Friday, January 4, 2013

Nobody is saved YET - FEW are being saved.

Many believers wrongly BELIEVE and CLAIM to be SAVED and they believe that they have SECURITY of SALVATION. NOBODY who is ALIVE right now has finally being saved YET. We are in the PROCESS of being saved IF we are following Jesus and doing what is pleasing to Him. We read in Luke 13:23 “And someone said to Him, Lord are there just a FEW who are BEING SAVED and He said to them: STRIVE to enter the narrow Door for MANY I tell you will SEEK TO ENTER and WILL NOT BE ABLE.”
NOBODY is finally saved YET. IF you have REPENTED and been baptized in water and you have received the Holy Spirit and you are following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, every day of your life and DOING what is pleasing to JESUS then you are in the PROCESS of being saved. But IF you DO NOT ENDURE UNTIL THE END of your life, then you WILL NOT ENTER the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. Jesus said: "Whoever puts his hand to the plow and looks back is not worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven." "The Righteous will live by faith and IF he withdraws, My soul will have no pleasure in him." We must ENDURE UNTIL the VERY END. Jesus said: "Whoever WISHES to come after Me, must deny himself, pick up his cross EVERY DAY and come here follow Me."
We have to DENY OURSELVES EVERYDAY and LISTEN to the Holy Spirit that He makes to dwell in those who have accepted Him, OBEY HIM and PLEASE HIM UNTIL the VERY END in order to have eternal life. But IF we DISOBEY HIM, IF we WITHDRAW we will be REJECTED and the DOOR will be CLOSED in our face. Only those who ENDURE UNTIL the VERY END will be SAVED.
May Jesus bless you.

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