Sunday, September 11, 2011

Walking the tight rope of discipleship

Transcript to video:
Getting into the Kingdom of Heaven and having eternal life is not an easy thing. It is extremely difficult and that is why very, very few people will make it into Heaven. When they asked Jesus whether those who are being saved are few. He said: STRIVE HARD because MANY, many I tell you will try very hard and not be able. Dear friends, if we want to enter Heaven, we must follow Jesus. We must obey His Words. It is not easy. It is like walking a tight rope at high elevation. You are a hundred stories up in the air and you’ve got to walk from the one building to the other and there is a tight rope between these two buildings. If you want to make it to the other side, you will have to absolutely concentrate, that you do not lose your balance. You cannot afford to look around, you cannot afford to have your attention diverted. If you do not keep your eyes on Jesus, you will fall off that tight rope dear friend. You might have a safety harness, but if you fall, you might just not be able to get back onto that tight rope. Dear friends, it is not easy to follow Jesus Christ. He will help you, every step of the way, but you need to focus your eyes on HIM. People say: How is it possible to not sin? Dear friend, how is it possible to sin if you are walking a tight rope? Keep your eyes on Jesus and follow Him every step of the way or else you will just not make it to the other side. May Jesus bless you.

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