Friday, November 15, 2013

You MUST follow Jesus

Jesus Christ offers eternal life in the kingdom of heaven to all those who FOLLOW Him and who OBEY Him. There is a CONDITION to ETERNAL LIFE and that is that you FOLLOW and OBEY Jesus Christ.
Jesus said that:”whoever WISHES to come after Me MUST deny himself every day, pick up his cross and come here FOLLOW Me.” If you do not follow Jesus and you do not obey His words you WILL PERISH. His words as also recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, those are the WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE for those who OBEY them.
Those who reject and defy Jesus Christ WILL PERISH. Are you following and obeying Him? Are you DOING what He commanded us to do? Are you following Him every day, LISTENING to his Holy Spirit and GOING what He tells you to do?
If you live your life to please yourself and other people YOU WILL CERTAINLY PERISH. REPENT, turn away from sin and serving your own selfish lusts and OBEY Jesus Christ, GO AFTER HIM. Seek Him, follow Him until the very end or you will certainly perish.

May Jesus bless you.

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