God made each and every one of us
uniquely wonderful with a wonderful purpose, a unique purpose for
each of us, in His kingdom. The only way that we can fulfill that
purpose is if we are united with God our Father and if we obey Him.
The only way that we can come into the presence of God and live in
His kingdom is if we accept and obey Jesus and if we follow Him, if
we ARE LED BY HIS SPIRIT. He gives His Spirit in those who accept Him
and who OBEY Him.
If we do not follow Jesus and do not
OBEY Him we are already doomed and we will perish. Jesus Christ is
the only WAY, the LIFE and the TRUTH. If we want eternal life we must
follow Him every day and OBEY Him. He has called each of us for a
unique task, a unique purpose and He will guide us along that path,
He will guide us into fulfilling that purpose but we have to follow
Him. If we look back we are not worthy of Him. If we look to the
sides, to other people, we will lose focus and we will not find the
way, we will not fulfill that purpose. We need to stay focused on
Jesus Christ Himself and be led by His Spirit. There is no road map,
there is no book, there is no other plan, there is only one way and
that is Jesus Christ. We need to KNOW Him, OBEY Him and FOLLOW Him
every single day of our lives until the very end. If we do not follow
Him we will certainly perish because JESUS ALONE IS THE WAY. Jesus
alone KNOWS the WAY. Without Jesus we can do nothing. Without Jesus
Do you know Jesus Christ? Have you
received the Holy Spirit. Do you follow Jesus EVERY DAY? Jesus is
calling YOU and me to follow Him so that we can have LIFE and life in
abundance. Without Jesus there is no life. Are you following Jesus?
Do you have LIFE?
May Jesus bless you.
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