Saturday, May 25, 2013

Drawn and Compelled by LOVE

If we are truly born again and we love Jesus Christ then we GO AFTER HIM with all our power. Our mind is constantly focused on Him. We seek to be pleasing to Him, we seek Him in prayer, our mind is fixed on Him and His Spirit permeates us, and His Spirit that indwells us prompts us, compels us to DO that which is pleasing to Him.
He does not force us but we SEEK to be pleasing to Him. We seek to be righteous and holy according to His standard because we want to be pleasing to Him. Without Jesus we can do nothing, If we are not constantly driven, compelled by a desire to please Jesus Christ in everything that we do then we are driven by selfish desires. Without Jesus we can do nothing, we have to be PROMPTED, COMPELLED by our love for Him. Our focus must always be on Him, then nothing will be impossible, then doing His will becomes our pleasure and His Spirit that fills us, that indwells us, ENABLES us to do that which is pleasing to Him.
Are you led by the Spirit of Christ because you are focused on Him all the time? Do you truly want to be pleasing to Jesus? Is He really your Lord and Master? Do you love Him that much that you always want to be pleasing to Him? If not, then you do not really love Jesus, then you are not really born again. Without Jesus we can do nothing, it is all about Him and being pleasing to Him.

May Jesus bless you.

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