Thursday, August 15, 2013

Compulsions to Curse the Holy Spirit

Many people have a compulsion, something in them that wants them to blaspheme the Holy Spirit and to curse God. Many people are demon possessed and it is these demons that are in them that want to compel them, want to make them curse God and curse the Holy Spirit. Often these demons that are in people themselves curse God through these people, it is not that person who cursed but it is the demon that is in him and then this demon in them turns around and tells them that they have blasphemed the Holy Spirit.
The devil uses the Bible to lie to you and to prevent you from following Jesus Christ. He uses scripture to prevent you from going back to Jesus. Many people who have backslidden have been prevented from going back to Jesus after reading Hebrews 10:26 which says that if a person has once known Jesus it is impossible to renew such a person to repentance. With God nothing is impossible. Jesus will NEVER reject a person who repents but the devil will do everything to prevent you from going back to Jesus.
Many people have become demon possessed because they watched TV, played video games. These psychological disorders, ADD and compulsion to say words that people do not mean to say, that is demon possession, it is not psychological illness. It is a demon in you. You can cast that demon out! Submit yourself to Jesus, repent of sin, be baptized in water and then you can cast out that demon. Go and pray and rebuke that demon in the name of Jesus Christ. Keep on rebuking that demon and tell it to leave you and those demons will leave you! They might manifest. You might yawn or cough or even vomit mucous but the demon must come out when you cast them out in the name of Jesus. Keep on praying, keep on rejecting that demon in the name of Jesus Christ and he must leave you. But then don't go back to sin because then your end will be worse than your beginning. You might be demon possessed!
Only Jesus can set you absolutely free and He wants to set you free. Do not let anything stop you from going back to Jesus. Do not listen to the lies of the devil but submit yourself to Jesus, repent of all sin, resist the devil and he will flee from you but STAY with Jesus because if you go back to sin and open the door for the devil then your end will be worse than your beginning. Seek Jesus NOW and He will set you free.
May Jesus bless you.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your writings and you have been helpful in pointing out important things.
    Jesus bless you
