Friday, March 29, 2013

Relationship is HARD WORK

A successful relationship requires extremely hard work and that is why most relationships fail. That is why most marriages fail, it is because the partners are not willing to work hard at that relationship.
That is also the reason why most believers will not have eternal life. They are not willing to work on their relationship with Jesus. They are not willing to go after Him. They are not willing to deny themselves, pick up their cross and follow Jesus Christ every day. Therefor they will not have eternal life.
Are you willing to put EVERYTHING into your relationship with Jesus? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself , your own will, your own pleasures, your own desires, in order to be pleasing to Jesus? If you are not willing to put everything into your relationship with Jesus Christ, you will not have eternal life.
Jesus gave everything for us and He requires of us that we put EVERYTHING into our relationship with Him. If we cannot OBEY Jesus and be pleasing to Him, we will not have eternal life.
May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Unique Wonderful Way

God made each and every one of us uniquely wonderful with a wonderful purpose, a unique purpose for each of us, in His kingdom. The only way that we can fulfill that purpose is if we are united with God our Father and if we obey Him. The only way that we can come into the presence of God and live in His kingdom is if we accept and obey Jesus and if we follow Him, if we ARE LED BY HIS SPIRIT. He gives His Spirit in those who accept Him and who OBEY Him.
If we do not follow Jesus and do not OBEY Him we are already doomed and we will perish. Jesus Christ is the only WAY, the LIFE and the TRUTH. If we want eternal life we must follow Him every day and OBEY Him. He has called each of us for a unique task, a unique purpose and He will guide us along that path, He will guide us into fulfilling that purpose but we have to follow Him. If we look back we are not worthy of Him. If we look to the sides, to other people, we will lose focus and we will not find the way, we will not fulfill that purpose. We need to stay focused on Jesus Christ Himself and be led by His Spirit. There is no road map, there is no book, there is no other plan, there is only one way and that is Jesus Christ. We need to KNOW Him, OBEY Him and FOLLOW Him every single day of our lives until the very end. If we do not follow Him we will certainly perish because JESUS ALONE IS THE WAY. Jesus alone KNOWS the WAY. Without Jesus we can do nothing. Without Jesus WE ARE LOST!
Do you know Jesus Christ? Have you received the Holy Spirit. Do you follow Jesus EVERY DAY? Jesus is calling YOU and me to follow Him so that we can have LIFE and life in abundance. Without Jesus there is no life. Are you following Jesus? Do you have LIFE?
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hand it over

Before you can follow Jesus Christ you have to make up your mind about one thing and that is about TOTALLY SUBMITTING TO JESUS, handing over all your rights and then to follow Him and do His will.
Eternal life is about KNOWING Jesus Christ and SERVING Him as LORD, doing His will, not your own. You cannot follow Jesus Christ and be pleasing to Him unless you have submitted yourself totally to Him. You cannot pray the Lords Prayer unless you have totally submitted to Him. You cannot pray:”Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done...” and if you cannot pray for God's will to be done then you cannot be a child of God, you cannot be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Jesus said:”Whoever WISHES to come after Me must deny Himself, pick up his cross daily and come here, follow Me.”
If you are not willing to submit yourself totally to Jesus and to GIVE UP ALL YOUR RIGHTS TO YOUSELF and TO OBEY HIM until the very end, then you cannot follow Jesus, you cannot be a child of God, you cannot have eternal life. Jesus gave His life for us. Unless we are willing to submit our lives totally to Him, we cannot have eternal life.
Have you submitted to Jesus? Have you made that decision? Are you willing to TOTALLY and UTTERLY OBEY His words, do what is pleasing to Him? Are you willing to live in utter obedience to the words of Jesus as they are also recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John? Are you willing to be led by the Holy Spirit, to DO what He tells you to do, to GO where He sends you? Are you willing to follow Jesus?
If you want eternal life you need to let go of it all! Hand it in! Hand it over! Give it to Jesus and follow Him and He will give you LIFE.
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Fear is a very good thing. it just depends on how we react to it. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. The fear of God makes men turn away form wickedness and it preserves their souls. Fools rush in where angels fear tread. Those who are wise FEAR GOD, they seek His ways and they OBEY Him.
One single sin can make you end up in hell. One single sin caused Adam to DIE. One single disobedience on our part, separates us from the presence of God. Jesus Christ requires of us UTTER OBEDIENCE. IF we disobey Him, that disobedience, that sin, comes between us and Him and that separates us from Him. If you die in that time that you have committed that willful sin and you have not repented, YOU WILL END UP IN HELL. Jesus Christ forgives our past sin if we REPENT of sin and we turn away from sin and we OBEY Him but if we continue willfully sinning then there is no more remedy and we are separated from Him by our own will. ONE SINGLE DISOBEDIENCE separates us form the presence of God and will cause us to end up in hell. FEAR GOD, OBEY HIM and LIVE.
People fear all kinds of things, they fear the Antichrist, they fear economic recession, they fear rejection, but they do not fear God. Jesus said:”Let Me tell you whom to fear. Do not fear him who can kill the body and afterwards he can do nothing, but fear Him whom after He has killed HAS THE POWER TO THROW INTO HELL,” that is Jesus Christ, FEAR HIM, OBEY HIM and you will LIVE. Disobey Him and you will certainly perish!
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, March 25, 2013

NOT SAVED - Sealed and Deceived

Most Christian believers believe that they are saved and sealed and on their way to Heaven but they have only become part of a form of godliness, a ritualistic religion of which Jesus Christ has no part. They have been molded into the form of a type of Christianity. They have become part of a denomination, they are either a Catholic or a Presbyterian or an Evangelical or a Baptist or a Methodist or whatever they want to call themselves. They have been formed into that MOLD but they are not disciples of Jesus Christ, neither are they born again. If you are a follower of Jesus you do not fit into a MOLD. If you are born again you are like the wind, you are unpredictable, you are led by the Holy Spirit of God. You are not in a mold. 
If you do not KNOW JESUS CHRIST for real and if you are NOT LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT then you are NOT a Child of God. You are NOT SAVED and you DO NOT HAVE any hope of SALVATION. Salvation is about KNOWING and FOLLOWING JESUS CHRIST. Jesus alone is the Way and the Truth and the Life. It is NOT a SET OF RULES, it is a RELATIONSHIP where you listen to the Holy Spirit of God that lives inside of you. You OBEY and FOLLOW HIM every day of your life. You live to please Jesus. If you are in a RELIGIOUS MOLD, a DENOMINATIONAL MOLD you are already sealed and ready for dispatch to HELL because you are unfruitful and useless for the Kingdom of God. 
You can only be fruitful and be used by Jesus Christ for His Kingdom if you follow Him every day and if you DO what He tells you to do. Is your relationship with Jesus Christ real? Do you follow Him every moment or have you been cast into a religious mold? 
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Most religious people, professing Christians, will end up in hell because they do not KNOW Jesus Christ. Religious people hold on to their belief, to their faith, their Bible, their church, their teachings but they DO NOT FOLLOW JESUS, they do not KNOW Jesus. If you know Jesus Christ then nothing else matters to you, all that matters is to be pleasing to Him all the time, to LISTEN to His voice, to PRAY, to PRAISE HIM, and to DO what is pleasing to Him. Religious people will not follow Jesus, they play religion and they feel themselves secure in their religion but they do not realize that they are POOR, NAKED, BLIND and LOST because the do not know nor follow Jesus Christ. They will perish! Are you religious or are you following Jesus Christ? Is Jesus Christ your life? May Jesus bless you.


Many believers say that they cannot pray for a long time, they don't know what to pray, they quickly run out of words. I want to teach you a life changing way of praying. When you wake up in the morning, go on your knees and start thanking Jesus Christ for everything that He has given you. Thank Him for the new day, praise Him for your health, for everything that He has given you. Count your blessings, let your mind go back on all those things that the Lord has given you and praise Jesus. You will not run out of words, you might run out of time. You might have to carry on with your daily tasks but that does not mean that you need to stop thanking and praising Jesus. Don't stop praising Him, don't stop thanking Him. Keep your focus on Him and you will see the hand of God in everything around you. You will see the hand of God moving in your life. You will see how YOU change, how things around you change because of the power of God that flows through you when you praise Jesus Christ, the Living God. If you want the power of God in your life, THANK HIM, and PRAISE HIM and NEVER STOP! May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

I thought I was saved

Like most believers out there I was deceived, I thought that I was saved. I had repented, was baptized in water, had received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, was speaking in tongues, I received many dreams and revelations from the Lord, I had many prayers answered and I was under the impression that Jesus was pleased with me, until July 28, 1998. I woke up one morning, I had a heart attack and I died and I found myself on my way to hell. I was not saved. What a shocking surprise! I pleaded with Jesus to let me come back and come and warn people that hell is real. You can watch or read my testimony on Youtube or on my website But Jesus let me come back to warn the world that nobody is saved. We only have the HOPE of salvation IF WE FOLLOW JESUS EVERY DAY, if we remain faithful to Him and if we live a life that is pleasing to Him, if we live righteously and holy and seek Him all the time. We must take the words of Jesus seriously. If we want eternal life we must deny ourselves day, pick up our cross and follow Jesus. Our life must be about Jesus not about ourselves. I was under the impression that I was safe. I did not understand how serious Jesus is about His words as also written in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Jesus is coming for a pure and holy bride that does not compromise with the world. He is coming for those who are absolutely faithful to Him. Many believers will end up in hell because they were not serious about Jesus. They did not obey His words, they became complacent. They did not have a real relationship with Him, they were not constantly praying, seeking Him, listening, obeying and following, They thought they could fit Jesus into their life. If Jesus is not YOUR LIFE you do not have eternal life. NOBODY IS SAVED YET. We must endure until the very end and very few will be saved. Jesus said we must strive HARD to ENTER THE NARROW GATE, because many will try and not be able. How hard are you trying? How serious is your relationship with Jesus? Are you obeying Him? Is your light shining in this world? Can everybody see that you are a child of God? Are you hated and persecuted for the name of Jesus? Or are you complacent? How serious are you about your relationship with Jesus? What makes you think that if you die today, you will have eternal life? Go on your knees and ask Jesus to show you whether He is pleased with you TODAY! Not yesterday, not last week, TODAY, and do that every day. Ask confirmation from Him EVERY DAY. Let Him tell you EVERY DAY whether He is pleased with you or not. Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Those who assume WILL PERISH! Do not assume. Pray, seek Jesus, ask Him to show you. Make sure every day that your relationship with Him is REAL and RIGHT and PURE, and that He is pleased with you. Trust no man, don't even trust yourself. Only trust Jesus and ASK HIM. Do not rest until He confirms to you every day that He is pleased with you. Or else, you might be terribly disappointed.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Jesus is calling you today

Jesus Christ is inviting you to follow Him, to become a child of God, to have eternal life and to spend eternity with Him in the kingdom of Heaven but there is a condition. You will need to turn away from following after your own endeavors, you will have to turn away from sin and you will have to obey the words of Jesus and YOU WILL HAVE TO OBEY HIM. If you want to live in His kingdom you have to accept Him as your Lord and ultimate Master, if you want to have eternal life and be part of His kingdom. He is not calling you to follow a church or join an organization, it is a personal invitation to you from the living God. If you want to accept the invitation, go on your knees right where you are and accept Jesus as your Lord and as your Master, commit to obey Him and to follow Him from here onwards. Ask Him to pardon your past sins and then you have to turn away from sin, you have to turn away from doing what you want to do, going after your endeavors and your own pleasures. Then you will have to serve Him as King and Master. His words are written in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Those are the words by which we must live and by which we will be judged. Those who do not live by those words will not enter the kingdom of Heaven. They are lost already. After you have repented and accepted Jesus as your Lord YOU HAVE TO BE BAPTIZED IN WATER for the washing off of your sin and then He promised to give us His Holy Spirit in us, with us to guide us and to be with us for all eternity. If we LISTEN to His Spirit and follow His Spirit every day of our lives, obey Him, UNTIL THE END of our lives, we will have eternal life. If we disobey Him we will perish. Do you want eternal life? Then you have to accept that invitation right now and you have to obey Jesus until the very end, or else you are already doomed. The choice is yours and mine whether we accept or reject the invitation. The door is still open right now. You might die today and then it is for ever too late. Don't wait too long, the door will close! May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

WARNING - Fake Gold

Gold is a very secure investment in a time of currency insecurity and therefor many people are looking to buy gold. But there is an awful lot of fake gold in market. Imagine your disappointment if you find out that the gold coin or gold bar that you bought was fake. The only way to really test whether gold is pure is to use nitric acid. If you put a drop of nitric acid on gold it does not affect it, it will attack all other metals. But it is not gold I am talking about. I am talking about fake Christians. Most Christians are fake. Imagine their disappointment when they stand before Jesus and He says to them:”Go away I never knew you.” How do you know whether a Christian is fake? How do you know whether you are a fake Christian? Only the acid test will tell. If you are being rejected by fake Christians, if you are being persecuted and if you are hated by this world and you withstand the pressure, you do not end up in psych ward and you do not give in to persecution, then you are a real Christian. If you are not persecuted, if you are not rejected by this world YOU ARE FAKE, because this world hates Jesus, it hates the truth. If you are accepted by this world then you are part of the lie and then Jesus will say to you one day:”Go away I never knew you.” Are you much loved and accepted by the world? Are you part of a famous church? Are you a “good Christian?” Or are you a real child of God that does not fit into this world? If your relationship with Jesus is right then all the forces of hell will come against you but you will overcome because you are standing on the Rock, Jesus Christ. How real is your relationship with the living God? Will it stand the ACID TEST? Will you stand in the time of testing or will you fail the ACID TEST? May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Backsliders will SUFFER

Those who once accepted Jesus and experienced His deliverance, His love, His joy and His peace and then despised His love and turned their back on Him, who backslid and like the dog went back to their own vomit THEY WILL SUFFER. Jesus accepts all those who come to Him and He is faithful but if they are unfaithful they will suffer. Jesus warned. I read from Matthew 12:43 “Now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and does not find it. “Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came’; and when it comes, it finds it unoccupied, swept, and put in order. “Then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. That is the way it will also be with this evil generation.”  Many who once knew Jesus turned their back on Him and went back into the world after the pleasures of sin and they are now demon possessed and they cannot get loose, they cannot get back to Jesus. It will not be an easy way back. Jesus will not just take you back like the first time because you despised His love. He loves you but He will allow those demons to torment you to chastise you, because YOU TURNED YOUR BACK ON HIM. If you do not show that you are serious then Jesus will not deliver you as easily again. This time around, you will battle. Those demons will torment you, YOU WILL GO THROUGH HELL because you despised the love of Jesus. Is it because He doesn't love you? No. It is because you despised Him. He wants to teach you a lesson but if you do not do your utmost best and humble yourself before Jesus, YOU WILL PERISH. This world thinks that they can just go back and say:”Lord, I am sorry, Lord I am sorry.” You are not sorry and Jesus is not a fool! He is not listening to your prayer. He has delivered you to your desires, and now you will suffer. HE DOES NOT ANSWER THE PRAYERS OF THOSE WHO ARE NOT SERIOUS. If you are not serious and you do not SHOW BY YOUR DEEDS that you are serious, if you do not resist sin to the point of rather dying YOU WILL PERISH in your sin because you have despised the love of Jesus. He loves you but you need to show that you are serious with Him by turning your back on sin, by rejecting the devil, by fighting him off. You need to show Jesus that you are really serious or else you will perish in your sin. The road back will be extremely hard. It is up to you whether you want to perish or want eternal life but this time around you will work very, very hard to get through to Jesus. Start working, my friend, He is waiting for you, but it will not be easy! Seek Him and you will find Him. May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sons of hell - preachers and churches

Most modern day preachers and teachers are sons of hell, they are not sons of God. They are known by their fruit, because if you are a son of God, a child of God, YOU LIFT UP JESUS and you take people to Jesus and you yourself are hated and despised. Modern day preachers become the rock stars, the idols of the people. They build themselves, they sell their own books, they build their own churches and their own kingdoms on earth. IF YOU DO NOT LIFT UP JESUS, YOU ARE ANTICHRIST. If you are not building the kingdom of God then you are building the kingdom of satan, and that is why MOST PREACHERS ARE SONS OF HELL. If the message that a preacher is bringing does not bring you on your knees before Jesus then that preacher is a son of hell and he is taking you to hell. Jesus spoke about them in Matthew 23:15 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you travel abound on sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he becomes one, YOU MAKE HIM TWICE AS MUCH A SON OF HELL AS YOURSELVES.” They preach the Bible and doctrines but they do not preach Jesus Christ. If you do not preach Jesus Christ you are preaching death and hell, then you yourself are a son of hell because you are taking people to hell. Jesus Christ alone is the way and the truth and the life. If a person is not taking you to Jesus Christ he is taking you to hell. Are you following Jesus Christ or are you following the SONS OF HELL? May Jesus bless you.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Enlightened Believers

Those who follow Jesus Christ are never in darkness because Jesus Himself is the Light of the world and He lights up their way. He gives His Holy Spirit to those who OBEY Him, who REPENT and are BAPTIZED IN WATER and who diligently SEEK HIM. The Holy Spirit is with them always, guiding them, teaching them, coaching them and disciplining them, confirming to them whether Jesus is still pleased with them or not. They are never in darkness. But most believers do not have the Holy Spirit. They are blind follower of people, they follow after doctrines of people, they follow after their own interpretation of the Bible, their own opinions, that is why they are in darkness. Without Jesus we can do nothing. Without the Holy Spirit we are LOST, we are without guidance. You can know the Bible and you can know other believers and have fellowship with them but if you are not led by the Holy Spirit YOU ARE IN DARKNESS and you are LOST. His sheep LISTEN to His voice and they FOLLOW Him. Those who are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God. Have you received the Holy Spirit? Are you led by the Holy Spirit? Or are you in darkness? Are you LOST? Blind faith will not get you into the kingdom of Heaven, you need to KNOW the ONE in whom you believe. You need to KNOW His voice, LISTEN to HIM and FOLLOW Him. His sheep know His voice. They will not run after strangers. Do you know HIS voice and do you follow HIM? Or do you trust in yourself, in other people? Are you led by the Holy Spirit or are you in darkness? Jesus promised His Holy Spirit to everyone who believes. If you don't have the Holy Spirit, get on your knees and cry out to Jesus, seek Him with all your heart UNTIL He gives you the Holy Spirit or else you will perish because you will not find the way. May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Calling the lost sheep

There is only one true and real good Shepherd who cares for each and every one of us, who has been with us from the beginning and that is Jesus Christ who made us. We were created by Him for Him and through Him because nothing that exists came in existence without Him. We have been aware of His presence with us since we can remember ourselves but we have all strayed like sheep, we have looked to other people and to ourselves and we have ignored His soft voice inside of us, calling us, speaking to us, coaching us. We have all run after other shepherd looked for our direction and inspiration from others but Jesus Christ is calling us to come to Him, to seek Him, to obey Him. He wrote His laws in our hearts, we know what is right and we know what is wrong, from the beginning, but we have often ignored that voice. He is real. That is the voice of God speaking inside of us and Jesus wants us to invite Him in. He wants us to turn away from wickedness, from running after our own ways and from running after other people, seeking comfort, hope and guidance from others and to come to Him because He alone is the good Shepherd. Jesus is calling you and me right now, He has never stopped. He has always been drawing us. Stop ignoring Him, open the door of your heart and invite Jesus in. Go on your knees and repent of your sin. Cry out for mercy, seek Him with all your heart and He will come in and He will give you peace and joy like you have never experienced. Seek Him with all your heart and He will reveal Himself to you and become more and more real to you every day. There is only one Good Shepherd and that is Jesus Christ. May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Self-willed people will perish in hell

The first thing that you will have to sacrifice, if you want eternal life, is your WILL. Self-willed people will not enter the kingdom of Heaven. They will NOT submit to Jesus Christ and they will not follow His guidance, they will NOT obey Him. They cannot pray the Lord's prayer and say “Thy will be done, Thy kingdom come...” If you are not willing to submit yourself totally to Jesus Christ and TRUST the guidance of the Holy Spirit and follow Him, you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven. Most people only trust in themselves, their own judgment, their own interpretation of the Bible. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding,” that is what is required from a disciple of Jesus Christ, TO BLINDLY TRUST HIM. You must know His voice, listen to Him and follow Him. If you do not know His voice, do not trust Him and do not follow Him you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven. Most believers will not follow Jesus, they believe in themselves, not in Jesus Christ, they do not trust Him and they will not follow Him. If the Holy Spirit would tell them something they subject it to their own judgment and their own interpretation and their own application of THEIR chosen version of the Bible. They themselves are God and they will not submit to the LIVING GOD, they will not submit to Jesus Christ and they will not trust Him, they will perish in the depths of hell. Are you willing to submit yourself totally to Jesus, to trust Him and to follow Him? Or are you on the way to destruction by your OWN WILL. May Jesus bless you.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Do not follow your spouse

Many believers will end up in hell because they chose to rather please their husband, their wife, their children or a friend than to obey and please Jesus. Remember Adam and Eve. Adam was seduced by Eve. Remember Samson and Delilah. Remember the words of Jesus Christ in Luke 14:26,27 “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple. “Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.” We cannot be pleasing to Jesus if we do not totally devote ourselves to Him and OBEY Him. If you want eternal life you have to TOTALLY OBEY Jesus Christ. If you allow your wife, your husband, anybody else, to come in between you and Jesus it can mean the end of your relationship with Jesus and you will perish, you will spend eternity in hell. If you want to follow Jesus you must GO where He sends you and you must DO what He tells you and not allow anything or anybody to prevent you from obeying Him. May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Why me?

If we follow Jesus Christ our life will not be easy, it will not be all plain sailing. He warned that we must go through much tribulation into the kingdom of God. There will be times that life will be difficult, that things will happen to us that we don't understand and we say:”Lord why me? Why did this happen?” But all His ways are loving kindness. He will never forsake us. He guides our footsteps, He is the good Shepherd. He will take us through dark places but He will also bring us to green pastures where we can rest. Sometimes He will suddenly, abruptly bring our life to a standstill. It might be sickness, it might be an accident, something that happened. It is the hand of God because He wants to talk to us. He wants us to understand that He is God. It is not us doing the things, it is Him. Without Him we can do nothing. The psalmist says in Psalm 46:10.“Be still, and know that I am God.” Without Jesus we can do nothing but it is sometimes important that we be quiet before Him, that we take time to LISTEN because very often we are TOO BUSY, too resourceful, too busy doing things FOR THE LORD, too busy with our own mind. Sometimes we need to be pruned. Every branch in Him that bears fruit, He prunes so that it can bear more fruit. The branch that does not bear fruit will get cut off and burned. It is in those times when the Lord stops our life that we get time to reflect, pray, and seek the Lord and once again come to the knowledge and realization that HE IS GOD! WITHOUT HIM I CAN DO NOTHING. That brings a security that God is my Father and without Him I can do nothing, but He will never leave me, He will never forsake me. He watches over me. It is important that we are cut back, CUT TO SIZE, that we can know WHO THE MASTER IS. And then after that we adore Him more. We come to understanding. The psalmist writes in Psalm119:17 "It is good for me that I was afflicted, That I may learn Thy statutes.” Psalm 119:67 "Before I was afflicted I went astray, But now I keep Thy word.” All His ways are loving kindness. Psalm 25:10 says “All the paths of the LORD are lovingkindness and truth To those who keep His covenant and His testimonies.” God has not rejected you, He has not deserted you,, He cares for you. But He knows how to work perfection in us. He wants to draw us closer to Him because IT IS ALL ABOUT OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS. Without Him we can do nothing. Submit, wait on Him, rest in His arms and He will guide you and He will teach you. He will make you know that He cares for you and without Him you can do nothing. That is why He makes things happen to us. It is all because He loves and cares for us. May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Seriously religious but LOST

Most professing Christians are seriously religious but they are LOST because they do not KNOW Jesus Christ. Many have grown up in Christianity or in their denomination and they believe their doctrines to be true and right. Many believe the Bible to be true because they have been told so by their parents and by other people. They have been indoctrinated, brainwashed. Some people have been converted to Christianity, they have had a change in their head but nothing happened in their hearts and you can see it by their fruit by the way that they live. Most professing Christians do not obey Jesus Christ, they do not follow Jesus Christ, they do not KNOW Jesus Christ and they are LOST. They believe that they have salvation and they believe that they are right but they do not know Jesus Christ and He will say to them one day:”Go away I never knew you.” Most of those people, if they had been born into another religion they would have been as serious and ardent about that specific religion. The problem is that most professing Christians do not know Jesus Christ, they are SINNERS. If you have met Jesus Christ then you are immediately changed, your heart is changed. Immediately you want to be pure and holy like Him. Immediately you want to please Him and serve Him but most Christians are SINNERS, many are professing SINNERS because they don't know Jesus. If you know Jesus you will hate sin, you will FEAR sin, you will SEEK HOLINESS and you will seek to be pleasing to Jesus. But if at heart you are still a sinner then you do not belong to Jesus. Either you never met Him or like the dog you have gone back to your own vomit. If you know Jesus Christ then you will not sin, you will seek to be pure and holy and pleasing to Him all the time. All that will be on your mind is Jesus and being pleasing to Him. Did you have a change of heart or were you just brainwashed? Were you just converted to Christianity? If your relationship with Jesus Christ is not real from, the heart then you are lost and He will say to you one day:”Go away I never knew you.” A tree is known by its fruit. If we believe in Jesus Christ and we are born of the Spirit of God we will be like Jesus in every respect. Are we like Jesus or are we just religious fanatics? May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Unfaithful fornicating adulterating Christians will perish

Jesus Christ is coming for a pure bride. Those who have accepted Jesus and who have committed to Him must keep themselves pure unto Him. He is a jealous God and He will not tolerate it when those who have promised themselves to Him, when they adulterate and fornicate away from Him, when they find their pleasures in the world and in the things of the world. If we find our pleasure in other things, the things of the world and if we fornicate with the world, if we love sin and the pleasures of the flesh then we are not suitable as a bride for Jesus Christ. He is faithful to those who accept Him but if they are unfaithful to Him then they disqualify themselves and they are not suitable for His Kingdom. Jesus requires of us that we keep ourselves pure, unsoiled from the world and that we devote ourselves to Him personally in a close relationship with HIM, praying, waiting on Him, listening to His voice, being led by Him, being taught by Him and living a life that is pleasing to Jesus. If we do not have the desire to be with Jesus, to be pleasing to Him and if we do not reserve ourselves unto Him for His use only, being holy as He is holy then we are not suitable for His kingdom and He will reject us. Very few who profess to be Christians are suitable for the kingdom of heaven. HE IS A JEALOUS GOD AND HE WILL NOT TOLERATE UNFAITHFULNESS. Are you faithful to Jesus? Do you truly love Him and do you reserve yourself unto Him? If not, He will reject you! Seek Him with all your heart and serve Him with all your power or else He will say to you:”Go away from Me I never knew you.” May Jesus bless you.

Monday, March 11, 2013

The power of YOUR tongue

Life and death, success and failure is in our tongue, in that which we speak. If we speak failure we will fail, but if we speak LIFE, the words of Jesus Christ then we will live. Many people disqualify themselves, they say: “I cannot stop sinning, I cannot succeed, I cannot make it,” and they will not succeed. If you do not stop sinning and obey Jesus Christ you disqualify yourself for the kingdom of heaven because no sinners will enter the kingdom of God. Man shall not live from bread alone but from every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, IF we BELIEVE and PRACTICE those words. Jesus guides us by His Holy Spirit, He speaks to us, He guides us and we can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives us the power, IF we BELIEVE it and we CONFESS it and we DO it. But if we doubt it and we listen to the devil and we start saying: “I cannot do this, I cannot do that , I cannot stop sinning,” then you will never succeed. You will fail and you will perish. LISTEN to the Spirit of God, that which He plants inside of you. Confess it and DO it. Practice the words that Jesus Christ plants in you and you will overcome. I can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives me the power. I can overcome. I can do the will of God. I can be pleasing to Jesus Christ. He said:”Be ye perfect like your Father in heaven is perfect.” I can be perfect by His power that He puts in me. May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Church leaders are not of God

Jesus Christ Himself is the Head of the Church, His body on earth. He did not appoint other leaders on earth to guide His church. He Himself by His Spirit leads those who belong to Him and have received His Holy Spirit, who LISTEN to Him and who FOLLOW Him. He called His disciples and He called us to be His witnesses, to make disciples of Him who listen to His voice and who follow Him. Religious leaders have appointed themselves, they are impostors, fakes, they are antichrist, they sit in the place of God and they rule as God instead of taking people to Jesus Christ. They do not know the Lord Jesus Christ themselves but they deceive people into following them and their doctrines, building their kingdoms on earth. You become like the one whom you follow. If you follow after religious leaders then you become like them and you end up where they end up, they end up in hell! A disciple of Jesus Christ follows his Master, Jesus Christ Himself, nobody else. He said:”My sheep listen to MY VOICE and the follow ME. They will not go after strangers because they don't know the voice of strangers.” THE PROBLEM IS THAT MOST BELIEVERS DO NOT KNOW JESUS AND THEY ARE NOT FOLLOWING AFTER JESUS, THEY ARE FOLLOWING AFTER MEN. Jesus Christ Himself calls His servants and He teaches them and He sends them out to bear fruit, to do His work. He calls them as apostles, preachers, teachers, evangelists, prophets and HE appoints and sends them out to go and bear fruit to build up the body of Christ but THEY ARE NOT LEADERS, they are servants and they report to Jesus Christ, not to a church. They are not servants of men, they are servants of God, but they are not leaders. One is our Leader, Jesus Christ Himself. Do not follow after people. Follow after Jesus Christ Himself. One is our Leader, Jesus Christ Himself. If you do not know His voice, get down on your knees and seek Him with all your heart. Cry out to Him until you know Him, until you know His voice and then you listen to His voice and not to others. You follow Jesus Christ and you live to please Him not to please men. His sheep LISTEN to HIS VOICE and they follow HIM. Are you following Jesus, or are you following after men?

Friday, March 8, 2013

Proving your love

Many believers say that they love Jesus, they call themselves Christians, but, how do we prove it? We have to prove our love for Jesus or else it is not real. Jesus Christ, the Creator of everything, by Whom and for Whom and through Whom everything was created proved His love for us by laying down His glory, taking on the form of a human like we are and dying on a cross for our sins so that if we prove our love for Him by obeying Him then we can have eternal life. Jesus Christ proved His love for us through His sacrifice on Calvary to save us. We need to prove our love for Him by denying ourselves, dying to our own selfish desires and ambitions and living our lives in obedience to Him to please Him, in close relationship with Him because we love Him. Its not about religion, its not about church, its not about reading the Bible, its not about the things that you give up. It is about whether you love Jesus. Are we proving through our obedience to Jesus Christ that we love Him. Do we testify of Him? Have we become like Him because we adore and follow Him? Is Jesus Christ our life? Are we always praying and seeking His approval? Do we want to be close to Him, hear His voice? Are we proving by our deeds that we truly love Jesus Christ or are we just deceiving ourselves? Do our deeds show that we truly love Jesus? Jesus said:”If you love Me, keep my commandments.” He said:”Why do you call Me Lord, Lord and you do not what I say?” Are we doing what Jesus is telling us to do? Do we truly love Him? May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Bastards - Illegitimate Children

The world is full of bastards, illegitimate children, children born out of wedlock. It is not their mistake, it is the sins of the fathers, but there are also BASTARD CHRISTIANS. A Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ, a child of God, and as a child of God, he obeys God, he obeys the words of Jesus. He stops sinning and he lives holy. Nowadays believers say they cannot stop sinning. We read in Hebrews 12:48 “You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin; 5and you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as sons, “MY SON, DO NOT REGARD LIGHTLY THE DISCIPLINE OF THE LORD, NOR FAINT WHEN YOU ARE REPROVED BY HIM; 6FOR THOSE WHOM THE LORD LOVES HE DISCIPLINES, AND HE SCOURGES EVERY SON WHOM HE RECEIVES.” 7It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? 8But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons.” If we believe in Jesus Christ we have the POWER to become sons of God. We are ADOPTED into the kingdom of God as sons of God but then we must subject ourselves to the discipline of God. We must OBEY Jesus Christ. If we do not obey Him then we will be disciplined, we will be corrected and punished and if we do not accept that discipline then we are illegitimate children, we are bastards. MOST BELIEVERS ARE BASTARD CHRISTIANS, they have never repented, they have never stopped sinning, they are not followers of Jesus Christ. If you call yourself Christian and child of God you obey Christ or else you are a fake, you are a bastard. If you follow Jesus you obey His words, you do as He commanded us to do. The words of Jesus will judge us in the last day. If we disobey Him we will not have eternal life. You can say you believe in Jesus but if you disobey Him you will not have eternal life. Can the world see Jesus Christ in you and in me? Are we replicas of Jesus? Are we children of God or ARE WE BASTARDS? No bastard will go into the kingdom of God. We have to be legitimate sons of God who OBEY God and who do His will, who are like Jesus Christ in every aspect of their lives. Jesus showed us the example. If we want to enter the kingdom of God we must follow His example and DO as He told us to do or else we will not have eternal life. May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

They will be disappointed

Someone commented on one of my videos that he has never come across anybody who obeys the words of Jesus. The reality is that if we do not obey the words of Jesus then we do not have eternal life. Many people read the Bible, they quote the Bible, they belong to a church, they are religious but extremely few truly follow Jesus Christ. Extremely few have repented from following their own mind and pleasing themselves and have picked up their cross and started following Jesus. Many have had an experience with Jesus but there the relationship ended. If we do not deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Jesus and DO as He commanded, as is written in the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and if we do not endure until the very end WE WILL NOT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE! Many people will be extremely disappointed the day when they die and Jesus says to them:”Go away I never knew you.” Will Jesus know you and me? Have we turned away from our futile lifestyle and are we living our life to please Jesus? Are we led by the Holy Spirit or are we doing the same as all those other foolish people around us are doing, those who are on the broad road to destruction? If we are not on the narrow road following Jesus every day, we do not have any hope of salvation. If we do not OBEY His words, the words that He spoke then we are ALREADY JUDGED AND CONDEMNED! Then we have disqualified ourselves and we have no hope on eternity with Jesus! May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Write your own Bible

You can write your own version of the Bible according to your own interpretation and you can attach to it doctrines according to your own liking. That is what many churches and denominations do, they print their own Bible according to their own liking. You can make up in your mind a Jesus Christ to your own liking as well but when you die you will stand before Jesus Christ and you will be judged by the words that He spoke AS THEY WERE RECORDED IN THE GOSPELS Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The WORDS OF JESUS AS HE SPOKE THEM WILL JUDGE US IN THE LAST DAY. If we have changed them or disregarded them then we will not enter into His kingdom. He will say to us:”Go away I never knew you.” You can change the Bible to your liking, you can have your own doctrines but if you do not know Jesus Christ and He does not know you, you will PERISH. The Bible cannot save you. Jesus Christ gives eternal life to those who KNOW Him, who LISTEN to Him, who OBEY Him. He will give His Holy Spirit in you and His Holy Spirit will remind you of the WORDS THAT HE SPOKE. Obey those words, OBEY His Spirit and you will live, disobey Him and you will perish. May Jesus bless you.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Under New Management

Faith that saves brings you under new management. It leads to TRANSFORMATION. If you believe in Jesus Christ then you obey Him, you come under His management. You do not do what pleases you any more but you OBEY Him, you submit yourself entirely to Him in every aspect of your life and that will transform you from an ordinary citizen like all the other people, into a child of God who is entirely different from the people of this world. If you walk with God you will be a different person. If you obey Jesus Christ you will not fit into this world. Most believers do not really believe in Jesus Christ, they never came under NEW MANAGEMENT, they never accepted Him as their LORD and their MASTER and therefor they do not have salvation. Jesus Christ gives eternal life to those who SERVE Him as LORD and MASTER and who endure with Him until the end. Jesus said:”If anyone WISHES to come after Me, let him deny himself, pick up his cross and come here, follow Me every day.” Eternal life is about SERVING Jesus Christ. It is about being under HIS MANAGEMENT doing what He tells you to do and going where He sends you. Those who are born again are like the wind, you don't know where they come from and where they are going to, those are the words of Jesus (John 3:8). The reason for that is, THEY GO WHERE JESUS SENDS THEM, they DO what He tells them, they are under new management. They do not live their lives to please themselves any more but they LISTEN to the Holy Spirit that Jesus gives in those who have ACCEPTED HIM AS LORD, who have ACCEPTED HIS MANAGEMENT and who WILFULLY FOLLOW, SERVE and OBEY HIM. Have you come under NEW MANAGEMENT or do you just believe that you are saved? If you are not under NEW MANAGEMENT, if Jesus Christ is not your LIFE then you do not have eternal life. You need to SERVE HIM as LORD and come under HIS MANAGEMENT. May Jesus Bless you.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hold on

When the storms of life come at you and everything around you falls to pieces then there is someone who can help you and that is Jesus Christ. He is the only one who is able to help you in any situation. He will never leave you, He will never forsake you, He will never let you down. Following Jesus is a lonely road because very few will follow Jesus with you but if you follow Jesus you will never be alone, you will never be in despair because Jesus will be with you to carry you through. You must just not leave Jesus. He will not leave you but you have to hang on to Him every day until the very end. Hang on to Jesus and He will see you through! May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

There is HOPE - It is not too late

There is a feeling of doom and impending catastrophe in the air. People are in despair, the whole world is in ruin, things are falling apart both in the natural, in the lives of people and also in world governments, financial systems. These things are happening because the world has turned its back on God. People have rejected God and now everything is falling into ruin, its DOOMED but it is not too late. There is a way out, there is only one way and that is JESUS CHRIST. Jesus Christ can fix your and my problems and He can fix the world but there is only one way that He will fix it and that is in HIS WAY. We have all gone OUR WAY and now everything is messed up. Jesus can fix us and the world if we go HIS WAY. If we REPENT, turn from ourselves from our wicked ways, our selfishness, our disobedience, our rebellion and if we remove our idols from us and we come before Him in REMORSE and we seek Him with all our heart. If we ask Him forgiveness and we REMOVE these things from our lives and we OBEY HIM, He will give us eternal life but there is only ONE WAY and that is HIS WAY. If we are not willing to OBEY JESUS, LIVE according to HIS WORDS, DRAW CLOSER to HIM and SERVE HIM as LORD we are DOOMED, we will perish. There is hope for individuals and for the world but this is the judgment that the Light, JESUS CHRIST, has come into the world but the world loved darkness more than Light because their DEEDS were EVIL,(John 3:19). Even now, if we call on the Lord with a pure heart and we turn away from our WICKEDNESS, there is hope, there is hope for every soul who comes to Jesus and who is willing to follow Him, HIS WAY until the very end. There is no other way. Jesus Christ alone is the Way. Seek Him and obey Him until the end and you will live, reject Him and you will perish, you were doomed. May Jesus bless you.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Go all the way

There is only one way to have eternal life and that is Jesus Christ alone. Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. There is no other way, no book no road map. The Bible cannot take you to heaven. Other people cannot take you to heaven, no preacher, no church, nobody, only Jesus Christ. You need to KNOW HIM, the living God and you need to follow Him until the very end of your life. Jesus is alive. You get to know Jesus when you fall on your knees and you cry out to Him. You pray and you seek Him until you find Him and then you will know Him for real. He will write His laws in your heart, He will give His Spirit in you to guide you every step of the way but you need to follow Him and obey Him until the very end. Jesus said:”Follow Me.” Very few people did follow Jesus. Many people started following Him but very few of those stayed with Him until the end, even the disciples at times many of them left Him. At one stage He said to the twelve:”Don't you also want to leave Me?” And Peter said:”Lord, where will we go? You have the words of eternal life.” Jesus Christ Himself is the WAY. If you do not know Him for real and He does not know you for real, He will say to you:”Go away I never knew you.” You need to follow Jesus every day of your life until the very end. You need to pray and seek Him every day. He will speak to you, He will guide you but if you do not endure until the end and if you are not pleasing to Jesus YOU WILL NOT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. Without holiness, without utter obedience to Jesus Christ, you will NOT enter the kingdom of Heaven, you will NOT have eternal life. There is only ONE WAY, Jesus Christ. Do you know Him for real? Are you following Him or are you busy with religion. Jesus Christ alone is the way. You have to endure with Jesus until the very, very end. May Jesus bless you.