Friday, May 10, 2013

What is holding you back

Jesus Christ is inviting us to become part of His Kingdom and to have eternal life but we will have to follow Him. We will have to go where He guides us and do what He tells us to do. We will have to give up our rights to ourselves and to the things that we desire and do that which is pleasing to Him. 
Most people will not follow Jesus because they are not willing to give up their rights to themselves, they are not willing to go where He sends them. They are not willing to do what He tells them to do. They are chasing after wind. They occupy themselves with things that will perish in the end and that is why they will not have eternal life. 
Without Jesus Christ there is no life, there is no eternal life. If we are not willing right now to give up whatever He requires of us, then we are not worthy of Him and then we are not worthy of that prize of eternal life. Jesus is not asking part of us, He is not asking ten percent or a tithing, He requires utter and total submission and obedience to Him. Either we submit totally to Him or we are none of Him. 
Jesus said: "Why do you call Me, Lord, Lord and do not what I say." Are you willing to abandon everything, to obey Jesus, to go where He sends you and to do what he tells you to do? If not, then you will not have eternal life. Jesus promises us the biggest price imaginable, eternal life but in the return for that He requires our utmost devotion. Are you willing to give it all up and follow Jesus Christ? May Jesus bless you. 

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