Monday, December 5, 2011

Knowing Jesus for Real

There is only one thing that will determine where we will spend eternity and that is our relationship with Jesus Christ, whether Jesus knew us.  Jesus will say to many people in that final day, He will say to them: “Go away I never knew you, you evildoers.”  Dear friend once you have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and once you have read about Jesus in the Bible, you need to get to know Him and serve Him as Lord and Master for real because He is the Living God.  If you do not have a real relationship with Him, you don’t know Him.  You need to get to know Jesus and make sure that He knows you.  You need to live in a daily relationship with Him.  He can talk, He said: “My sheep LISTEN to My voice and they FOLLOW Me. “ If you go on your knees and you cry out to Jesus and you seek Him with all your heart, you humble yourself before Him, cry out to Him and ask Him to come into your life, to save you, He will.  He will stretch out His Hand of mercy and He will touch you and you will know that you’ve made contact with the living God.  But that is the beginning dear friend.  That is the beginning of a relationship that can lead to eternal life, IF you WORK that RELATIONSHIP,  IF you SEEK JESUS in PRAYER, CONSTANTLY.  If you seek to be pleasing to Him, He will put His Spirit in you and He will speak to you.  You will understand what the will of God is, but you need to seek Him.  It is not easy to get into Heaven.  It is not easy to have eternal life.  You need to work at it.  You need to seek Jesus with all your heart and then you will find Him.  You need to be in a real relationship with Him.  If we draw closer to Him He will draw closer to us.  If we seek Him we will find Him.  And if you don’t know Him dear friend, and He does not know you, there is no way that you will spend eternity in Heaven with Him.  If you don’t get that relationship right NOW, then you will never have eternal life.  It is not about reading the Bible, about going to church, it is about your RELATIONSHIP  WITH JESUS CHRIST.  If you DON’T KNOW HIM and you DON”T have a REAL RELATIONSHIP with HIM you cannot have eternal life.  Eternal life is JESUS, KNOWING HIM, SEEKING HIM, FOLLOWING HIM every day and being PLEASING to HIM.  Dear friend, do you have a real relationship with Jesus Christ?
May Jesus bless you.

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