Tuesday, April 1, 2014

LISTEN to Jesus

A child of God LISTENS to God. Jesus Christ IS God. Jesus said:”My sheep LISTEN to MY VOICE and they FOLLOW ME. They will not listen to strangers but they will run away from strangers.” Jesus Christ is ALIVE and those who believe in Him and who have come to KNOW HIM, LISTEN to Him and they FOLLOW Him. He puts His Spirit in them and they HEAR Him.
Those who are led by the Spirit of God THEY are the SONS OF GOD. Children of God LISTEN TO GOD, they DO HIS WILL. They DO what is pleasing to HIM, they FOLLOW Jesus step by step. They do not listen to preachers and to other people, the do not read books and watch television shows (for guidance), their focus is on Jesus. They do not even need to read the Bible because they LISTEN to Jesus. They are SHEEP of the MASTER and they follow Him. They DO His will.
Do you LISTEN to Jesus? Are you one of His sheep? Or are you astray? Who do you LISTEN to? If you are truly a child of God you will be LISTENING to HIM and you will be FOLLOWING HIM, DOING His will. Are you LISTENING to Jesus?

May Jesus bless you.

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