainwashed by the witchcraft of church.  Any fellow believer can baptize you, you don’t need to go to church to take communion.  Those who truly love Jesus Christ, your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, you have communion with them, not with church. It is a matter between you and Jesus Christ. Church has no place in the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of Church is the Kingdom of satan.  The true church are those people in whom the Spirit of Jesus lives.  The One and only Head of that Church is Jesus Christ Himself.  Jesus did not appoint any leaders in this world but church uses the Bible, the Scriptures to brainwash you into submitting yourself to the church so that they can manipulate you for their own benefit.  Church is a satanic, antichrist organization.  Get to know Jesus Christ my friend and follow Him.  Get out of church, the church organizations and become part of the Body of Christ, the TRUE CHURCH.  COME OUT under the DECEPTION, the WITCHCRAFT, the spells which church have cast onto you.
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Are you being deceived?

As we grow up and go through life we quickly learn that we have been lied to, we have been deceived. The tooth fairy is nor real, and Santa Clause was a lie and people do not get married until death do them part. We quickly learn that people lie to us and that we have been deceived.
Dear friends this whole world is in darkness and full of deceit. Every man is a liar and God is the truth. Many of the things that we have believed to be true have proven later to be lies and deception.
How will we find out the truth? Jesus Christ Himself, is the Light of the world and if we come to Him and we follow Him, and we TRUST Him we will not be in darkness. But the reason why people stay in darkness is because they love darkness more than light because their deeds were evil. They don't want to come to Jesus. Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit who will guide us into all truth, into ALL TRUTH, will tell us things to come, but people choose to listen to other people. Why is that? IT IS BECAUSE THEY DON'T TRUST JESUS, and that is why people are in darkness. They rather listen to people, they trust in the Bible, they trust in the pastor, but THEY DON'T TRUST IN JESUS and that is why people are in darkness.
Dear friend, do you trust in Jesus, do you trust in the Holy Spirit of God, or do you trust in other things? If you trust in other things, you are in darkness and you are being deceived. If you want to know the truth, then go on your knees and pray and ask Jesus and He will tell you the truth about everything. He will guide you into all truth, but you must SUBMIT TO JESUS and you yourself must walk in truth. You must turn away from darkness and come into the LIGHT, accept Jesus as your LORD. OBEY HIM and ask Him for His Holy Spirit who will guide you into all truth. Dear friend, if you do not have the Holy Spirit and you do not trust Jesus and you are not led by the Holy Spirit, you are being deceived, you are being lied to and you are in darkness. You must trust Jesus and you must be led by the Holy Spirit of God and then you will be IN THE LIGHT and you will never be deceived, because He will guide you into all truth.
The choice is yours. Do you want to be deceived or do you want to know the truth? It is easy, go on your knees and speak to Jesus. He will guide you into all truth!
May Jesus bless you.

One sin can cost you eternity

There are some children of God who think that they can go on sinning as long as they asked forgiveness every night.  Dear friends, God is not mocked.  The Spirit of God will not plead with man forever.  You cannot play games with God,  as the writer of Hebrews also wrote in Hebrews 12:16 He says "see to it that there be no immoral or godless person like Esau, who sold his own birthright for a single meal. For you know that even afterwards, when he desired to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought for it with tears.” There comes a day that the door is closed.  If you keep on going on with your sin and you think that you can just slip back and ask for repentance or hope for a death bed repentance, there comes a day that that door closes dear friend and you are left outside.  And like Esau even though he longed for it with tears, he couldn’t get back.  Dear friend, today when you hear the voice of God speaking to you, make haste and get serious with Jesus.  Stop playing around, because the day comes when the door closes on you and even though you WISH to come in and you BEAT on the door, the door is closed.  Don’t play with God. Get serious, stop sinning, be holy and follow Jesus with all your heart. May Jesus bless you.

Do not harden your heart

There are many believers who know that they are not right with Jesus.  They are not walking the walk the way they should be doing it, they are backslidden but they are hardening their hearts.  They are not coming back to the Lord Jesus.  Dear friend, I want to give you a stern warning.  I read from Hebrews 3:7 He says for, just as the Holy Spirit says, "TODAY IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE, DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS AS WHEN THEY PROVOKED ME, AS IN THE DAY OF TRIAL IN THE WILDERNESS, WHERE YOUR FATHERS TRIED Me BY TESTING Me, AND SAW MY WORKS FOR FORTY YEARS. THEREFORE I WAS ANGRY WITH THIS GENERATION, AND SAID, 'THEY ALWAYS GO ASTRAY IN THEIR HEART, AND THEY DID NOT KNOW MY WAYS'; AS I SWORE IN MY WRATH, 'THEY SHALL NOT ENTER MY REST.'" Dear friend, if you keep on hardening your heart, there comes a day that God hardens your heart and you find no room for repentance.  It happened with Farao, he hardened his heart and then the first born were killed all of Egypt because God hardened his heart.  Do not wait until God hardens your heart and you find no room for repentance because then it can be forever too late. Today when you hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, don’t harden your heart.  Go on your knees and seek for mercy, get serious with Jesus and follow Him with all your heart.
May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Bible cannot save you

The Bible is regarded by many as the road map to salvation. They believe that if they have a Bible and they know the Bible then they can have eternal life, they can have salvation. Dear friends, salvation does not come through knowledge. Salvation comes through meeting Jesus Christ the Savior for real. Jesus Christ is the Living God. You get to know Jesus when you fall on your knees and you cry out to Him for mercy and you accept Him as your King, your Master. You cry out to Him until you know that you've made contact with Him. Because He is alive, He will reveal Himself to you, if you seek Him with all your heart. He will speak to you, you will know that you've met the living God and if you haven't met Him yet, you don't know Him. They only way that you can have eternal life is if Jesus knows you. If you live daily in a relationship with Him and you LISTEN to Him, you PRAY all the time and He will reveal Himself to you. The Words of Jesus as recorded by those who saw Him, who knew Him, when He walked this earth, some of those Words are written in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Those are the Words by which we will be judged because He came and He preached the message of the Kingdom Himself, He did not leave it to somebody else. But He did not leave us on our own. He sent us the Holy Spirit to be with us, to guide us to more truth. If you cry out to Jesus and ask Him to come into your life. He will put His Spirit in you and His Spirit will guide you into all truth. He will write His laws in your heart, you will immediately know what those things are that please Him and what not. But you need to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit inside of you. You need to PRAY always, you need to SEEK JESUS and OBEY HIM. Dear friend, if you don't know Jesus for real, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. If you do not obey Him and He is not pleased with you, He will not allow you into the Kingdom of Heaven. You can know the Bible by heart, it will do you no good, if JESUS does not know you and He is not pleased with you. Have you met Jesus? Do you pray all the time? Do you hear from Him? Do you know that Jesus knows you? That is the only Way to Salvation. Get to know Jesus today. May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Change! Become like a child!

We make things too complicated and that is why so few people will enter heaven. Jesus said we must become like little children, like babes, or else we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I read in Matthew 18:3. And He said: “Truly I say to you, unless you are changed and become like little children you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” That is how easy it is. We must change and become like children and just accept Jesus, believe Him, trust Him, obey Him and then we will not have a care in the world.
People want to know how things work, they are worried about all kinds of things, but they don't trust Jesus. A child is not worried about doctrine, he is just worried about his dad. We must be worried about the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, about my Dad, my heavenly Father being pleased with me. That is all that matters. A child trusts his father. He is not worried about anything in the world because his dad will take care. Our heavenly Father is MUCH BETTER than any earthly father, but people don't trust Him, not like a child. They want to get into religion and that is why they will not get into heaven.
We need to ACCEPT Jesus. LISTEN to His words, go read His words in the gospels, believe them and accept them, WITH JOY! The first believers accepted the message with JOY and they got saved and they were baptized in water, and they received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and they went their way with JOY!
We are making it too complicated, people! It is not complicated. People want to know how things work. This is how it works: CHANGE, become like a child! Embrace Jesus like a child! Say:”Lord! I am here! I love You! I need You Lord Jesus! Please forgive me! I want You! Please guide me, I trust You!” And He will guide you! “Lord give me your Holy Spirit! Please!” And He will give it to you because HE LOVES YOU! HE CARES FOR YOU! And then you will have JOY because you TRUST HIM! Go to Him like a child, my friend! CHANGE! Become like a child and you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven! You will hear His voice, you will follow Him, you will trust Him, because you have CHANGED! You have become like a child. Become like a child! Get on your knees, call out to Jesus, and He will reveal Himself to you!
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Jesus loves you - He has sent you a HELPER

Dear friend, Jesus loves us so much that He Himself came down to this earth to come and preach the gospel of the Kingdom, to bring us into His Kingdom, if we want to follow Him. Jesus is a personal God, He loves YOU. He loves you so much dear friend that He wants to speak to you personally. He did not send us a book, a manual and say:”Find your way!” through the pages, no!
He sent us the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth, to guide us, step, by step every day of out lives. Jesus wants to make sure that we get into heaven, that we do not lose our way. That is how much He cares, if we want to follow Him. That is why He sent us the Holy Spirit to be with us for ever, but people don't want the Holy Spirit. Go and read the gospels, go and read the gospel of John. Jesus said He will send us His Spirit to be with us for ever and to guide us into all truth, to tell us things to come (John 16:13). He will not let you down, He will not, if you WANT TO, but you need to trust Him and then He will guide us. If we go wrong He will not just leave us or reject us. He will speak to us and if we don't listen He will chastise us in a way that we can understand. He might put you in a sick bed, you might lose your legs, you might go blind, you might lose your job! Is it because He hates you? No! It is because He loves me and He wants me to spend eternity with Him. What will I gain if I win the whole world and I spend eternity in hell? That is why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, to teach us, to guide us, to lead us so that we can have eternal life. He gives His Holy Spirit to every child who seeks Him. That's a promise, and He will not leave you, but if you reject Him, then you have made up your mind, YOU don't want to follow Him. We must not grieve the Holy Spirit. We must LISTEN and TRUST Him. We must seek Him in prayer and then He will speak to us more. If we are sitting with our heads in the Bible all day and we ignore Him, how can He lead us? How can He guide us? Then we are rejecting Him. Dear friend, do you trust Jesus? Do you want to get into heaven? Then you need to trust the Holy Spirit that Jesus sent. IT IS YOUR PERSONAL HELPER, the ONLY ONE that can help you get into heaven, IF YOU LISTEN! IF you OBEY, but if you refuse Him He will not force you. Do you want to get into heaven? Do you want to have eternal life? PRAY, dear friend, seek Him with all your heart and obey Him and He will guide you. If you grieve Him He might leave you. The Spirit of God will not strive with man for ever.
There comes a day that we are cut off if we do not bear fruit. The ax is already lying at the root of many trees and they will be cut off if they do not bear fruit. You call yourself a child of God, are you bearing fruit? Are you following the Holy Spirit? Or are you ignoring Him?
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, November 21, 2011


The Word of God is ALIVE. The Word of God is His Spirit that He puts inside of those people who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Master and that Word of God stays inside of them. He writes His laws in their hearts and the Holy Spirit guides them into all truth.
Dear friends, the BIBLE IS NOT THE WORD OF GOD, THAT IS A LIE! The word of God is the Holy Spirit of God that He gives inside of you because the Spirit will guide you into all truth and will remind you of everything that Jesus said. He will also tell you things to come. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter. Jesus Christ Himself is the Word of God and when He ascended to heaven He did not leave us as orphans, but He sent us the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, to be with us for ever, to guide us into all truth.
So, dear friend, if you have got a Bible, which testifies of Jesus, you don't have the Word of God, you only have the witnesses of other people about God but you don't have the Word of God, because this thing here (the Bible) is dead, but the Spirit of God that He puts inside of you is ALIVE! This book you can close and ignore it, but the Spirit of God that He puts inside of a child of God, you cannot ignore, BECAUSE HE SPEAKS TO YOU ALL THE TIME!
Dear friend, have you got the WORD OF GOD? Have you received the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD?
Are you LISTENING to the WORD OF GOD, the SPIRIT OF GOD, or have you rejected Him?
You need the WORD OF GOD, you need the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, who will guide you into all truth, because if you do not have the Holy Spirit, YOU DO NOT BELONG TO JESUS CHRIST! He wants to give the Holy Spirit to you but YOU need to accept Jesus as your Lord and your Master first, and then He will write His laws in your heart and He will guide you step by step.
You need the Word of God if you want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven! Ask Jesus for His Holy Spirit, who will guide you into all truth, dear friend.
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Blinded to the Truth

The whole world is blinded to the truth through IGNORANCE that exists, incomplete knowledge. We ourselves have been taught things that are not exactly true. Our knowledge is incomplete. The available knowledge in the world is incomplete. There is a lot of misinformation, our insight is flawed. What we know is not complete dear friends. Sometimes we are brainwashed deliberately. We are deliberately deceived but only One Person knows the Truth and that is JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF. We are blinded to the truth by our own ignorance our own idolatry of self. If you want the truth you must go on your knees and cry out to Jesus and ask Him to OPEN YOUR EYES, to TEACH you. You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free. Jesus promised us the HOLY SPIRIT, the SPIRIT OF TRUTH who will GUIDE us into ALL TRUTH but we have to SEEK HIM and TRUST HIM and FOLLOW HIM and HE will TEACH us, HE will GUIDE us into ALL TRUTH. There is only One Truth dear friend and that is Jesus Christ Himself but we need to GET TO HIM. We need to SEEK HIM with all our heart. He will guide you into all truth, He will not deceive you but you need to TRUST HIM, you need to SEEK HIM with all your heart and HE will TEACH you the TRUTH. HE will OPEN your EYES and He will guide you into all truth. SEEK JESUS my friend, don’t trust a man, trust Jesus Christ, don’t trust in yourself. Everything that you have learned up to now, is incomplete. Just open your mind and your heart to Jesus and say:"Lord Jesus please teach me." And Jesus Himself will teach you wisdom.
May Jesus bless you.

Jesus always answers IN TIME

People say that they pray and they don’t get an answer. Dear friend, Jesus Christ is FAITHFUL and whoever CALLS on Him will get the right answer at the right time. We just need to TRUST HIM. The reason why we often don’t get an answer is because we are focused on the wrong things. If we are focused on the Kingdom of God, on pleasing Jesus, then we quickly get the right answer, we get wisdom and understanding. He cares for you dear friend. Many of the things that we worry about are not to be worried about, they are not important. They are not important to the Kingdom of God. It is not about you and me, what is important is the Kingdom of God. Jesus will never let you down dear friend, just be patient and trust Him when you pray. He will answer in time, He won’t let you down. Quite often we are unbelieving and while praying we are already scheming on how to solve the problem that we are praying about. Then He will not answer you, because you don’t believe Him and you don’t trust Him. Jesus answers the prayers of those who trust in Him and who wait on Him and then they give Him the glory. Jesus will NEVER let you down my friend. Jesus will always answer in time, because He cares and He is faithful.
May Jesus bless you.


Jesus called disciples, He did not call men or women. In the Kingdom of God there is no sex or gender. We are all just servants of God that do His will. Jesus called many women but the devil has succeeded in shutting them up and he has used many means to do that. He has used churches and he has used the Scriptures, because the devil knows the Bible. He has got women to shut up and disobey their calling.

Dear Sister in Christ, if Jesus has called you and Jesus has equipped you then you must OBEY HIM more than man. Do not let man shut you up! Who must we fear MAN or GOD? You will be rejected. You will be persecuted like all those who OBEY CHRIST but you must carry on and fulfill your calling. DO what Jesus called you for, He will guide you He will give you the Words to say and He will use you to bring people into His Kingdom.

Do not let anybody stop you any longer. You don't need to preach in the apostate church. They don't want Jesus anyway. Jesus has opened the doors wide open, you can preach to the whole world, my Sister. You can go on the Internet and you can preach. You can preach twenty for hours in every day and nobody can stop you and if people come and try and stop you, BLOCK them! IGNORE them!

Who are you here for? For people, or for Jesus? The fields are golden and the workers are few. Do not let anything prevent you or hold you back from doing what Jesus called you for.


Let nobody stop you,let nothing stop you. Go out and fulfill the Great Commission like Jesus commanded and that He called you for. Go into all the world. Make disciples of all nations, Baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and teach them to do as Jesus commanded. He has EQUIPPED YOU for that which He has called YOU for.
Do not let ANY MAN stop you. You are a DISCIPLE of CHRIST not just a women. Don't let anything hold you back.


May Jesus bless you.

Man of God

A man of God is not God, he is just a follower of Jesus. Follow Jesus, not people.

Thus says the LORD: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the LORD." Jeremiah 17:5

People run after people because they are always, constantly looking for a person who can lead the way, who can save them, who can help them, they are looking for an idol, an example and that is why they will also run after the Antichrist, they are looking for a MAN to save them.
Religious people run after men of God. Dear friends, there is only ONE WAY, TRUTH and LIFE and that is JESUS CHRIST. We cannot run after people. We must focus on Jesus. Do not look for a man of God or a woman of God and idolized those people. A man of God is a follower of Jesus, that man is NOT GOD. That man follows Jesus. That man is not perfect, that man is man. Every man is a liar and God is the Truth. It does not mean that that man deliberately lies. We just do not have all the truth. JESUS ALONE is the Way and the Life and the Truth and we must follow Him. A true man of God will be like Jesus. He will take you too Jesus not to Himself. He will be rejected by men, he will be HATED by men because he is not about himself but about Jesus Christ.
Dear friend, if a person is not taking you to JESUS, he is taking you to HELL. Because the only person who will decide whether you go into Heaven or not is Jesus Christ Himself. JESUS is ALIVE, He is the LIVING GOD but He is inviting you to become part of His Kingdom, you need JESUS not people. Don’t look for the fellowship of people, don’t look for the wisdom of men, men will perish and men who walk after men will also perish. You need Jesus. JESUS is ALIVE dear friend, don’t go after the writings of people, don’t go after the doctrines of people, the wisdoms of people. FOLLOW JESUS. Get on your knees and PRAY and He will guide you. He is ALIVE dear friend and He is calling you into a RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM, but you must FOLLOW JESUS not a man.
May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

The reason that people live in fear is because they are not in right standing with God and they are not obedient to Jesus Christ. I read the words of the apostle John in 1 John 4:16 (NAS)
“God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. 17By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment; because as He is, so also are we in this world. 18There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. 19We love, because He first loved us. 20If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.21And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves God should love his brother also.”
Dear friends, we demonstrate that we love God when we OBEY Him and that is why Jesus said, I read His words in John 14:15.
“If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.”
If you love Jesus, you will OBEY Him and then there is no reason for fear, not now and not in the judgment day, because if we obey Jesus, if we do what is pleasing to Him, then we have confidence to come to Him and to pray, whatever our problem is. We can come to Him and we can pray BUT IF WE ARE IN DISOBEDIENCE THEN WE ARE SEPARATED FROM GOD. If we are living in sin, we have got reason to fear! But if we truly love Jesus, we REPENT of sin, we turn away from sin and we obey Jesus, we seek Him with all our heart and then He promises us that He will draw closer to us. We read in John 14:21. (NAS)
"He who has My commandments and KEEPS THEM them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him."
“I will reveal Myself to Him” If we have the words of Jesus, His commandments, and we obey them, then we demonstrate we love Him and then Him and His Father will come and live with us and He will reveal Himself to us. He will give us His Holy Spirit and He will guide us by His Spirit. We come into close communion with Him, we walk with God and then we have got no fear, because we are in a close relationship with the God of the universe.
Dear friend, do you have fear or are you close to Jesus? Is your relationship with Him close? Are you obeying Him? Because if you always do what is pleasing to Him, then you have no reason to fear. When we obey Jesus, our love has become perfect and then that perfect love drives out all fear.
Has your love for Jesus become perfect? Are you living in UTTER obedience to Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Not a Spirit of Fear

The Holy Spirit of God is not a Spirit of fear, it is the Spirit of Peace and of Comfort, but the Holy Spirit will not Comfort us when we are in sin. The fear comes when we are outside the will of God, because then the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgment. If we obey and turn away from sin then He gives us peace that passes all understanding, because then we know that we are in the will of God. If we stay in the will of God, we constantly have that peace that the Holy Spirit gives. If we sin, the peace goes away because then we are in darkness, then we have turned our back on God. Dear friend, if we do not follow Jesus and we refuse to obey the Holy Spirit, who is convicting us, drawing us unto Christ then we have reason to fear, because then the Holy Spirit reminds us that we are off the track, we are heading for disaster, we are on our way to hell. Come back to the Holy Spirit, obey Him, repent of sin, turn away from evil and seek Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will comfort you.
May Jesus bless you.

Constant Confirmation

If you go on your knees and cry out to Jesus, repent of your sin and ask Him to forgive you,then you will connect with Him and He will give you a joy and a peace like you have never experienced in your whole life, because you have connected with the LIVING GOD, with JESUS CHRIST! YOU HAVE RECEIVED CONFIRMATION that He is alive
that He has accepted you and that He loves you.
The only problem is that the majority of believers are satisfied with ONE experience with meeting up with Jesus once only and then they believe they are saved.
Dear friend, we only remain SAFE and SAVED as long as WE STAY WITH JESUS!
That is only the beginning when you meet Jesus for the first time, but you need to STAY with Him, you need to have CONSTANT confirmation that He is pleased with you.
You need to keep on praying all the time and even more than that, Jesus promised His Holy Spirit to those who obey Him.
You must keep on seeking Jesus until He fills you with the Holy Spirit that He promised to those who obey Him. He will FILL YOU UP!
He promised, He said it will become in you like a well of living water that springs up into eternal life! That is what He promised. You cannot follow Jesus if you are not constantly connected to Him if you are not constantly focused on Him and constantly receiving confirmation that He is pleased with you.
The Holy Spirit that He will put in you will convict you if you do wrong will guide you into His ways will teach you but you need to stay with Him,you need to seek that confirmation from Jesus all the time. Many people get reading the Bible, they become religious. Go read the words of Jesus in the Bible. The Holy Spirit will make them come alive for you. But you must OBEY those words and the Holy Spirit in you will remind you of those words but you need to seek the confirmation of the Holy Spirit all the time. If you are not receiving guidance from Jesus Himself you are not following Him, friend.
If you have not received the Holy Spirit you do not belong to Jesus Christ!
Then you have deserted Him, you are not following Him!
YOU need to seek that confirmation ALL THE TIME!
We do that in prayer, constantly in prayer and that is why He gives us the Holy Spirit, if we SEEK HIM, and the Holy Spirit will guide us.
Many people have received the Holy Spirit just like on the day of Pentecost, they spoke in tongues and they do periodically still speak in tongues but they are NOT LISTENING they are not following Jesus!
They have received the connection but they are not using it they are not staying focused on Jesus. They are not seeking that constant confirmation that Jesus is pleased with them and they are lost. They are in darkness. Dear friend, one confirmation, is not good enough, Jesus might have been pleased with you yesterday, but what about today? You could have gone astray! You need to seek that confirmation all the time and DON”T listen to people! Don't let anybody tell you a story! Go on your knees. Cry out to Jesus! Say:”LORD! Speak to me please!” and cry out! Until you receive confirmation! Let the Holy Spirit guide you, friend. LISTEN and OBEY, stay focused on Him and seek that constant confirmation all the time! If you sin, He will warn you. If you keep on sinning, He will also ignore you! That is LETHAL! Keep on seeking the Holy Spirit of God! Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, He might leave you and then you are in total darkness! The Holy Spirit is the only One who can guide you into the perfect will of God and constantly confirm to you, whether you are still, in the will of God! Seek Him with all your heart, dear friend and NEVER reject Him. SEEK THE HOLY SPIRIT CONFIRMATION ALL THE TIME,CONSTANTLY!
May Jesus bless you

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Holy Spirit Confirmation

Modern Christianity is largely based
on application of the Bible
Interpretation of the Scriptures
The authority of those that preach
is their knowledge of the Bible
and not Jesus Christ
because the majority of them
do not know Jesus
They have a religion
without Jesus Christ
They don't even KNOW that Jesus
is not part of their religion
because they've got a Bible
They are not trusting
in the Holy Spirit,
they don't need the Holy Spirit
They can carry on their religion
without the Holy Spirit
because you won't even see
that the Holy Spirit is not there.
They've got the Book
That is a dead religion friends
that is a theoretical religion
The result of that religion is
that many well meaning pious Christians
will stand before Jesus Christ one day
and He will say to them:
Go away from Me, I never knew you,
you workers of iniquity,
your workers of unrighteousness
They will say:”Lord but we read the Bible,
we preached the Bible
we read Your Words and
we told the people
about Your Words and
Jesus will say to them
“I never knew you”
because they never knew Him,
they never listened to Him
They were not tuned in to Him
Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit
to guide us into all truth
He did not send us books
Our authority is not Books
Our authority is
the Holy Spirit of God
It was not some book,
that gave Peter the authority
when Ananias and Sapphira
lied to the Holy Spirit
and the judgment of God
on those two people
that lied to the Spirit
that confirmed Peter
It was not application
of the Scriptures

by which Peter said to the lame man:
”Silver and gold have I none
but what I do have I give to you.
In the name of Jesus Christ,
stand up and walk.”
It was the indwelling power
of the Holy Spirit
There is no way that you can be justified
through your interpretation of Scripture
by reading the Scripture
and evaluating yourself
according to the Scripture
because many people
justify themselves by quoting Scriptures
There is One who Justifies
and that is the Holy Spirit of God
There is One who convicts of sin
and righteousness and judgment
and that is the HOLY SPIRIT
There is only One who can confirm to you
whether He is satisfied with you
and that is the Holy Spirit of God
Am I saying that the Scriptures are not good?
No I am not saying that
What I am saying dear friend
You cannot have salvation
You cannot be justified
You need the confirmation
of the Holy Spirit
The only way that you can
know how you stand with Jesus
is through confirmation of His Spirit
That is why He sent the Spirit
to guide us into ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS
He didn't say: "Go evaluate the Scriptures
and then justify yourself against that"
Then you just become another scribe and a pharisee
with a religion that is devoid of Jesus Christ
You need the Holy Spirit dear friend
You need to get down on your knees
and cry out to Jesus
and say:"Lord, show me, show me whether
You are pleased with me
Lord confirm to me, I do not
want to hear from anybody else
I want to hear from Thee
because Lord, You are my GOD
I am not trusting in myself
I am not trusting in other people
but I am trusting in You Lord Jesus
because I follow You Lord
I want to know You more Lord
I want to know Your voice
I want to follow You every day of my life!"
Many Christians don't spend
half an hour with Jesus in a day
They don't need Him, they got a Bible
and they think they don't need Jesus
Dear friend, He will say to you one day:
“Go away I never knew you”
because you didn't get confirmation from Him
You didn't seek Him until you found Him
You got to cry out to Him with all your heart
you got to LABOR IN PRAYER, say:" Lord, I need You"
Lord confirm to me
search me, see if there is anything in me that is wrong
and please Lord show me, so that I can correct it,
so that I can be pleasing in Thy sight
The Book can not take the place of
the Holy Spirit of God dear friend
You will not find the Way without the Holy Spirit of God
Jesus Christ is the Way and the Truth and the Life
and He sent you the Holy Spirit
to GUIDE you
If you do not LISTEN
you will not live
You need to go on your knees and seek Jesus
with all your heart until you find Him
Until He is REAL to you
and until He confirms to you
that He is satisfied with you
Don't trust another man
Don't trust your insight of the Scriptures
Get to KNOW JESUS my friend
before He one day says to you also:
“Go away I never knew you
You never counseled Me
You never spoke to Me
You had no relationship with Me”
Get your confirmation from
the Holy Spirit, dear friend

May Jesus bless you.

Salvation depends on Jesus knowing you.

Many people are under the false impression that salvation is just believing in Jesus and then you will be saved. In the judgment day Jesus will say to many staunch believers:"Go away, I never knew you!" Why will this happen?

One night I had a revelation from Jesus, that opened my eyes and changed the way that I handled my relationship with Jesus. I learned that I never had a real relationship with Jesus even though I was a serious believer, baptized in water and baptized in the Holy Spirit. I was not just a religious church goer but to my mind a serious Christian.

I had a dream of a colleague of mine that had passed away. In this dream this man came to the gates of heaven and called out:"Lord Jesus, I am here!" A voice said:"Who are you?" My friend replied, calling out his name. The voice from inside said:"Go away I do not know you."

At that point I woke up in a cold sweat. I realized that this was a a message from Jesus. I was reminded of the words of Jesus:"Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’" Matthew 7:22,23. I asked myself the question: What will Jesus say to me? Would Jesus know me?

I remembered the scripture where Jesus said:"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me;" John 10:27. I could not honestly say that I knew His voice and did follow Him.

Immediately I got on my knees and cried out to Jesus. I said:"Lord, I want to know Your voice, I want to hear You. I want to know that YOU KNOW ME and that You are pleased with me."

I started seeking Jesus more and more in prayer. I started to constantly focus on Jesus during my day and maintained an awareness of Jesus. He revealed Himself to me more and more, as He promised He would. Jesus said:“He who has My commandments (His words) and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.” John 14:22. If we obey the words of Jesus, as written in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Jesus will reveal Himself to us, He will speak to us.

Seek Jesus dear friend, get on your knees and call out to Him with all your heart and He will reveal Himself to you. Do not wait until it is too late and then have to hear those terrible words: Go away from Me, I never knew you.

May Jesus bless you

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Are you REALLY Born Again?

Many people say that they are born again,
they are born of God,
they have become children of God
The only problem is
that it cannot be seen in their lives
If we are truly born again
we will be like Jesus
We will not be pursuing our own career
our own life
we will be pursuing the Kingdom of God
we will not be doing what we want to do
we will be seeking the Kingdom of God
and His righteousness
Jesus said:” I came to do the will of My Father”
If we are born again
Then we are not doing what
we want to do anymore
We are led by the Spirit of God
like Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit
that He received after
He was baptized in water
He did nothing on His own initiative,
but He was led by the Spirit of God,
He did what the Father told Him to do.
If we are truly born again
We will walk like Jesus walked
We will talk like Jesus talked
We will not be seeking our own benefit,
our own endeavors, our own life
we will have denied ourselves
we will pick up our cross daily
and follow Jesus
be led by the Holy Spirit
The Words of Jesus will be
demonstrated in and through us
The world, will see Jesus in us
We will not be conformed to this world
Because we have been
born into the Kingdom of God
We are born again
There is no likeness between the world
and a son of God
If we are born again
we will be like Jesus.
Dear friend, you say that you are born again.
Are you like Jesus?
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Have you Received the Comforter, The Holy Spirit?

The disciples of Jesus lived with Him
for three and half years
they were with Him all the time.
They walked with Him,
He taught them,
He guided them,
He looked after them
like a shepherd his sheep.
And when Jesus told them
that He would be leaving them
they were saddened
but He said to them that
it is good that He goes away
because if He does not go away
the Comforter cannot come.
He promised them the Comforter
that will be with them for ever.
Dear friends, that Comforter is the Holy Spirit
which He promised to those who obey Him.
I read about it in John 14:16
“I will ask the Father, and He will give you
another Helper, that He may be with you forever;
that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive,
because it does not behold Him or know Him,
 but you know Him because He abides with you
and will be in you.
18“I will not leave you as orphans;
I will come to you.
19“After a little while the world will
behold Me no more,
but you will behold(see) Me;
because I live, you will live also.
20“In that day you shall know that
I am in My Father,
and you in Me, and I in you.”
The Holy Spirit that He promised
and that came on the day of Pentecost
Jesus promised,
I go further verse John 14:26
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in My name,
He will teach you all things,
and bring to your remembrance
all that I said to you”
That is the Holy Spirit that He promised
to you and to me also.
I read from John 15:26
“When the Helper comes,
whom I will send to you from the Father,
that is the Spirit of truth
who proceeds from the Father,
He will bear witness of Me,”
I go on I read from John 16:13
“But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes,
He will guide you into all the truth;
for He will not speak on His own initiative,
but whatever He hears,
He will speak;
and He will disclose to you
what is to come.
14“He shall glorify Me,
for He shall take of Mine
and shall disclose it to you.
15“All things that the Father has are Mine;
therefore I said that He takes of Mine
and will disclose it to you.”
Dear friends, after Jesus was crucified
and resurrected
and before He ascended to heaven
we read in Acts 1
He commanded the disciples
to go to Jerusalem and wait
Acts 1:4
“and gathering together
He commanded them
not to leave Jerusalem
but to wait for what the Father
had promised, which He had said
you heard of from Me”
That was the Holy Spirit
verse 8 He says:
”But you shall receive POWER
when the Holy Spirit has
come upon you
and you shall be my witnesses”
Dear friends, than happened on
the day of Pentecost
and we read in Acts 2:38
that the people wondered
what was happening
to these people
who had just received
the gift of the Holy Spirit.
I read Acts 2:38
“Peter said to them,
“Repent, and each of you
be baptized in the name
of Jesus Christ for the
forgiveness of your sins;
and you shall receive the gift
of the Holy Spirit. 
39“For the promise
is for you and your children
and for all who are far off,
as many as the Lord our God
shall call to Himself.”
Dear friends, Jesus Christ
promised the Holy Spirit
to His disciples
and to all of those
who would believe in Him
to all of those who would
be drawn to Him
an those are us.
Every believer,
He promised us the Comforter
the Helper, that would be with us
for ever
who would guide us into all truth,
a constant Companion
living in you
the voice of the Holy Spirit
in you,
constantly guiding us
step by step.
Jesus wants to live in you
by His Spirit
and guide you
step by step
He did not promise us a Bible
He promised us the Comforter.
We are thankful for the Bible
because it tells us
about the Comforter
but we need to receive
the Comforter from
Jesus Christ Himself.
That is the testimony
that we have, and if we
believe the testimony that is
written in the scriptures
then we embrace Jesus
and we say: “Lord,
give me Your Spirit”
“Send me Your Comforter
to be with me,
to guide me
every step of the way,
as You have promised.”
Dear friend, have you
received the Comforter?
Have you received the Holy Spirit,
living in you, guiding you
every step of the way?
Are you LISTENING to the voice
of the Holy Spirit?
Are you led by the Spirit?
Are you constantly tuned in
to the Holy Spirit, living in you?
It is impossible to know Jesus
without the Holy Spirit,
because the Holy Spirit
will reveal Christ to us.
It is impossible
to be pleasing to Jesus
without the Holy Spirit,
because the Holy Spirit
will guide us into all truth,
will confirm to us
whether Jesus is
pleased with us;
will guide us into fruitfulness.
We need the Comforter,
the wonderful Comforter
that Jesus has sent,
His precious Holy Spirit.
We cannot do without the Holy Spirit.
He will teach us all things
Have you received the Holy Spirit?
Jesus promised Him
for YOU and for me,
to be with us for ever.
May Jesus bless you.

Words from Jesus

We as followers of Jesus Christ
are the light of the world
and we must shine in this darkness
we must shine Christ.
If we speak from ourselves
our own words
then we are speaking from the flesh
and that which is from the flesh
We need to speak the words of Jesus Christ
as Paul wrote
“When you speak, let it be as
words from God.”
Dear friends, the only way
that we can speak the words FROM GOD
is if we have received
not when we speak from out mind
We can only receive words from Jesus
if we are listening
if we have the Holy Spirit
of Christ in us
and we are actively LISTENING
then He will put the words in our mouth
in our mind,
the words of life.
The words of Jesus are life,
the words that He gives to us
when we live in close relationship with Him.
Then we are the light of the world
not when we speak from ourselves.
We have got to be tuned in to the Holy Spirit
we have got to ask wisdom
from the Lord Jesus
Those who are led by the Spirit of God
they are the sons of God,
their light shines in this dark world
and brings light in this darkness,
brings light to those who are living in darkness.
Dear friend, do you speak the words of Jesus?
Do you hear from Him?
Do you get from Him to pass on to others?
Jesus said to Peter:
”Feed My sheep”
Are you receiving in order that you can feed others?
Are the words that come from your mouth
words from Jesus?
Are they words of life,
that bring others hope,
bring them closer into the Light of Christ?
Are you walking in the Light
so that you can shine the light of Christ?
Are your words the words of Jesus?
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Some are fake - Word from Holy Spirit 11/11/11

I received this Word from the Holy Spirit 11/11/2011
There are some that just run along,
they are not truly Mine.
They are tares.
As soon as tribulation comes
they will fall away.
Some will turn on you,
trust no man.
Some will be purified.
I will shake the tree
and many will fall off
like rotten fruit.
They are fleshly man pleasers
and manipulators.
In the heat of the fire
they will flee.
Those who endure until the end
will be saved.
Through trials and tribulation
I will refine My instruments,
those who love Me
and wait on My Words.
May Jesus bless you.

Let them seek Me - Word from Holy Spirit 11/10/11

I received this Word from the Holy Spirit November 10, 2011.
“My eye sees everything
I know the hearts of men.
Nothing is hidden from Me
Even before they are born
I know there inner being.
They are born into this world for a purpose
By My power
I have made everything,
Even evil for the day of destruction.
The ignorant will keep on rejecting Me
They thrive on their own deception.
The wise seek Me and find Me,
They are taught by Me.
I extend My hand to those who seek Me,
Who humble themselves before Me,
And cry out to Me
I exalt those who humble themselves before Me.
I give understanding to the simple minded.
I am faithful to those who seek Me.
Do not seek the approval and acceptance of man,
Respect no man or their opinions.
Treat them with love like a brother
Men seek knowledge,
Do not open the door to others,
Send them to Me.
He who seeks Me
Will find life
Let them seek Me
May Jesus bless you.

Why YOU cannot stop sinning

The whole world is under the power of darkness
in the clutches of the evil one, the devil
and people are not doing what they want to do
they are doing what they are compelled to do
by evil forces that are controlling them.
and if we sin we must die.
Dear friend, there is only one way to get free
and that is, if Jesus Christ sets you free
You can only be set free
by the blood of the Lamb
by the blood of Jesus Christ
by the power of Jesus
IF you call on Him
and you ask Him to deliver you
There is only one way
and that is: submit yourself to Jesus
ask Him to be your King and your Lord
and to set you free
REPENT of your sin
turn away from your sin
and accept Jesus as Lord
and He will set you free!
And you will be free indeed
He will set you free from ALL BONDAGE
you will be a free man, free woman
you can walk away free
and you will be able
to do the will of God.
You will be delivered of addictions
of sin, of the grips of satan
the things with which He has bound you
Jesus will set you free from sickness also
but you must call on Him dear friend
Go on your knees,
cry out to Jesus
for mercy,
He is the only one who can help you
cry out, ask Him to forgive your sins
ask Him to set you free
from your bondage of sin
and then you OBEY Him
He will put His Spirit in your heart
to be with you
to guide you
to help you, but you must LISTEN
He won't force you
you must listen
to that soft voice inside of you
who will guide you into righteousness
He will give you eternal life
but you MUST OBEY Him
Be baptized in water
in obedience to Jesus
and then obey Him
LISTEN to that soft voice inside
and DON'T allow the devil a foothold again
because if you allow the devil in
He will take grip of you
He will get a foothold
and then you cannot do
what you want to do any more
then you are in bondage of sin again.
Turn away from sin
turn away from the things of the world
and focus on Jesus
Focus on that soft voice of the Holy Spirit
that He puts inside of you
and He will set you free
If you fall,
if you accidentally sin,
Call on Jesus!
Go on your knees, cry out to Him
with all your heart
say: Lord, forgive me please!
and He will
as Him and He will set you free
My friend, it doesn't matter what bondage
you have got in your life
to be a child of God.
A child of God is free
Do you want to be free?
Do you want to be a child of God?
Do you want eternal life?
Do you want victory over sin?
Then: Go on your knees
submit yourself to Jesus
cry out to Him
and He will set you free
Dear friend, you cannot do it on your own!
Cry to Jesus, submit to Him
and He will set you free!
Stay with Him
and you will stay free
If you take your eyes off Jesus
the devil will get you
and you will end up in hell!
Call on Jesus
stay with Him always
and He will set you free, dear friend
and He will give you eternal life!
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I want to pass on to you a serious warning
that I received from the Lord Jesus
I had a vision of a long line of people.
The people at the back of this line
were dead.
And as you go further to the front
they were vomiting blood
At the beginning of the line
these people were being fed poison
and there were some others
who were waiting
to receive this poison.
The poison that they were being fed
I prayed about this
and the Holy Spirit said to me
that the letter is dead
but the Spirit gives life.
New believers are being fed the letter
They are being taught the scriptures
but they do not have the Holy Spirit.
They need the Holy Spirit
because the Holy Spirit is LIFE
not the dead letter of the word.
Before Jesus ascended to heaven
He told His disciples to
go to Jerusalem and wait,
for the Holy Spirit
which was poured out
on the day of Pentecost.
And all believers received the Holy Spirit
AFTER they had repented
and were baptized in water
they received the gift of the Holy Spirit
from Jesus Himself
because He baptizes in the Holy Spirit,
and then they were led by the Holy Spirit
and they walked in the POWER
of the Holy Spirit.
They were ALIVE
they did not die
of teachings and studies, scripture studies
there were none!
That came afterwards.
Dear friends, the Holy Spirit is promised
to ALL THOSE who believe
because Jesus sent us a TEACHER
THE HOLY SPIRIT that will teach us
and will guide us
into all truth!
New believers NEED the Holy Spirit!
If you don't have the Holy Spirit
you are spiritually DEAD,
even you have got a Bible
You are being fed with DEATH, dear friend.
If you don't PRAY
and WAIT on the Lord
and receive the Holy Spirit
and if that stream of living water
does not flow through you daily,
if you do not receive a WORD from the Holy Spirit
every day, then you spiritually die
because man will not live from bread alone
but from every WORD
that proceeds from the MOUTH of God.
He says: They will all be TAUGHT BY GOD
The only way that you can be TAUGHT BY GOD
is if you have received the Holy Spirit
and you are CONNECTED with Jesus Christ
through the Holy Spirit.
Have YOU received the Holy Spirit of God?
Are you CONNECTED to Jesus Christ
or are you feeding on poison every day?
You need the Holy Spirit, dear friend
or else you will DIE!
It is poison dear friend,
you need the fresh WATER the fresh BREAD
of the Holy Spirit every day
you need to be fed from the throne of God
by Jesus Christ Himself.
Have YOU received the Holy Spirit?
Did you REPENT of sin?
Did you invite Jesus into your life?
Did you obey Him and were
baptized in water?
And did you receive the Holy Spirit?
If you have not
you are not spiritually alive, dear friend
The promise is to you
and to EVERYBODY whom the Lord
our God would call to Him.
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


The root of all evil and the cause of sin
is selfishness.
It is because people want to satisfy and gratify themselves.
For that reason they don't care about others.
They don't care what they have to do
to get what they want
to gratify themselves.
They steal, lie, cheat, murder, divorce, destroy other people
just to gratify the lusts of their flesh.
Dear friends, that is why Jesus said that:
“He who wishes to preserve his life will lose it
but he who loses his life for My sake, will find it”
We need to repent of selfishness
of self gratification
of wanting to have MY LIFE
and SUBMIT that to Jesus Christ.
Because He gave up everything
for you and me
He gave up His life
so that we can have eternal life
IF we in turn
give up our selves, our rights to our selves
and live our lives to please Him.
Selfishness is the cause of broken marriages
of people stealing, murdering others
it is because THEY want to be gratified.
They want THEIR LIFE,
they want things THEIR WAY!
They rebel against God
they don't care for others
they have got no love for anybody
but themselves.
We have got to repent of SELF
That is the root of sin
that is the root of rebellion against God.
If we want to enter the Kingdom of heaven
we must live to please Jesus
We must love our neighbor
not destroy and exploit them
but love them as Jesus also LOVES US
We need to repent, friends
and the love of Christ must live in us.
Its only possible to please God
if we repent and turn away
totally from ourselves
and our selfish desires
and seek the will of God.
Seek to please Jesus.
Obey Him every day of our lives,
do what He commanded
then we will have LIFE,
here and for eternity!
The root of all evil is SELFISHNESS.
Let us focus on Jesus
and repent of ourselves.
Let us obey Him
seek to please Him,
and He will give us LIFE ABUNDANTLY
May Jesus bless you.

Sober up

Many people are so intoxicated,
so numbed,
so drunk, so brainwashed
that they cannot see reality,
they cannot see the truth
they have numbed themselves,
they have intoxicated themselves,
many people are so drunk
under the influence of prescription drugs
because they cannot face the world around them,
they cannot face reality
And therefore, my friend
they cannot face God
The only way that you deal with the real problem and
the only way that you can deal with anything
Is you FACE it, you face the reality
And the first thing we’ve got to face is Jesus Christ
Because Jesus will fix everything my friend
but we got to SOBER UP
It’s no good taking medication
to take away your problems
It maybe kills the symptom but it does not take away the cause
And you are never going to deal with the problem
There are many people on their way to HELL
But they are numbing the symptom
they are not getting to the course
they are not taking the SIN out of their lives
and because of everything falling to pieces around them
they are psychologically in pieces, they are broken
but now they are on medication
they getting all sozzled up with booze
or they go to some psychologist
they go for a brainwashing session
or they go to a good pastor
who can brainwashed them,
tell them, o my brother, don’t worry
you know, God loves you so much
you shouldn’t worry, you shouldn’t worry
just praise Jesus but in your heart you know
that you are not right with God my friend
We got to sober up
We got to face reality
We come to Jesus with all our heart with all our mind
And say:” Lord, I want to follow You in truth
I want to walk in truth with You”
We got to sober up my friends
And we’ve got to come to Jesus as we are
And face ourselves and face God
Say “Lord show me what I looked like
Lord give me a peak of how You see me”
And then we can face that reality
If it is SIN you got rid of do it my friend
Whatever it is, get rid of it, fix it up
But become sober
Let the Holy Spirit of God
Speak into your heart
And LISTEN, OBEY, if you don’t obey
You don’t get rid of the course of the problem
My friends, the wages of sin is death
Our separation from God is caused by SIN
Once we have removed sin
We’ve got confidence to go to God and we can pray
and we can say “Lord
As far as I know there is nothing between me and You Lord Jesus
please help me” and then He will answer you my friend
and then you can go to Him with TRUST
but if you WILFULLY hang on to SIN
how can you pray, how can you go to God
then you got to NUMB yourself
get yourself drunk out of your mind
until you pass out and stay drunk until you die
and then you wake up in HELL
and that is not where we want to go my friends
we’ve got to SOBER UP
and seek reality, seek Christ, say “Lord fix me up”
He is waiting for us my friend
But if we don’t get honest
If we don’t sober up
We will never face the truth
and will never deal with it
The only way to deal with it
Is take it to Jesus
Go to Jesus as you are
Say “Lord, I am a sinner, have mercy on me, please help me
Lord I want to get rid of everything and anything
That separates me from You”
Let’s sober up my friends because before it is too late
Because there will come a day
when it’s too late, when the door is closed
and opportunity is gone
Now is the time of opportunity
Go to Jesus now repent of your sins
Get rid of your crutches
Get rid of those things that intoxicate you
That numb you down that you don’t face and deal with reality
Take it all to Jesus and He will help you to deal with it my friend
He will help you to overcome
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Stop the Rot

Society is rotting away because there is no more salt.
As children of God, we are the salt of the earth
And if we lose our saltiness
Then we are good for nothing
We are like salt that has lost its saltiness
It’s just good to be thrown out on the road and trodden on
good for nothing
It is like the branch of a tree that does not bear fruit
It gets cut off
Dear friends, we are the light of the world
If the light of Christ does not shine through us
then it is all darkness
We must bring light wherever we go
because Jesus in us must shine through
Christians are passive
They think that they will be saved by just believing in Jesus
Dear friend, we’ve got to shine the light of Christ
We’ve got to stop the rot
We ourselves must purify our self
Cleanse ourselves of all unrighteousness, all wickedness
And Jesus Christ must shine through us
So that we can stop the rot
or else we are part of the rot
We must not be passive
Christians are so passive in their faith
So passive in their service to Jesus
So passive in their prayer life
When you go and pray
don’t just pray from your mind
But wait on the Holy Spirit and He will speak to you
Take a note book , a journal
and write down what the Holy Spirit puts into your heart
write it down, don’t be passive
He will speak to you
He will guide you
And If you sit there and you listen and you write it down
He will give you to write down
If you ask Him to guide you into fruitfulness
He will put it into your mind
He will give thoughts
He will put the mind of Christ into you
And then you can go out
And DO, be fruitful
Christians are so easily stopped
They start testifying and then people get offended
I don’t care to offend the world
Darkness is offended by light
darkness is driven out by light
The light in us must drive out the darkness
The salt in us must preserve
We must not be easily put off, stopped
Do not let one person who is complaining, put you off
from talking, from testifying for Jesus
We are so easily stopped in our tracks
because somebody was offended, they did not like what we were saying
of course the devil would not like it
But we are the light of the world
And the darkness must not overcome the light in us dear friends
or else the light in us is darkness
Is your light easily quenched
or do you keep on testifying?
Are you motivated, shine for Jesus
Are you the salt of the earth?
That is what He requires of us
Are you fruitful?
Are you making a difference for the Kingdom of God?
Or are you fruitless,
are you salt, that has lost its saltiness
Dear friend, we’ve got to shine our light
So that we drive out the darkness
Darkness is the absents of light
If you are in darkness
And if there is darkness around you,
then it is because there is no light in you
The light of Christ must shine through us
We must STOP the ROT
If Jesus lives in us
May Jesus bless you

Being led by the Holy Spirit

Transcript to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3Sr1kfvXxU
A follower of Jesus is led by the Holy Spirit
He is driven by a desire to please Jesus
Because Jesus Christ Himself, is His reality
Since that day that he met Jesus,
he has just got one desire
And that is to be PLEASING to his Master
Dear friend, if you do not have a desire to please Jesus
then you have either lost your first love
or you have never met Him
If Jesus is not a REALITY for you
then it is time to get to know Him
because if your very action is not directed at pleasing Jesus
then your faith is in vain
Jesus guides us by His Holy Spirit,
Every action
Every decision we take
Must be in obeyance to Jesus Christ.
We must ask Him for His guidance in everything
And He will put it in our hearts immediately
He will give us that guidance
Whatever you want to do you must ask Him,
you must pray and say:"Lord,
What do You want me to do today,
how can I be pleasing to You?
That is what it is about
It is about being pleasing to Jesus
If you want to be pleasing to Jesus
You will read His Words as written in the Gospels
You will want to know everything about Him
That is why you will read the Gospels
To read what He said
And to DO IT
Because then you know that you are pleasing to Him
You will believe those Words where He said
I do not leave you as orphans but I send you My Spirit
To Comfort you, to guide you into all truth,
to tell you things to come
You will be excited about it
You will be praying say:"Lord fulfill that promise to me, please
Speak to me, guide me, tell me what is to come
Lord Jesus, tell me that is there in my life
That is not pleasing to Thee
Lord guide me into fruitfulness!
Lord Jesus please teach me!
Lord I want to be pleasing to Thee"
Dear friend, if that is not your desire
Then you are not a Christian
You are not a follower of Jesus
If you are stuck in the Bible all day
Then the Bible is your objective
If you are busy with church
Then church is your objective
If you are sitting in front of the TV
And you love the things of the world
Then you don’t love Jesus.
You are not seeking to please Him
If you truly love Jesus, dear friend
You will be praying
Your mind will be on Him all day
And He will guide you
You will be guided by His Spirit
You will be yearning for more of Him
If you seek Him you will find Him
If you draw closer to Him
He will draw closer to you!
Are you seeking Jesus?
Are you following Him?
Are you led by His Spirit?
Do you truly love Him?
Are you really a Christian,
are you really a follower of Jesus Christ?
Get to know Him, dear friend
and He will guide you by His Spirit
Every step of the way.
He will TEACH you all things
Because He loves you and He cares for you
Get to know Jesus today
May Jesus bless you

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Holy Spirit - The Engagement Ring

Salvation is a relationship of the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ with the Bride to be,
the Bride of Christ
those who believe in Him and who have accepted Him as their Lord and Master.
They are saved in the hope of one day being united with Him
and being with Him, for ever.
Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to those who have accepted Him.
The Holy Spirit is the engagement ring
it is the token that Jesus gives to those whom He has accepted.
Jesus commanded that we repent of sin, turn away form sin and from serving ourselves,
dedicate ourselves to Him,
be baptized in water,
and then we will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit,
the engagement ring, a tangible evidence that Jesus has accepted me, the Comforter!
The Holy Spirit comes from Jesus, you cannot fake it,
He gives you a tongue, a supernatural evidence that He has accepted you!
He gives you an engagement ring and many people don't wan the engagement ring.
They don't want the evidence that Jesus promised to them, that He has accepted them.
It is not a guarantee of salvation,
it is a token, the Comforter who will be with us to guide us
and to coach us
to be the Bride of Christ IF WE ENDURE!
If we stay faithful until the very end,
until that final day of the marriage feast.
Jesus is faithful, He will never leave us, He will never forsake us,
but we need to be faithful TILL THE VERY END!
many people are not faithful.
Many have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
They have received the engagement ring
but they are unfaithful and they will not be part of the Bride of the Lamb
because they are not spotless and unblemished.
The Holy Spirit was sent to prepare us to be holy, righteous and pleasing to the Bridegroom
for the day of the marriage.
Dear friend, have you received your engagement ring?
Have you received the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised to those who obey Him and love Him?
Do you cherish your Engagement Ring?
Do you LISTEN to the Holy Spirit?
Do you follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit in order to be pleasing to the Bridegroom,
so that you can be prepared to enter into His glory when He comes?
Do you treasure the Holy Spirit?
Do you treasure that Engagement Ring or do you despise it?
Do you truly love Jesus and that which He has promised you?
Or are you rejecting it, like so many?
They don't want the Holy Spirit!
They don't want the token!
They don't want the Comforter!
They think they can make it on their own.
You won't make it dear friend.
You need the Holy Spirit to guide you, to coach you
so that you will be suitable
for the marriage feast of the Lamb.
May Jesus bless you.

Get alone with Jesus

If you want to follow Jesus, you need to get alone with Jesus often, my friend
as often as you can, you've got to make time to be alone with Jesus.
Be away from everything else, all distraction
away from the family, away from the house, away from whatever is bothering you
or that keeps you away from Jesus.
You must have a prayer closet
you must have a place where you go to be alone with Jesus
every day
during your day you have got to focus on Jesus
you have got to keep your mind on Him all day long
and you have got to focus on the Holy Spirit that He put inside of every believer
that's in your heart, He will speak to you, that soft voice
you have got to focus, you have got to LISTEN, every moment of your day,
but you have got to take time, every day and get alone with Jesus.
I am not talking time reading your Bible, or listening to videos, watching videos or reading a good book,
no, you have got to take time to be with Jesus alone, my friend
so that you can LISTEN
so that His Holy Spirit can speak to you
so that you can sit in His presence and say:
“Lord, speak to me
Lord, just put Your mind into my mind
put your Spirit into my mind
and reveal Yourself to me!
Father I need You!
I just want to be in Your presence Lord
I just want to hear Your voice!
Lord I am waiting on You.
Lord I need You!”
You have got to do that!
You have got to yearn for Jesus, like a person who is thirsty for water
You have got to yearn for Christ and say:
“Lord, teach me Your ways!
Lord come inhabit me
Lord, come guide me
See if there is something wrong in my life, that needs to be changed!
Lord speak to me, reveal Yourself to me!”
And He will come to you, my friend!
The more you do it, the more you practice yourself in seeking Christ
the closer that relationship becomes but if you don't have that, my friend
you will never know Jesus.
You've got to get alone with Jesus, my friend!
Because where you are alone with Christ, He will speak to you.
He will reveal all things to you!
He will open it up to you!
He will reveal to you things to come, He will reveal to you things about yourself.
He will tell you how He sees you!
He will put your priorities right.
But you have to spend time in the presence of the living God.
Take time out, say: “Lord, I need You. Lord speak to Me! Lord I just want to be in your presence, here”
Every day, my friend!
Jesus is God. He is God almighty and if He is your Lord
and if you want to spend eternity with Him
you have got to slip away and go and make time and say: “It is time for You,
it is time for me to be with You, Lord Jesus, you are the most important person in my life!”
My friend, if Jesus is not the LORD of your life,
do you know what the LORD is?
If He is not the most important person in your life
then He is not your Lord.
You won't enter His Kingdom!
He has got to be your Lord!
To most people they themselves are their lord, everything is about them,
their comfort,
their pleasure,
their life!
Their future!
Without Jesus, my friend, you have NO FUTURE, you are DEAD!
You are heading ONE WAY FAST,
you are heading down that road where you are just going to fall down into the pit.
Because Jesus will say to you:”I never knew you!”
You have got to take time with Him, you have got to get alone with Jesus, my friend!
Just say:”Lord teach me, show me, reveal Yourself to me.”
That is the only way you are going to get to know Him, my friend.
There is NO OTHER WAY!
He will guide you.
He will put His mind into you
He will show you things, He will send you
He will use you
He will prepare you, He will make you holy
He will teach you, HIS WAYS
He will reveal Himself to you in a mighty way,
but you have got to take time to be with Jesus ALONE!
Seek Him! Seek Him, my friend and you will find Him!
There is only ONE WAY to find Jesus and that is to be alone with Him!
Go on your knees, seek Him.
He is God almighty! He is waiting for you, and for me!
The only way to get into heaven, my friend is to know Jesus, to spend time with Him
because if you spend time with Him
you will OBEY HIM
you won't have a problem with sin or the things of this world
because if JESUS IS LORD in your life, then you will OBEY HIM,
then you will go into His Kingdom!
He is your King, He is your Lord!
If you don't have time for Him, He won't have time for you!
He will say to you:”Go away, I never knew you!”
Jesus bless you.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Holy Spirit Difference

The Holy Spirit is never neutral. The Holy Spirit of God separates the wheat from the chaff,
because it is the Spirit of God
The Holy Spirit convicts the WORLD of sin, righteousness and judgment
and that is why people are CONVICTED by the Spirit of God.
People who are sinful, people who are not right with God, are immediately
convicted by the Holy Spirit
The presence of God makes them feel uneasy
The Holy Spirit is also the Comforter
to those who love Jesus, who follow Him.
The Holy Spirit guides them, teaches them, coaches them, comforts them constantly, corrects them and they welcome and embrace the Holy Spirit
To those who love Jesus, those who are truly born again
to them the Holy Spirit of God is precious
More precious than anything else because it is the Spirit of God sent by Jesus
But there are some who are TARES who are not wheat
They hate the Holy Spirit, they reject the Holy Spirit, they DOUBT the Holy Spirit
They rather cling to their Bibles, their churches, their communities,
other people, their pastor
They don’t know Jesus
neither do they know the Holy Spirit.
They don’t want the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit CONVICTS them.
The sin in them revolts against the Holy Spirit of God.
Dear friend, do you love and embrace the Holy Spirit of God?
Do you trust the Holy Spirit above anything else?
The world cannot receive the Holy Spirit
because it does not know Jesus Christ
Do you love Jesus?
Then you will know His voice, you will listen to Him
you will embrace the Holy Spirit of God.
But if your heart is evil and wicked, if you are just religious
If you cling to your Bible more than to Jesus
to the words of other people more than to Jesus
then you will reject the Holy Spirit
because you don’t belong to Him
Those who are of Christ and in Christ are of ONE SPIRIT.
What binds them is the Holy Spirit.
They are permeated with One Spirit and that is why they LOVE each other.
Many people profess to be Christians but they HATE other Christians
They persecute them
they don’t have the Holy Spirit.
They’ve got evil spirits, their own spirits, that wage war with the Spirit of God.
They reject the Holy Spirit of God
If you truly know Jesus, you will seek all the encouragement, all the correction, all the involvement what the Holy Spirit will send you.
You will embrace it because you love Jesus and you want to be pleasing to Him at all cost.
Dear friend, do you embrace the Holy Spirit?
Do you love Jesus?
Do you trust Him above everything or does the Holy Spirit of God cause a remorse in you, does it offend you?
Because in those whom the Spirit of God dwells, in them the Holy Spirit is an aroma of life unto life but for those who perish it is the smell of death
What reaction does the Holy Spirit of God invoke with you?
Does it brings you closer to Jesus, fill you with awe and fear of Him or do you reject and hate Him?
What spirit do you have inside of you, dear friend?
If you have Jesus in you, you will love the Holy Spirit of God.
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, November 4, 2011


This morning as I was spending time with the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit spoke to me. He said to me that believers are too busy, too busy to listen to Him and that is why they perish.
He reminded me of the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah chapter 55 and I read for you from verse 1.
"Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters;
and you who have no money come, buy and eat.
Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.
Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and delight yourself in abundance.
Incline your ear and come to Me. Listen that you may live;
and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, according to the faithful mercies shown to David.
Behold, I have made him a witness to the peoples,
a leader and commander for the peoples.
Behold, you will call a nation you do not know,
And a nation which knows you not will turn to you,
Because of the LORD your God, even the Holy One of Israel; has glorified you."
Do you believe that?
Do you believe that God Almighty wants to make a covenant with you, if you just want to LISTEN TO HIM.
I read further verse 6
Seek the LORD while He may be found;
Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts;
And let him return to the LORD, and He will have compassion on him,
and to our God, For He will abundantly pardon.
For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.
For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth
and make it to bear and to sprout, and furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater;
So shall My Word be which goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire,
and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.
For you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace;
I read verse 13, He says: It will be for a memorial to the LORD, for an everlasting sign which will not be cut off."
Dear friends, our Lord and Master has destined the best for those who wait on Him,
who listen to Him but people occupy themselves with things that bring them no gain at all.
They are occupied with the television, with just talking nonsense on the cell phone,
running after things that are utterly useless, that cannot satisfy and they do not contribute to the Kingdom of God.
But the worse of all is that they don’t have time to spend with the LORD.
They don’t have time to listen,
they spend their lives wasting it on things that will bring them nothing in the end.
And here our Lord Jesus is waiting for you and for me
to come and spend time with Him.
What is more important? What are you working for?
Things that will perish, very soon those same things that you have been so worried about will be worthless,
you won’t even be interested in it and then you have wasted your time on TRASH.
Dear friend, Jesus is waiting for us to come to Him, to spend time with Him,
to listen, to listen to Him and see what He promises you.
Go read this chapter, Isaiah 55 and let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart.
May Jesus bless you.

Self Serving Christians

I received a word from the Holy Spirit that I share with you as I wrote it down:
Many don't want to hear from Me, they know they are disobedient, they are rebellious
they have a self centered, self gratifying, self justifying religion,
they are serving themselves, not the Kingdom of God,
they pick the scriptures that they like and apply them as they please to suite them,
they are in control
They have their salvation figured out but they do not realize that they are heading for destruction.
They will not humble themselves and wait on Jesus, listen, submit, obey and serve.
Their religion is based on scriptures that they employ for their benefit,
they justify themselves by their own insight and application of the Bible
Jesus called disciples, servants, not independent agents.
He called servants that will wait on Him, listen, constantly follow and obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit
He called servants with love and compassion for their fellow man, who glorify God and not themselves
It is to those that will not LISTEN, but persist in their headstrong ways that He will say: Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness.
Their selfish pride and arrogance earned them the wages of hypocrisy.
There will be whaling and gnashing of teeth.

May Jesus bless you

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The imperfections of scripture

The holy scriptures were inspired by the Holy Spirit but they were written by men like me
and like Paul, people who loved Jesus Christ and who dearly wanted to bring souls to Christ,
but they were not perfect, neither in what they spoke, neither what they thought
because man is imperfect. The only perfect person is Jesus Christ Himself.
God Himself is perfect, we are not perfect.
We are imperfect vessels.
Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13, he says that we know in part and we prophecy in part
but when that which is perfect has come then all that is temporary will be done away with,
and in scripture there is no perfection.
Perfection is in the words of Christ. The words of Jesus Christ, that is perfection.
Those are the words that are neglected and most preachers will tell you that its not practical
but those are the words by which we will be judged.
People keep themselves busy with the rest of the scriptures instead of keeping themselves busy with Jesus and His words.
I want to read for you from Hebrews 6:4. It was written by the writer of Hebrews, who was a man like me, he says “for it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers.. if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance”
With man it is impossible, yes, but with God, nothing is impossible.
Many people have read these scriptures and have given up on going back to God
but with God nothing is impossible
people are keeping themselves busy with scriptures and with teachings made by people like myself who are imperfect
and they use that as a limitation as to the grace of God.
Jesus Christ has never turned away anybody who came to Him, never once
Everybody that came to God with repentance in his heart, he accepted
And he took him back like the prodigal son
he gave as the parable of the prodigal son.
The Father said that the son of Mine who was dead has come back to life. There is joy in Heaven for one sinner that comes back
For one backslider that comes back to Jesus Christ.
It is not impossible my friends. With God all things are possible.
And I want to admonish you today, you that are backslidden,
you to whom satan has quoted these scriptures and told you God will never take you back.
Satan is a liar my friend.
Your insight in the Scriptures are imperfect.
The Bible is not the Word of God, it is the Holy Scriptures written by people like us
It is Jesus Christ who saves
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is the One whom we have to cry out and say Lord save me, Lord help me, He is the Savior
Do not let anything or anybody put you off going to Christ my friend
Do not let satan lie to you
do not let a preacher lie to you, let nothing, allow nothing to come between you and Jesus Christ
Cry out to Him, He is your destiny
Don’t give up
Cry out to God and Jesus will hear you
He will listen to you, He will pick you up. Jesus loves you my friend
His Holy Spirit is knocking on the door of your heart, He wants to come in
God has no pleasure in the death of a sinner
Jesus Christ died for sinners
Jesus is calling you and He is calling me as long as you’ve got life
And you’ve got breath in your body
You must cry out to God for mercy
That sinner hanging on the cross next to Jesus
He cried out, he said Lord think of me when You get into Your Paradise
My friend, never, never ever stop crying out to Christ
Not good people go into Heaven, people who call out to God all day and all night they are the ones that are saved
There is nobody good on this earth, none of us none of us is without failure
None of us is without a flaw but we must cry out to Christ
The condemnation is not that we are not good because we are all bad
The condemnation is that the Light has come into the world but man loved
darkness more than Light, because their deeds were evil
John 3:19 Seek Jesus with your whole heart and He will accept you my friend
He is waiting for you to come to Him. Jesus loves you
It does not matter what you’ve done
It does not matter where you are where you come from
Jesus loves you my friend
He died for you
And He is waiting for you to come to Him
To just put out your hand to Him and say Lord help me, cry out to Him
Say Lord I am a sinner help me. He will accept you
He will not chase you away. He won’t reject you
Jesus is calling you. People might reject you, the church might reject you, the community might reject you but Jesus Christ will accept you my friend. He loves you
He’s got no pleasure, no pleasure in one sinner going in to hell
It is His good will that all be saved and come to Him and be part of His Kingdom
Call out to Jesus today, don’t let anything stop you
Call out to Him today and He will accept you
Repent of your sin
Follow Jesus and He will save you my friend
And He will give you eternal life
He is waiting for you right now to come to Him
To lay down your sins and to accept Him into your life
Jesus is waiting for you
Jesus bless you.