Friday, August 9, 2013

Addicted to Christian Entertainment

The world loves entertainment, and so do most Christians but those same Christians do not love Jesus or else they would not spend their time with entertainment but with Jesus. Jesus said that we must follow Him. He never told us to have fellowship with each other or to occupy ourselves with Bible study, with Christian camps or watching Christian television.
The worldly Christians have just put the word “Christian” in front of their entertainment. Their churches are entertainment houses. Their Christian Television is just entertainment. Their Bible studies and meetings, their fellowships are just entertainment. They love Christian camps, Christian retreats, but they cannot walk with Jesus. They cannot pray. They cannot follow Jesus. They have Christian books and they are watching Christian videos, Christian TV all day. They are being entertained from morning to night, but they cannot spend time with Jesus. They cannot testify for Jesus.
Spending time with Christian entertainment, that does not please God. What pleases God is that we DO HIS WILL, that we spend time with Jesus, LISTEN to the Holy Spirit, GO where He sends us and DO what He tells us, not to be entertained for the pleasure of our own flesh. Christian entertainment has just taken the place of worldly entertainment. They’ve got Christian dancing in the churches, everything that is in the world is in the church but JESUS CHRIST IS NOT IN THE CHURCH. And those people in church are NOT FOLLOWING JESUS CHRIST.
Do you love Jesus Christ? Do you spend time with Him? Do you follow Him? Do you listen to Him? Do you truly love Him? Or do you JUST LOVE CHRISTIAN ENTERTAINMENT?

May Jesus bless you.

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