Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hunger and Thirst

God gives LIFE to us and He wants to give us even MORE LIFE, life in abundance. In Jesus Christ God reaches out to us and He wants to give us ETERNAL LIFE but sin separates us from God. Without Jesus we can do nothing, without Jesus we don't have LIFE, but if we embrace Jesus then He sets us free from the bondage of sin and we can LIVE in the presence of God, we can have LIFE IN ABUNDANCE.
Those who BELIEVE in Jesus and who OBEY Him will have eternal life but the world rejects Jesus. People rather love the pleasures of sin and choose to go after the desires of their flesh, they reject Jesus and then they come to the end of their life and they spend eternity in damnation, AWAY FROM JESUS because they chose to reject Jesus, to reject LIFE.
If we SEEK Jesus we find Him and He will reveal Himself to us. Jesus said:”Blessed are those who YEARN (hunger and thirst) for righteousness because they will be satisfied.” He said:”Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and then all the other things will be added unto you.” If we SEEK Jesus, we find Him, if we go after Him He will reveal Himself to us, but we have to HUNGER AND THIRST for Him. We have to HUNGER AND THIRST for the RIGHTEOUSNESS that results from OBEYING and FOLLOWING Jesus Christ because then we come into the presence of God, then we have eternal life.
Without Jesus there is NO LIFE, without Jesus there is NO FUTURE. Do you HUNGER AND THIRST for RIGHTEOUSNESS? Do you HUNGER AND THIRST for Jesus Christ? Do you always HUNGER AND THIRST to be in His presence and for the ASSURANCE that he Himself is pleased with you?

May Jesus bless you.

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