We are NOT all sinners. We all WERE
sinners but some of us have come to know Jesus and we have become
OBEDIENT to Him from the heart. If you have met Jesus Christ and you
are born again of the Spirit of God you are a new creature. You lose
your taste for sin and you acquire the fear of God. You DO NOT SIN.
You SEEK the will of God and you follow Jesus, you DO THE WILL OF
GOD. You go after Jesus, you seek His guidance all the time and you
You might stumble but you will not
deliberately sin. Many people think that they can sin and then
tonight or afterwards they say:”Lord I am sorry.” If you do not
REGRET your sin and come with painful REMORSE before the Lord then
you have not repented and He will not forgive you. He KNOWS whether
you truly love Him or whether you have iniquity, sin, wickedness in
your heart. If we have wickedness in our heart the Lord will not hear
our prayer. Those who love Jesus do not sin, WE ARE NOT SINNERS. We
are children of God and WE OBEY OUR FATHER.
Jesus Christ and we OBEY HIM above everything even above our own
desires. Have you met Jesus and are you born again? Or are you still
a sinner? No sinners will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We are not all
sinners, some of us are sons of God.
May Jesus bless you.
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