Monday, June 7, 2010

Harlot church serves Satan

The most dangerous deception is the one closest to the truth, but it is a filthy lie. Church is such a deception. Church is outwardly noble but lethal for the eternal destiny of the soul. It promises salvation apart from the Savior. The majority of church members do not belong to the real church, the body of Christ.

The real church is the body of Christ of which Jesus Himself is the Head. Each member of the body of Christ is a sheep, who hears the voice of the Shepherd and follows Him. Each member is guided through the central nervous system, the Holy Spirit that functions to coordinate the activity of all parts of the body. Jesus is the brain. Each member of the Body of Christ is in a constant close relationship with Jesus every moment of their lives. The Spirit of Christ dwells in them. They are servants of the King of the Kingdom of heaven, Jesus Christ, serving Him day and night. They have been delivered of sin and although they are in the world they are no part of it. They are holy instruments used by the Master in his Kingdom, available to go where Jesus sends them when He pleases.

Very few Christians are guided by the Holy Spirit and thus they are not part of the body of Christ, or at best they are totally dysfunctional. They have been hijacked by the harlot church system. They believe that they are saved but have no relationship with Jesus. Being held captive by doctrines of men, they serve the church and participate in church activities which are aimed at serving and expanding the church organization. They are occupied with studies of scripture and teachings of men, side tracked away from an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ the Lord and Master, King of the Kingdom of heaven.

Instead of being constantly in a relationship with Jesus, Christians are involved in fruitless church activities. They have been side tracked by the devil. They think they are serving God but do not have a relationship with Jesus. He will say to many in that day: “Go away I never knew you.” They were good church people but will end up in hell because they never got to know Jesus.

Make sure that your church brings you into a relationship with Jesus or you might also be deceived and disillusioned. Satan comes as an angel of light. Be careful!

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