Many Christian believers are living
godless, reckless lives and they still believe that they have eternal
life, that they have salvation. They are living under false security.
They have been deceived by the devil. They base their faith and their
belief that they are saved on what other people have told them, on
some Bible verses that they quote but these people do not know Jesus
Christ. Jesus warned that very few people will be saved. Narrow is
the door that leads to LIFE and FEW there be that find it. Entering
the Kingdom of heaven is NOT EASY. The requirements to be a child of
God are extremely strict. It is like running a marathon.
Many people enroll for the marathon and
many start running. Many people think that they will be able to
complete it but very few make it in time. Following Jesus Christ is
the same. Many start following Jesus but very very FEW ENDURE with
Him until the end.
Many have FALSE SECURITY because they
belong to a church, or because they have said a SINNER'S PRAYER, they
have been baptized in water, some have received the gift of tongues
and they speak in tongues and because they speak in tongues they
think that they have security of salvation. THERE IS NO SECURITY! The
only security is Jesus Christ. We have to follow Him every day. Jesus
said:”Whoever WISHES to come after Me must DENY himself, pick up
his cross EVERY DAY and come here FOLLOW ME.”
If we do not go after Jesus every day
and follow Him until the very end then we will not have eternal life.
Many people make marriage vows. Very few of those people stay
together until the end, they are unfaithful. Jesus is faithful to us
but if we are unfaithful to Him, if we deny Him, HE WILL REJECT US!
Then we are not suitable. The Grace of God is NO A LICENSE TO SIN. If
we keep on turning away from Jesus there will come a day that we die
away from Him and when we stand in front of Him, He will say to
us:”Go away I never knew you.”
Entering the Kingdom of Heaven is NOT
EASY. Very few people will make it, only those who endure with Jesus
UNTIL THE VERY END, those who do His will, who LISTEN to His VOICE,
who FOLLOW Him, You need confirmation EVERY DAY from Jesus that He is
pleased with you. You need to look after your relationship with Jesus
above everything else. If Jesus is not pleased with you, you WILL NOT
ENTER the Kingdom of HEAVEN. Are you pleasing to the Master?
May Jesus bless you.
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