Monday, June 7, 2010

TV kills Christians

There is only one thing that makes you a Christians and that is your relationship with Jesus Christ. Anything that interferes with your relationship with Jesus destroys you and causes spiritual death. TV captivates the minds of people and diverts them from reality. Many believers will be sadly disappointed, when Jesus will say to them: “Go away, I never knew you.” They never had a relationship with Jesus.

Our minds determine our actions. We need to guard our minds against wrong influences. Whatever we absorb through our senses determine our way of thinking. Just think how easily a 20 second commercial gets stuck in your mind if you hear and see it a few times.
People are continuously desensitized against sin, blasphemy, curse words, sexual immorality, violence, adultery, homosexuality, abortion, lust, all the things that God hates.

Being in a relationship with Jesus requires a pure heart, sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is unavoidable for a Christian who goes out in the world every day to be challenged by temptations. A person who watches TV willfully clogs his mind with impurity.

God is invisible. We cannot sense God with out senses, only in our spirit. If we allow our senses to rule our spirit suffers. The Holy Spirit speaks into our spirit. Those who are guided by the Spirit of God, they are the children of God. So, if we are compelled by lust and our fleshly mind we are separated from God.

God does not force Himself on us. We must willfully follow Jesus and seek His guidance. If we do not cultivate our relationship with Jesus it dies. Our mind must be pure, clean and receptive for the Holy Spirit. If your mind is clogged up with TV trash and God gives you a vision or a dream, you are not able to distinguish whether it came from God or from Hollywood. That is why TV addicted Christians are spiritually dead. You cannot clog your mind with trash and also be receptive for the Holy Spirit.

Anyone who is serious with Jesus and wants to maintain His relationship with Jesus must totally avoid TV. TV renders a person totally useless for the kingdom of God. It is impossible to allow your mind to be captured by TV and be guided by the Holy Spirit.

There is only one way to please Jesus and that is to constantly focus on Him and be guided by His Spirit. He will not beg us nor argue with us. In the end most Christians will end up in hell after believing they were saved. They never had a relationship with Jesus, never were truly His body, guided by His Spirit. He will say: Go away, I never knew you. They sold their souls to the TV. Satan sucked them in through the flat screen idol.


  1. If one wants to enjoy a relationship with Christ would you say that they should give up reading the newspaper?
    I find that when I read anything but the bible, I tend to develope opinions on what I read. However, if I'm a follower of Christ then I should have no opinions except what He has shown me.

  2. Dear friend, our relationship with Jesus determines everything else. Most people have no relationship with Jesus. If we are seeking to please Jesus we hear from Him about everything. He will tell us.
    May Jesus bless you.
