Monday, June 7, 2010

The Lonely Road

There are no short cuts to heaven. There are no easy roads to heaven. All roads do not lead to heaven. There is only one way to get in to heaven, and that is the narrow road. That narrow road is Jesus Christ Himself.

My friends, if we want to enter the kingdom of heaven, we need to walk that narrow, lonely road. Jesus Himself is the Way, the Life, and the Truth. If we want to enter the kingdom of heaven, we need to be willing to forsake everything--even ourselves--our own ambitions, and follow Jesus. We need to be willing, if necessary, to forsake family, friends, opportunities--even our own lives, to follow Jesus Christ. It is a lonely road, my friends. It is not an easy road, and no one is going to get into heaven easily. There are not many roads that lead to heaven. There is only one, and that is Jesus Christ.

My friend, if we believe in Jesus we obey Him, and we follow Him everyday step-by-step, every moment. His sheep know His voice, and they listen to Him. They follow Him, they stay close to Him. They are constantly focused on Him.

All that matters to a child of God is Jesus Christ--their relationship with the Master, with the King. He is the Lord, and He is Master. He is the King, and He invites us and says whoever wishes to follow Him must deny himself, pick up his cross daily, and follow Him.

We all have different dispositions. We all have different trials, but through those trials, and in those trials, and in spite of those handicaps, in spite of those trials, we need to stay focused on Jesus, and not allow anything to distract us, to take our attention off Jesus.

It's not an easy road, my friend. Jesus will lead you through lonely places. Quite often, you will have to decide between the acceptance of Christ, or the acceptance of people. You'll have to choose everyday. You'll have to choose a hundred times a day, and the only way to choose right is to stay focused on Jesus. Whatever happens in our lives, we've got to first ask the Lord, in your heart--say, "Lord, what decision do you want me to take? I want to remain true to You. I do not want to forsake You or deny You.” If we deny Him He will certainly deny us in front of His heavenly Father as well. That is what He promised. He is faithful. He will never leave us. He will never forsake us, but, if we forsake Him, if we turn our back on Him, then we've gone away from Him, my friends. And Jesus said that if we deny Him in front of this wicked generation, He will deny us also.

Many people deny Christ daily. When the boss tells a dirty joke, they laugh along, but Sunday they're in church. We think we can cheat God. We think we can deceive Jesus. He's right there. He knows our heart. He knows our intention. He knows what is going on inside, whether we really love Him or not.

My friend, we will be tested---whether we love Jesus more than friends, family, even the wife or the husband. This road is so narrow and so steep, that there are many spouses that do not walk this road together, and that is why it is written, "when the Son of man comes he says that two will be on one bed; the one will be taken, the other will be left behind. Two will be working in the field; the one will be taken, the other will be left.

My friends, narrow is the door, and few there be that find it. It is not in the fellowship of people. It's not in the crowds. It's on the lonely road with Christ. You've got to be willing to walk that lonely road, even if your wife decides she doesn't want to come along. You must make up your mind---do you want to follow Jesus, or are you going to compromise for the acceptance of your boss, your wife, your community? Where is your loyalty? Is it with Jesus or with other things? We will be tested my friends, and if we fail and deny Christ, He will deny us too. It's a lonely road, but it's the only road. It is a road where we steadfast, moment by moment stay focused on Jesus and follow Him; and He promised, He said, Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all the other things will be added unto you.

My friends, are you ready for the narrow road? Because there is only one way and that is stay focused on Jesus. Ask Him every step of the way for His guidance. Say, "Lord, what must I do?" And He will speak to you. He'll put it into your heart, and you will know exactly what He wants you to do. If you've gone wrong, turn back my friend. Go back to Jesus. Repent. Say, "Lord, I've let You down. I've walked away from You, but I'm back. Lord, I want to follow You until the end.

The body of Christ is NOT a church group or denomination

The body of Christ is NOT a church group or denomination
The body of Christ is made up of those people who know Jesus and are following Him as disciples. They are the real church of which Jesus is the Head and Master. They are in a relationship with Jesus and hear His voice, they are guided by the Holy Spirit. The body of Christ is a Spiritual organism, not a physical organization with buildings and facilities.
The church in a specific location will be ONE body of Christ not many small groups and churches. Either you are a disciple and follow Jesus or you are a member of an organization.
Jesus Himself builds His church. He sends messengers to sow the seed, the message of the kingdom of God. He makes the seed grow and adds onto His Body those who have accepted Him. He sends workers to feed His sheep. His Body is One. There is no hierarchy in the body of Christ, no managers and leaders. Christ is everything in everybody. Those who are sent to minister are servants to the body, to care and look after the members.
The members of the body of Christ care for each other. They are known by their love for each other.

The bible deception

The devil is crafty and uses those things which are truth to deceive believers. Believers have been deceived into believing that the bible is the Word of God, whereas Jesus Himself, is the Word of God. Deductive reasoning further concludes that because the bible is the word of God the writings of the apostles are equal to the words of Jesus. Thus Jesus has been reduced to the level of His disciples.
People do not believe in Jesus Christ and His words, they believe in the bible. However, they do not believe the bible because the bible testifies of Jesus that He is the Word of God. Jesus Christ is the highest authority. He is the Lord above all lords and King above all kings and authorities.
Bible translations have minimized Jesus Christ. Whereas His name and reference to Jesus was always in capital letters in earlier prints, the modern prints have changed all reference to Jesus to lower case. “He” and “Him” has become
“he”’ and “him”, a display of utter disrespect.
Many churches have their own translations of the bible with commentary to suit their doctrines. Preachers preach the words of Paul and use selected scriptures in preference to the words of Jesus, by which we shall be judged.
Many bible translations have been twisted to suit the doctrines of men. Yet they call it the Word of God. The bible testifies of Jesus that He is the Word of God (John 1:1), there is no other.
Salvation is not in the bible or any of the scriptures. Jesus warned the scribes and Pharisees: “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and YOU ARE UNWILLING TO COME TO ME SO THAT YOU MAY HAVE LIFE.” John 5:39,40. People know the bible but they do not know the Jesus of the bible, the real Word of God.
The dismal state of Christians and churches show how effective the deception is. People believe in the bible but do not fear God. They live in sin and ungodliness. Churches are liberal organizations that accept all the things that God hates.
How shall we know the truth then? Jesus promised the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, who would guide us into the full truth. He has given the Holy spirit to guide every one who invites Jesus into their hearts. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will guide us into the full truth and remind us of the words that Jesus commanded. “He will GUIDE YOU INTO ALL THE TRUTH; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He

Those who sin are of the devil

Jesus Christ came to set us free from sin. Those whom the Son of God has set free will be free and free indeed. Nobody who follows Jesus keeps on sinning. This is how you see the difference between those who belong to Jesus and those who are of the devil.
A child of God will not sin because the seed of life in Christ Jesus has been planted in him and he seeks to please Jesus. The Holy Spirit that Christ gives in the believer continuously convicts of sin, righteousness and judgment; and leads us into absolute obedience to Jesus.
Those who have committed themselves to Jesus continuously respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Whenever they do wrong, they repent, plead forgiveness and avoid sin at all cost. Thus they become holy as Christ is holy. The constantly guard against grieving the Holy Spirit through disobedience.
He who is a sinner at heart ignores the Holy Spirit and continues in his sin, seeking for some justification, a scripture or an excuse. They remain in sin. Many of them are religious, hypocrites, they know the scriptures but they do not obey the scriptures.
Jesus knows our hearts and He judges even our intensions. Nothing is hidden from Him. He will judge us righteously, by His words as written in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; and also in our hearts. Nobody will have any excuse.
Faith without works is dead. If we go on sinning and do not become holy we prove by our works that we are children of the devil.

Words of life

Man shall not live from bread alone but from every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Only the words of God are life. Jesus is the Word of God and we shall be judged by the words of Jesus.
People will listen to other people, quote the words of men, attend seminars, search the scriptures but they refuse go to Jesus. The words of Jesus are written in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Those are the words that we will live by and be judged by, but people skip over them and quote Paul. The words of Paul are the words of a man.
All men are flesh. Only Jesus is Lord. The scriptures testify of Jesus but they are not the Word of God. Jesus is the Word of God. His words are words of life. The apostles testified of Jesus, took people to Jesus, now people follow the apostles.
Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to be in every believer, to guide us into all righteousness. He did not promise us Bibles. He promised His Spirit to comfort us and be with us every moment, to convict us of SIN, when we do wrong, of RIGHTEOUSNESS, to correct us and of JUDGMENT, if we disobey. The Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth, IF WE OBEY! The Holy Spirit lives in the heart of every believer.
People don’t want the words of Jesus in the scriptures, neither the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They want to pick and choose versions of the bible, scriptures, churches, preachers and famous teachers who tickle their ears. That is why they are spiritually dead. They do not know Christ.
That is why most Christians will end up in hell. They refused to listen to Jesus. They never got into a relationship with them and He will say to most: GO AWAY I NEVER KNEW YOU. They never really go to know Jesus.
“You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life” John 5:39,40.

Christian Witchcraft and Idolatry

The majority of professing Christians are committing idolatry and witchcraft. They themselves are their own idols. They serve themselves instead of Jesus Christ. They serve God according to their own preference, when and how they choose. They are rebellious against Jesus and refuse to obey Him, that is witchcraft.
They have taken the road of Saul, King of Israel. He was chosen by God but chose to follow his own mind and disobey when God gave him an assignment. It grieved God that He had made Saul king and He sent Samuel to Saul with this message:
Because you have rejected the word of the LORD,
He has also rejected you from being king.” 1 Samuel 15:23,24.
Saul was rejected by God and committed suicide when he was surrounded by his enemies. He died like a fool, without hope. He was once God’s anointed but he chose to disobey and rebel against God.
Saul added to his sin by building a monument for himself (v12) Most Christians are doing the same. They seek their own glory, not the glory of God. They worship Him at their own time in their own way at the church of their own choice. Their church also has a doctrine of it’s own choice. They are practicing witchcraft and idolatry.
The doctrines of their church are the commandments of men, their own rules and regulations. Jesus said:
Many Christians glorify the words of the apostles and reject the words of Jesus. They build doctrines around the words of Paul but refuse to obey Jesus Christ. Jesus is Lord, He is the final judge of all men. The words that Jesus spoke will judge all men in the last day (John 12:48). Those Christians are practicing witchcraft. It is in vain that they worship Jesus while they are teaching as doctrines the precepts of men, even the apostles.

The Gospel of Church vs The Gospel of Jesus Christ

The gospel of church is directly opposed to Jesus Christ. The church is Antichrist in it’s total being diverting believers into submission to itself and guides them onto the broad way to destruction. Church requires a covenant relationship with itself rather than with Jesus Christ.
These are but a few of the differences between the gospel of church and the gospel of Christ:
Come to church – Come to Jesus
Obey the leadership – Obey Christ
Build the church – Build the kingdom of God
Study the scriptures – Be guided by the Holy Spirit
Believe in the Bible – Believe in Jesus
Trust the scriptures and your own understanding – Trust in Jesus with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding
Have fellowship with church members – Have fellowship with Jesus
Be tolerant to sin – Be holy
Serve the church – Serve Jesus Christ
Love the church members – Love all men especially the followers of Christ
Be friends with everybody – Friendship with the world is enmity with God
Love the world – Love not the world or the things of the world
We are all sinners – He who sins is a slave of sin
Everybody will be saved – Strive hard to enter the straight gate, few will find it.
Only believe to be saved – Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven, but He who does the will of My Father.
God will make you prosperous – Do not gather for yourself treasures on earth
God understands your weakness – If your eye makes you stumble pluck it out. It is better for you to go through life maimed than to end up in hell.
Don’t fear God, God is love – Fear Him, who after He has killed has power to cast into hell.
Come sit in the pews – Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you;
This is why the Kingdom of God is suffering. The church has deceived the believers into paralysis and unfruitfulness.
The gospel of Jesus Christ leads us into an intimate relationship with Jesus under the guidance of the Holy Spirit every moment of our lives. We cannot serve two masters, we will love the one and hate the other. Come out from church and her deceptions. Obey Christ and be part of His body, the true church.

Christian Hypocrites

Modern day Scribes and Pharisees tear apart the body of Christ with their outwardly godly teachings and doctrines but they refuse to obey the greatest commandment of Christ, which is to LOVE EACH OTHER AND PROVE TO BE HIS DISCIPLES. These hypocrites are ardent scholars of the Bible. They preach their own interpretations and the doctrines of men while they neglect the words of Jesus Christ. They are gossips and slanderers who cause fractions and persecute the true followers of Jesus Christ.

The straightforward gospel of Jesus Christ requires that we obey HIS WORDS as written in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.

These Christian hypocrites disregard the WORDS OF JESUS and deny the Holy Spirit. They preach the commandments of Moses, observance of Sabbath, and the words of the apostles. The apostles themselves preached the gospel of Jesus Christ and obedience to Jesus.

The words of the apostles are elevated above the words of Jesus. Their doctrines include the wearing of head coverings and the suppression of women. The words of the apostles in the epistles are regarded as the Word of God. The commandments of men take preference over the WORDS OF CHRIST who is Lord supreme.

These blasphemers have no regard for the guidance of Holy Spirit. Whatever does not agree with their doctrines and interpretations of scripture is rejected. They have elevated themselves and their own opinions above God. They wage holy wars against those who do not agree with their perverted doctrines and thereby prove to be children of Satan.

Righteousness and holiness, brotherly love do not exist to these hypocrites who strain out the gnat but swallow the camel. They do not mind destroying a brother or sister for whom Christ died. The same spirit of evil rules them as did also rule those who delivered Jesus to crucifixion.

Remove yourselves from these hypocrites and do not be contaminated by their leaven, the poison of vipers, causing destruction wherever they go. Do not associate with these snakes who stain the Name of Jesus with their wicked deeds.

Obey the Words of Christ Jesus, love the brethren and care for the body of Christ. Pray and ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Be slow to speak and quick to repent. Be holy, do not touch what is unclean. Jesus is near.

Satan uses the Bible

The devil uses the scriptures to deceive people. When he tempted Jesus he also quoted scripture. Many people are deceived by the application of the Bible scriptures. The only way to prevent being deceived is to be led by the Holy Spirit.

Many Christians who have backslidden believe that Jesus will not accept them back if they repent. Many believe they have sinned against the Holy Spirit and now they have given up. They have believed the lies of the devil because he quoted them some scripture.

Many people are deceived into thinking that they have salvation, based on the scriptures. They were told that you only need to believe in Jesus and they were given a few scriptures, which they believe, but they never got into a relationship with Jesus. They do not know Jesus, neither does He know them.

Churches use scripture to enslave people into supporting the church and submitting to the church leadership. They are deceived by the wolves because they are listening to people.

Jesus Christ Himself is the answer. If we need wisdom we must pray and ask Him. Jesus is God almighty, all power and all authority belongs to Him. It is not the will of God that any one perish but that all repent, obey Jesus and have eternal life.

There are no answers in the Bible. The Bible testifies of the answer, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the answer. His sheep know His voice and they listen to Him. They go to Him for answers. True wisdom only comes from Jesus.

Whatever your problem, big or small, go to Jesus. Pray, trust and wait, He will answer you. Don’t listen to the devil, search the scriptures or listen to people. Go to Jesus and He will tell you the truth. Never give up going to Jesus. Without Him we can do nothing and without Him we will not enter the kingdom of heaven. We must follow Jesus one day at a time, one step at a time right to the very end.

You can stop sinning

Without holiness nobody shall see God. Jesus Christ came to blot out our past sins and set us free from sin so we can live holy so we will be able to enter into the kingdom of God. Jesus said He who sins is a slave of sin but those whom the Son of God has set free will be free and free indeed.

Many people believe that it is impossible to stop sinning. Many churches preach the same. Those are lies of the devil, which people believe to their own destruction. People want to believe the lies because they love sin and hate God.

Because of the wickedness in the hearts of people, God gives them over to a deluding influence. We read in 2 Thessalonians 2:11,12: “For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.”

The wages of sin is death. The soul that sins will die.

Many people use scriptures to justify their sinfulness. They are under a deluding influence from God because they refuse to believe the truth and take pleasure in unrighteousness. They are addicted to all kinds of things: pleasure, lust, TV, drugs, sex, immorality etc. God has delivered them to their lusts.

If we love Jesus we will obey His words and seek to be in His presence in prayer. Our whole life will be centered around Jesus and obedience to Him.

You can stop sinning. If you are truly born again you will be holy. Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, “YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.”

Trapped in churchianity – The slave mentality

The majority of pew warmers and church members will not enter into the kingdom of heaven. They are institutionalized but have no relationship with Jesus Christ. Others have left the institution because they were either expelled or disillusioned. However they are still brainwashed into bondage of chuchianity and just go on to start another “church”. They have the slave mentality

Jesus Christ calls us into a relationship with Him, to constantly live in His presence under guidance of the Holy Spirit. His sheep know His voice and they listen to Him (John 10:27).

Witchcraft in the church

The true church is the body of Christ, the temple of the Holy Spirit which consists of living bricks, disciples of Jesus Christ, operating under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The institutional church is an organization consisting of members who support the doctrines and objectives of the organization. The organization appoints leadership according to its own requirements. The institutional church is not part of the true church, the body of Christ.

Some members of the institutional church may be true disciples of Jesus Christ. I will forthwith refer to the institutional church as the “church”. Most ministries are also “church”. The main objective of “church” is to ensure growth in membership and income to support the livelihood of the institution and it’s leadership.

The “church” uses spiritual and scriptural witchcraft to cast spells over believers, to make them slaves of “church” and the leadership. Members are deceived into believing that the “church” has redeeming powers and offers them eternal salvation. This deception is supported with the Bible and often through “prophecy”.

Favorite scriptures are those relating to money and attendance. Members are compelled to tithe, 10% of their income and also to “sow” money into the “kingdom”. Many promise that God will multiply the seed in prosperity to those who sow the seed. The only ones who benefit are the robbers that run the “church”. Micah 3:5 talks about these:
“Thus says the LORD concerning the prophets who lead my people astray; When they have something to bite with their teeth, They cry, “Peace,” But against him who puts nothing in their mouths they declare holy war.”
Amongst these are the prosperity preachers who tell you God wants to make you rich. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, deliver us from the bondage of sin so we can live holy and be children of God. He did not come to make us rich.

Other more spiritual “churches” use “prophecy” as well to manipulate and control those whom they ensnare. They quote scriptures relating to curses from God on those who do not follow the appointed “anointed” leadership. They also announce curses on those who oppose them. Their captives live in continuous fear of the leadership who make them believe that they are the direct oracles of God. They are witches and sorcerers, demons posing as angels of light.

Some of the “spiritual churches” propose certain exclusive excellencies , like the Hebrew names of Jesus, the Sabbath and spiritual revelations. These do not bring people closer to Jesus but rather serve as unfruitful distractions away from obedience to Christ.

All “churches” have one thing in common – they do not bring people closer to Jesus. They cast spells over people and control them for their own benefit. People believe they are saved because they belong to a “church”, pay their dues to the church and attend the “spiritistic séance.” They worship at “church” but they live like everybody else. They are still sinners because all those who belong to “church” are sinners, they have not been delivered by Jesus, they never repented of sin. The “church” is an instrument of satan. It does not bring people to repentance from sin and into a relationship with Jesus.

The body of Christ, the true church does not have hours of service but are indwelled by His Spirit, focused on the Master, always listening to the Shepherd’s voice. The true church is in constant fellowship with the Head, Jesus Christ, and has daily fellowship with other members of the body of Christ. They do not wait for an occasion but come together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They do not tithe to the “church” but provide in the needs of the saints, other members of the body, they also care for the widows and orphans. They love each other with the love of Christ and demonstrate it through their actions.

Do you belong to a “church” or to the body of Christ?
It is not a sin to belong to a “church” but it does not bring you closer to Jesus. It is a distraction that can cost you eternity. Either you are a disciple of Christ and part of His Body or you are a deceived man pleaser.

Intellectual ignorance vs Spiritual darkness

A lack of knowledge can always be corrected through studies, research, training or schooling. An increase in knowledge only serves to improve the intellect but does nothing for the spirit. Spiritual darkness can only be cured through obedience to Jesus Christ.

Many people are well schooled in the Bible and doctrine but have no knowledge of God. They are merely religious scholars with a pretense of godliness but they have denied the power of the cross of Christ. They have become scholars and hearers of the truth but because they disobey Christ they are deceiving themselves into thinking that they have salvation. It is to many of these that Jesus will say one day: Go away I never knew you.

The only way to get to know Jesus and be spiritually enlightened is through obedience to His words as recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It is only when we obey Christ that we are tested and tried and rejected by the world. That is the sifting process where the majority of believers are eliminated. They either debate the words of Christ and seek a way to justify their disobedience or they reject it as not practical. They maintain that they are sinners, while Jesus commanded that we sin no more. They remain in spiritual darkness. They are disobedient sinners.

Those who persist in obedience to Christ grow in faith and knowledge of Christ. Jesus Himself lights their way because they consistently seek His guidance and obey Him. They, are the true sons of God.

Backsliders and Fornicators

A child of God does not sin. He is a holy person and he lives in the household of God, continuously in the presence of God. Sin separates us from God. The moment we sin we move outside of God’s presence.

Many Christians who were once born again are spiritually dead because they have turned away from God and are living in sin. They are prodigal children. They are out of the Father’s house, in the pig sty.

The prodigal son was dead. When he came back his Father washed and clothed him, gave him a ring on his finger and said: “For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.” Luke 15:24.

Other Christians are fornicating like Esau who sold his birthright for a single meal. They have fallen from the grace of God. “Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.” Hebrews 12:16,17. ONE SIN CAN TAKE YOU TO HELL.

Christians who sin are either backslidden or fornicating. Nobody who lives in the household of God sins because God does not tolerate sin.

Now is the day of salvation, now is the time to repent of sin and go back to the Father’s house. Repentance means to totally turn away from sin and become totally obedient to Christ and be righteous as He is righteous.

No unholy person or sinner will go into the kingdom of heaven. With God there is only one way: utter holiness, sanctification without which nobody shall see God.

God will judge His people

Many Christians have been deceived into believing that God will not judge believers. They believe that their sins have been forgiven, past present and future. That is not true. The wages of sin is death, the soul that sins will die, believers and non-believers.

What then is the benefit of being a believer, born again with the hope of eternal salvation?

Jesus forgives the past sin of those who believe in Him and repent of sin. They become children of God who belong to the household of God. As children of God they come into obedience to God. They stop sinning. They are also subject to the discipline of God, which is severe on His children. He did not spare Jesus. “Though He were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, He became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him;” Hebrews 5:8,9.
Neither will God spare any of His other children but He will chastise them and bring them to perfection through suffering, if they endure.

“My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of Him: For whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of His holiness. Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.” Hebrews 12:5-11.

If we refuse correction we will be judged with the world. Many Christians are chastised through sickness, misfortune, death of loved ones and many other ways. It is the grace of God that leads us to repentance and utter holiness. Some never repent and will receive the reward of sin, death. The wages of sin is death. Children of God will be judged more severely that sinners because they had knowledge of the truth but refused to obey.

NO sin will be allowed into heaven, neither any sinners, even if they were believers. Only doers of righteousness are justified by God. “Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying. Revelations 22:15

There is no partiality with God. The soul that sins will die!

Church is a dangerous game

Churches play games. They entertain people instead of leading them to a relationship with Jesus. Church attendance does not bring us closer to God. There is only one thing that will matter when we stand before the throne of God: Does Jesus know me?

The real church is the body of Christ. Those who belong to Christ and live in a constant relationship with Jesus are part of the real church. They worship Him day and night and never let up on their devotion to Jesus. They are constantly in prayer seeking His will and listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit in their hearts.

Church organizations are a diversion, captivating souls unto service to the organization. The wolves in the pulpit rob the poor sheep in the pews and exploit them to their own advantage. They are hired hands, serving the organization and ruling over the flock, promising them a salvation of which they themselves have no part – they are fakes, cheats and liars, extortionists.

Jesus Himself is the good Shepherd, His sheep know His voice and they follow Him. He Himself appoints servants to care for His sheep, to feed them and put them to pasture. His sheep know His voice and they listen to Him, they will not follow a stranger. They will run away from the strangers because they do not recognize his voice. Few there are, who know His voice.

Wake up and discern: Do you know the voice of the Shepherd and follow Him or are you happy to be entertained by the wolves?

Servant of God?

There are many who claim to be servants of God, however, they do not have any knowledge of God. To be a servant of God, you first need to know God. Further you need to be directed by God. Very few of those who carry the label of servant of God comply with those criteria. The majority are servants of secular organizations, churches.

A servant of God serves God, not people. You cannot serve two masters, you will either hate the one and love the other or be loyal to one and despise the other. Those who serve secular church organizations most often defy Jesus with their own wisdom and man made doctrines. They appease people and have no business with God.

A servant of God has one attachment only, Jesus Christ. His business is to always be pleasing to Jesus. Servants of God are constantly focused on Christ Himself. They seek the approval of the Holy Spirit in their heart. The acceptance of people means nothing to them, friendship with the world is enmity with God.

Either we are servants of God and love Him more than anything or we are self serving, people pleasing fakes. Jesus knows our hearts, we cannot fool Him. His true sheep, who hear His voice and follow Him are few. Narrow is the door and few will find it. Jesus is the door to the Kingdom of God. If we seek Him, we find Him. Only those who endure to the end will enter in.

Are you a servant of God?

God Will Provide

We are living in uncertain times. Many people are fear riddled and some are panic stricken about things that are happening in the world. Christians expect the fulfillment of prophecy, the Antichrist, tribulation, famine, New World Order, mark of the beast, 666, war, unrest, persecution. Many are hoping for some escape, the rapture, to quickly save them and relieve their anxiety. Others flee the country.

The truth is: trouble is everywhere. You can run, but you can’t hide. “If there is calamity in the city, has not the Lord done it?” Amos 3:6. Everything happens by the power of God. Not even the devil can do anything if God does not allow him to do it.

God cares and provides for those who obey Him. Jesus told us to not be concerned about anything. He commanded: Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the other will be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)
God is faithful and will not let us down.

Our problem is that few of us are interested in the kingdom of God, we are interested in ourselves. We are selfish, ask things for ourselves, are concerned about self preservation and not about the kingdom of God. If we are really children on God we shall be concerned about doing the works of Christ, testifying for Jesus, preaching the gospel, saving souls from hell.

Those who are concerned about the kingdom of God pray for the kingdom of God to be expanded, they are not concerned about self. If we are eager to bear fruit for Jesus He will make a way for us. We need not be concerned about the circumstances. Jesus lives in us by His Spirit and He will guide us when the trial happens.

Jesus said: “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19,20

Jesus will always be with us, the question is: Are you with Jesus, seeking His Kingdom and His righteousness?

Perfect Ponzi System – Church

Church could be defined as the perfect ponzi system, the only difference is that none of the investors derive any benefit at all. The only people to benefit are the organizers who use the Bible as a basis for their fraudulent money making system.

Believers are deceived into “sowing into the kingdom of heaven.” Crafty operators create extreme feelings of guilt to extort money out of people. They are told that God will bless them according to what they sow. The poorest of people are ripped off and money is extorted from them in the expectation of receiving God’s favor. The poor deceived victims fail to realize that they themselves support the lavish life styles of these thugs.

The modern organized church is for the most part also just a social club. Church buildings do not bring people closer to Jesus. Churches oblige members to pay tithes to support the organization and pay the salaries of hired employees. Members are continuously involved in fund raising activities under the compulsion of “working for God.” They are in fact slaves of the church that has nothing to do with the invisible kingdom of God.

We cannot buy God’s favor. All that we have are free gifts from a loving Father who makes His sun shine on good and evil. We are all undeserving. Neither does God ask anything of us apart from obedience and righteousness. Jesus commanded that we love each other. show compassion to our brothers and our neighbor not that we attempt to buy His grace. The grace of God was bought with a dear price, the blood of Jesus, not with silver and gold that perish. Salvation is a free gift to those who believe in Jesus and obey Him.

Money is the root of all evil. Jesus, the King of kings, the owner of it all did not carry a money bag. He associated with the poorest of poor and warned that it will be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Those who wish to buy God’s favor fall prey to these corrupt money mongering “preachers” who preach prosperity instead of repentance from sin and obedience to Jesus Christ.

Together they will perish, the deceivers and the victims, because they loved money and the things of the world rather than seeking the kingdom of God. Jesus calls us to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Him every day of our lives. The prize of eternal life is reserved for those who follow Jesus in a daily relationship, hearing his voice and obeying Him. The rest will hear those terrible words: Go away, I never knew you. If we seek riches and the approval of men we will never be part of the kingdom of heaven.

Beyond Repentance

The kingdom of God, first preached by John the Baptist, thereafter by Jesus and the disciples involves much more than just salvation and repentance from dead works. The vast majority of Christians never progress beyond accepting Jesus as their Savior. They have been deceived into believing that the road already ends at the start. Very few ever find the Narrow Gate and enter into the Kingdom of God.

Modern day preaching seldom goes beyond repentance from sin. Emphasis is on salvation and the promise of eternal life, a cheap insurance package against eternity in hell. That falls way short of Jesus’ call for discipleship.

Jesus calls us to deny ourselves, pick up our cross daily and follow Him. The disciples followed Jesus for three and half years that He taught them His ways. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to guide them after He ascended to heaven. The Holy Spirit was given on the day of Pentecost. The promise was for all who would believe in Jesus. (Acts 2:38)

All believers are called to discipleship, to be servants in the Kingdom of God. When we believe in Jesus we accept Him as Lord and invite Him into our hearts. We turn away from sin and give up our own plans, dedicate our lives to Jesus. The Holy Spirit will guide us into righteousness and obedience to Jesus. The Holy Spirit lives in our hearts, that soft voice, that speaks to us urging us to do what pleases Jesus. We need to constantly obey, and seek Jesus in prayer.

The Holy Spirit will teach us as Jesus taught the disciples. Once we have learned obedience the Holy Spirit will guide us into fruitful works. Jesus Himself is the Head of the body of Christ, His kingdom. His disciples are members of the Body and they are guided by the Holy Spirit to do the works of the Body of Christ. Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God (Romans 8:12).

Very few believers progress to the stage where they become sons of God. The majority never get into a relationship with Jesus. They become involved in church activities or turn away and go back to their former lifestyles. Sadly, very few will enter the Kingdom of heaven because the never really got to know Jesus. He will say to many in that day: Go away, I never knew you.

Be sober

Western society is constantly intoxicated. It has become acceptable to be addicted to drugs, prescription drugs, tobacco, alcohol, sex, immorality, TV, video games, shopping sprees and all kinds of vices. People are addicted to pleasures and lusts of the flesh. An insatiable lust for pleasure and a desire to escape reality justifies their deviation. The wicked “science” of psychology has become the vehicle to motivate and guard the snares of Satan.

The snares of Satan also entangle the majority of Christians. They are as bound and intoxicated as the rest of the world. Christianity has made an alliance with the devil. They call it pastoral psychology. Instead of rejecting sin and casting the demons out they have turned it into an occupation, justifying sin, immorality and bondage.

You cannot follow Jesus and be bound by any vices or dependencies. You need a sober mind. Either you are free, a son of God or bound, a son of the devil. If the Son of God has set you free, you will be free indeed.

Jesus Christ calls us to sobriety. He sets the captives free and guides them into the freedom of the sons of God. Those who follow Jesus are sober and willfully follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. An intoxicated mind cannot exercise faith and will not follow Jesus. Without faith, it is impossible to please God.

The only way to become sober is to take a stand, repent, turn away from sin, vices and ask Jesus to set you free. Without repentance there is no redemption.
Whosoever shall call on the Lord shall be saved and delivered from bondage unto the freedom of the sons of God.

Christian celebrities

The glorification of the creature instead of the Creator is a wickedness in the sight of God. Christian celebrities attract the attention to themselves and become rich and famous from the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are adored and followed instead of Jesus, the Lord of lords and King of kings.

Christians adore these celebrities. They are preachers, prophets, healers, singers, worship teams, skit performers, dancers, movie stars and rock stars. They appeal to the flesh, their own and that of their followers. As soon as man is exalted God is forgotten.

They use technology to create an atmosphere of sanctity but it only glorifies and satisfies the flesh. The followers are always in awe of the performer but do not fall down and worship the real God and Master Jesus Christ. Instead of repentance and holiness the performances result in the satisfaction of the flesh. People want to feel good, enjoy the performance. They love their pleasures and their lusts.

God will judge both idols and idolaters, both will go down into the pit. There is no partiality with God, He knows the intention of the heart of man, He judges righteously. All the glory goes to Jesus, He is a jealous God and will not share His glory with man.

Deception of Church

The entire church system is a wicked deception that exists without God. Church has no connection whatsoever with God or eternal destiny. It is entirely self centered and aimed at gain for the church operators. Church exists totally separate from God, it is in fact opposed to God.

The church system is a worldly system. It does not subject itself to God. Church leadership use doctrine and “biblical principles” to manipulate ignorant believers.
Vast multitudes of naïve believers are drawn into the church system. They believe they are working on their eternal destiny but they are enslaved to a man made system.

The majority of church members have never had any contact with Jesus. It is not the objective of the church to bring people to Jesus. Church enslaves people to itself. It makes people believe that they are serving God by serving church. That is a wicked lie.

Church activities are marketing tools aimed at fulfilling needs created in the minds of people. Church members are brain washed into thinking that these ceremonies are essential to their eternal destiny. Facilities and attractions are put in place to please people. It has nothing to do with God.

All that matters is knowing and following Jesus Christ, the Invisible God. He will say to many people in that day: Go away I never knew you. Jesus Christ is God. Salvation is knowing and being in a constant relationship with Jesus. Jesus is the Head of His true church, the body of Christ. They are His sheep, who know His voice and follow Him, every step of the way, every day of their lives.

If you want to spend eternity in the presence of God in heaven you need to get to know Jesus now, before it is too late. Once you die you face judgment. If you did not get to know Jesus in this life, you will spend eternity away from Him as well.
Seek Jesus now, before it is for ever too late. Don’t go to church, go to Jesus!

An Evil Spirit

Man is body, soul and spirit. The soul drives the body but the spirit drives the soul. The soul that sins will die eternally in hell but the soul that obeys God will live for ever. "But it is a spirit in man, And the breath of the Almighty gives them understanding.” Job 32:8

The spirit is given my God, in which also lives our conscience, which naturally tells the difference between right and wrong.
The Spirit of God lives in your spirit(heart) if you have invited Jesus into your heart. He will clean you

“let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. “Hebrews 10:22

In His Presence

Many Christians find it difficult to spend time in prayer. They run out of words and thoughts and don’t know what to pray. What they do not realize is that we are in the presence of God every moment of our lives. Nothing is hidden from His sight ever. God knows everything, even the intentions of our hearts. He knows our thoughts, our worries, fears and all our emotions.

For a Christian, Jesus Christ is Lord, King, Master of every moment of his life. Every thought is shared with Jesus and every moment is lived for Jesus. No decision is taken without first referring it to Jesus for His guidance. A born again Christian lives only for Jesus, not for himself or for sin. He has no pleasure in the world or the things of the world. Since the moment Jesus came into your heart you only have one desire, to please Jesus.

If you do not any desire to be with Jesus , or to pray, there is something seriously wrong with your relationship with Jesus. Only those who love Jesus and want to be with Him, will enter His kingdom. If you never loved Jesus that much that you wanted to be with Him every moment, then you have never met Him. If you did once love him that much but your feelings have disappeared you need to repent, plead for forgiveness, ask Jesus to remove the stone heart in you and replace it with His love.

The only way that we get to know Jesus is through a constant relationship, making ourselves aware of His presence every moment. Make time to be alone with Jesus. Remove all sources of interruption, switch of the cell phone and TV. (A Christian should not own a TV) A good time is at night, when everybody is asleep. Get up and be alone with Jesus. Wait on Him silently. He will speak to you, into your heart. Spend time in His presence as though you were in His mighty presence before His throne. He will reveal Himself to you.

If you don’t have a desire to be with Him now, you never will. You will come to the end of your life and Jesus will say to you: Go away, I never knew you. Make time now, seek Him with all your heart. Get to know Him before it is forever too late. Spend time in His presence every day.

What is your Cross?

Jesus said:, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.” Luke 9:23. People often want to know which cross Jesus was referring to. The cross is our flesh.

Our flesh is corrupt and seeks to please itself. When we find salvation and believe in Jesus Christ we have to force our flesh to obey the Holy Spirit, which Christ makes to dwell in us. Jesus said: "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.” John 6:63.

When we invite Jesus into our hearts our spirit is renewed (born again), but our soul keeps it’s sinful nature. We have two forces at work in us, the flesh with it’s carnal desires and the Spirit of God living in our spirit. If we live according to the flesh we must die. We thus have to deny the flesh its desires and force ourselves to obey the Spirit of Christ in us.

Our flesh is eternally corrupt, it will never change until the day we die. We are not all the same. Some people are weaker in some areas. It is a mistake to think that the flesh will ever change. We need to control ourselves and force the flesh to obey Christ. Some people say it is impossible to stop sinning. It is not or else Jesus would not command us to stop sinning.

The only way to follow Christ is to daily pick up our cross, crucify the flesh and force it to do the will of God. Obedience to Jesus is not optional, it is a requirement to enter the kingdom of heaven. God does not tolerate willful disobedience. The soul that sins will die.

If we constantly focus on Jesus and listen to the Spirit of Christ in us, it is possible to overcome the flesh. With God, all things are possible. We are able to do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

The Scripture Hurdle

What should be of benefit to Christians has become a barrier between them and God. The scriptures were inspired by the Holy Spirit to lead believers to Jesus Christ. Instead, the Bible has become the object of worship.

Jesus Christ is Lord. He is the beginning and the end, the final judge of the living and the dead. God sent the Holy Spirit, to dwell in those who believe, to guide them and prepare them for judgment day so they can avoid condemnation. Instead of following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they choose to read the scriptures. This is blatant disregard and rejection of the Savior Himself.

Are the scriptures wrong? No certainly not, but Christians refuse to get to know the Master Himself. Jesus gives His Holy Spirit in the heart of every believer, to guide them into righteousness and fruitfulness. Believers rather occupy themselves with reading the scriptures and other media than to focus on the voice of the Holy Spirit in their hearts.

The Spirit of Truth will guide us into everything that Jesus requires of us, if we would listen. The majority of believers never spend time waiting on Jesus, listening to the Holy Spirit. They are spiritually dead. They have some scripture knowledge in their heads but no revelation of Jesus in their hearts. They do not know Jesus.

Once you get tuned in to the Holy Spirit you hear His voice all day. You also learn that the Holy Spirit does not only know the Bible but, Jesus in me, knows everything. I just need to ask Him and He will give me wisdom and guidance in every aspect of natural and spiritual life.

Are you guided by the Holy Spirit? Do you know the Shepherds voice?

” For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” Romans 8:14.

Are you a son of God?

The devil is in the church

Church denominations testify to the division caused by Satan. Knowledge of God leads to unity because there is only one God. God is not divided but churches each have their own little empire. None of those lead to anybody closer to God or a relationship with Jesus Christ but rather to enmity and strife.

God does not live in church, the devil lives there. God does not live in temples built with hands. God is Spirit and He lives in the hearts of those who follow Jesus, who have received the Holy Spirit. They are constantly guided by the Holy Spirit. Those who do not have the Holy Spirit do not belong to Jesus because His sheep know His voice and they follow Him.

Churches are managed by people who mostly have no knowledge of God. They preach that they are all sinners, which they are. No sinners will go into heaven. Churches seek the acceptance of people, society, the world, creature comforts. Everything and everybody is acceptable as long as they support the church. They run on money – no money no church! The church needs good management and no interference from God or godly people, those are branded as heretics.

The true body of Christ, the real church, is guided by the Holy Spirit. They do not sin because the Spirit of God is in them. They seek acceptance of God, holiness and purity. They love all men. Sinners are not comfortable among them because they feel condemned. The body of Christ has no boundaries or territories. There is no exclusivity, all are welcome in the kingdom of God.

The church glorifies man, the church leadership, the buildings, the creature comforts beauty of man. The church glorifies knowledge and doctrine, riches and the pleasures and treasures of the world. Satan rules the “church.”

The true church glorifies Jesus Christ, the cross of Calvary, the suffering, the blood of Christ that takes away the sin of the world. All that matters is a relationship with Jesus, being holy and acceptable to Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Get out of “church” and into a relationship with Jesus Christ. He will say to many in that day: Go away from Me, I never knew you.”

False Church - Real Church

God is Spirit and His kingdom is a spiritual kingdom The church is the body of Christ, which is also a spiritual body comprising if people in whom the Holy Spirit of God dwells. The true church is a spiritual church whereas the false church is the human organizations that proliferate the earth.

The true church is and organism under the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God. Jesus is the Head of the church, His body (Col. 1:18) Jesus Himself, guides each member of the body by the Holy Spirit as in a natural body the head controls the functions of the body via the central nerve system.

The false church is an organization, ruled and controlled by wicked men who have deceived believers into believing that they are the chosen instruments of God. They rule people through doctrine, making them slaves of the church. They use the Bible as a tool to control and manipulate people, extorting money from them, placing them under fear of damnation if they do not obey the church.

Many serious souls are deceived into submission by the false church. If these people wake up to the deception of the church they are branded as heretics and violently persecuted. The church takes souls captive into slavery to itself. It does not bring people into a right relationship with God. It has nothing to do with God. It has a form of godliness but it has denied the power of God. The Spirit of God is excluded – God is Spirit, so the church is totally separate from God.

The church is a wicked institution. It uses doctrine devised to capture souls into slavery to the church, not into obedience to Jesus Christ. It uses its own interpretations of scripture to legalize its wickedness. Gross iniquities and sins are committed and approved of under the cover of God’s grace. God does not tolerate any sin and will not excuse any sin either. The church preaches tolerance to sin and is violently opposed to obeying Jesus Christ. Homosexuality, fornication, adultery and other immoralities are not only approved but also openly practiced by church leadership.

There are various grades of evil in church organization but at the core of it all is flesh, a man made organization managed by man and not by God. Some claim to be more pure than others but they are all just a different flavor of the same evil. Church organizations are all fake, not part of Jesus Christ. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” John 3:6. THERE IS NO REMEDY! The root is rotten, the tree and branches are rotten too.

There is only one way to please God: Stay in a relationship with Jesus and be guided by His Spirit every moment of your life. Then you are part of the real church, His body, guided by His Spirit, to do His will. That is the real church.

War is murder - War is evil

Jesus commanded us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us. He also commanded that we resist not an evil man. He said: Do not murder. He also said that whoever calls another person a fool shall be guilty enough to go into hell. There is no justification for war, whatsoever.

The reason why the first murder was committed, when Cain killed his brother Abel, was because of the wickedness in the heart of Abel. The person who perpetrates violence is evil, whoever he may be.

No murderer will enter the kingdom of heaven. God never changed and His judgment never changed. Jesus died for the sins of mankind and He arose to judge those who disobeyed Him. The wages of sin is death. The soul that sins will die. There will be no exception.

There is a way out. Repent of your sins and wickedness and obey Jesus. Turn away from evil, plead Jesus for forgiveness and then sin no more. We will be judged by the words of Jesus. His words are written in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

“If anyone hears My sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. “He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day. John 12:24,48.

The church has no legitimacy.

The church is the watchman, supposed to be guarding against moral decay. Not only does the church turn a blind eye but it approves of immorality. Instead of condemning and speaking out it sanctifies murder and wickedness.

A women is the carrier of life and the care giver of the family. Women are now deployed by the military to kill and assault. Instead of life givers they are murderers. Killing your own baby in the womb is “choice.” Young women are planning and having babies outside of wedlock. Where is the church in all this?

Women killers are war heroes. Immorality is accepted. The vast majority of church members, “Christians” are fornicating and adulterating. As long as the money flows and the church is full everything is acceptable to the church.

Jesus said: “Do not murder” and “Do not resist and evil man” also ”He who takes up the sword will die by the sword.” No form of violence was ever acceptable to Jesus. Adulterers, murderers, fornicators and immoral people will not inherit the kingdom of God. Yet, they are church members and the church refuses to speak out.

What role models do the children have? “My mother is a killer, she is in the military”; “My mom does not know who my father is”; “What is a father?; “God our Father??? How does that work?” Where are we heading?

God has not changed but the church has forsaken God. The preachers are quiet. They are leading this generation straight into hell. Are you part of such a church? Do you support them with your God given money? Do you also approve? Do you think God will excuse you for being quiet?
“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness” Romans 1:18. Are you ready for the wrath of God or will you repent and be separate?

May God have mercy on this generation. If God excuses this generation He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorra and the others which He destroyed for their wickedness. It is time to repent from our evil ways and seek God.

May God have mercy! Come out of the wicked church and seek God before you also come under the judgment of God.

Church is just a show – An empty shell

For most people “church” is the substance of their faith. The first thing any Christian asks you is: Which church do you belong to? If you don’t belong to a church there is something wrong with you. They don’t know how to classify you, which box to fit you into. If you say you belong to Jesus they are totally confused.

Church is just a show. Every brand of Christianity has it’s own flavor. People are born into a denomination or they choose a flavor to taste. Every denomination presents God in their own way. They cater for different tastes and compete for membership. The sad reality is that all the churches are empty shells that offer no eternal benefit to the membership. Unless a person gets into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, he is damned for eternity.

The only way to get to know the real God and Savior, Jesus Christ is through a constant close personal relationship. Most church people will be sadly disappointed when they meet Jesus and He says to them: Go away I never knew you.

Church membership adds noting to your salvation or relationship with Jesus. In fact, it could be a distraction. If church attendance does not bring you into a closer relationship with Jesus and holy living, it is a fatal distraction that will cause you to end up in hell. Without holiness, nobody shall see God, no sinful person shall go into heaven.

Only Jesus can cleanse you and make you suitable to enter heaven. All that matters is your relationship with Jesus. You relationship with Jesus starts when you repent of sin and invite Jesus into your heart. Unless you have had an experience when Jesus came into your heart and cleansed you, so that you knew you had met Him, you have not met Jesus yet. Salvation is a Spiritual experience that happens in your heart. You connect with Jesus which results in an inner transformation. You love Jesus and are not interested in the things of the world any more.

Your relationship with Jesus grows through a constant focus on Him, who lives in you by His Spirit. His Spirit in you will guide you into righteousness and remind you of the words of Jesus, which are written in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If you do wrong the Holy Spirit in your heart will be grieved and you will be unhappy, fearful. If you repent and ask forgiveness you will have peace in your heart.

All of this has nothing to do with the show at church or with doctrines, church attendance, church flea markets or money.

The true church, the body of Christ are, those believers who are in a constant relationship with Jesus. When they meet each other they have fellowship, but their greatest desire at all times is to have fellowship with Jesus Christ and spend time with Him in prayer, being guided into holiness and fruitfulness by the Holy Spirit.

Churches hate the truth.

Institutional churches are not the body of Christ. They are merely organizations run for their own benefit. They approve of sin and wickedness.

Jesus Himself is the Head of the church
Jesus Christ is the Highest authority, not the pastor, priest or clergymen
The church is not the house of God.
The followers of Jesus Christ are the church
The church of Christ is not a building.
The followers of Jesus are the temple of the Holy Ghost
God is not mute – He can speak and His sheep know His voice.
The Bible is not the Word of God, it is the holy scriptures – Jesus is the Word of God. If you don’t know His voice you are not one of His sheep.
One is your Teacher, even Jesus Himself.
The Holy Spirit will guide every follower of Jesus into the whole truth.
You don’t need to belong to a church organization. You must belong to Jesus.
You don’t need to go to church – you need to follow Jesus.
You don’t need doctrine – you need the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
A person who is born again does not sin - he follows Jesus
Only saints will go into heaven – without holiness nobody shall see God.
Faith alone can not save – you need to be in a relationship with Jesus and obey Him.
God does not need your money but the church does.
You don’t serve Jesus one day of the week but every day.
Church membership cannot save you – a relationship with Jesus saves you.
There is only one baptism: under water after repentance of sin by adults.
You don’t need to be married or buried in a church.
A Christian is a servant of Christ, not of the church.
Jesus will say to many in that day: Go away, I never knew you. They never got into a relationship with Him.
The church enslaves people – Jesus sets you free to follow and obey Him.

Few believers know Jesus

Very few believers really know Jesus. Very few preachers know Jesus. Most believers are only religious. A real intimate understanding of Jesus comes through a nonstop relationship.

It is vitally important to know Jesus and for Him to know us. Jesus warned that He will one day say to many believers: Go away I never knew you. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Jesus is Eternal Life. A relationship requires two way communication. Most believers believe God is dead, the only way God communicates is through the Bible. That is a lie. Jesus is alive. His sheep hear His voice and listen to Him.

To most preachers, church is office, it is a job. They are employed by the church. They use the Bible as their tool to do their job. They don’t need Jesus. Their key performance areas do not include bringing people into a relationship with Jesus. Their increase in pay depends on the numbers.

Believers trust the preachers, who do not care for their souls, only for their money. Preachers will deny this. Believers in turn seek the approval of the preacher. They are not interested in the approval of God.

God is invisible, not heard by human ear so people need paraphernalia, the stuff that makes their faith more real. The church supplies the stuff, at a cost obviously. These are creature comforts, entertainment, media and all kinds of trinkets. None of these heave anything to do with Jesus neither does it bring them into a relationship with Him. It only makes them feel “spiritual.”

Believers have Bibles, they call it the “Word of God.” They believe God speaks no more. They read and quote the right scriptures to support their beliefs and their chosen church’s doctrines. They are taught parrot style from the Bible and the doctrines. The say the right things and participate in the “fellowship.” They eve pray nice prayers but they haven’t met Jesus yet. They don’t need Jesus for their game.

There is only one problem. God is not part of the game and has no pleasure in it either. Jesus and the scriptures are exploited by both the blind leaders and the followers, who are headed for the ditch.

If you do not have a relationship with Jesus, hear His voice and follow Him you are not one of His sheep. If you have never heard God speak to you then you are spiritually dead.

Those who really follow Jesus have no business with the fake church. They are part of the body of Christ, led by the Head, Jesus Christ. Their pleasure is in His approval, ever day of their lives, wherever they are. They are led by the Holy Spirit not by men. They are the sons of God, they really know Jesus.

God does not support rebellion

God puts rulers and governments into place and He removes them. A person who rebels against the government is in rebellion to God. Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. Those who believe in Him obey Him and also walk as He walked.

Jesus commanded not to resist and evil man. Whoever strikes you on the one cheek, offer him the other as well. Jesus commanded that we love each other as He also loved us, also that we must love our enemies and pray for them. Jesus also said that they that take up the sword will perish by the sword.

Jesus said: “Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth” Matthew 5:5.

Those who follow Jesus obey Him and trust in Him, He is their refuge. Jesus promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us. If we ignore Jesus and disobey Him He will not protect us. Those who take refuge with God have none to fear. He protects them.

God’s way is the way of peace, but He only protects those who submit to Him and obey Him. There is only one way: repent of sin trust God and wait on Him. Those who have wickedness and sin in their hearts can not pray and expect God to hear and protect them.

“In repentance and rest you will be saved,
In quietness and trust is your strength.” Isaiah 30:15

Repent and seek Jesus and you will live. Rebel and you will die.

Christening is not baptism

"But Jesus called for them, saying, "Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Luke 18:16

A baby has no sin. Sin starts when you know right from wrong, when you can discern sin. A baby that dies already belongs to the kingdom of heaven.

There is no original sin. Sin is committed, not in inherited.

3 As I live, declares the Lord GOD, you are surely not going to use this proverb in Israel anymore. 4 Behold, all souls are Mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is Mine. The soul who sins will die.
Ezekiel 18:3-4.

"The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the fathers iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the sons iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself." Ezekiel 4:20.

Repentance and baptism is for adults who can understand that they have sinned.

Poisoning your children

Parents take the utmost care about their babies when it comes to diet but when it comes to caring for their souls they don’t mind feeding them poison. Little babies are not only exposed, but forced to watch TV to entertain them and keep them occupied because they are too “busy” to look after them

Parents complain about removal of the Bible and religion form school but they allow the little ones to flip the channels, it is cute. When the babies grow up they are atheist because the parents allowed their minds to be poisoned with any type of filth from Hollywood.

Parents buy there children violent video games. These war games become their reality. You have made your child a murderer.

Our minds drive our actions. The little ones are uncontrolled, undisciplined, influenced by anything that the box offers. They have sacrificed their child to the devil when they should have brought him up in the knowledge of God. It is your responsibility to teach your child about Jesus and to teach him discipline. If you allow him to run wild he becomes a little animal, ready for prison and hell.

A child needs discipline. Many children are never taught discipline. They have no respect for authority or for God When they grow up they run into trouble with the law and end up in prison. They refuse to submit to God and end up in hell. God does not force anybody to obey Him but the wages of sin is death.

Your child is your responsibility. Jesus said:” It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than that he would cause one of these little ones to stumble.” Luke 17:2

Report for duty

Nobody can serve two masters. We shall either serve God or serve the devil an ourselves. Many Christian refuse to serve Jesus. They are in fact demonstrating that they do not love Jesus, and do not belong to Him.

Jesus calls us to be part of His body. Jesus is the head. Each member of the body is under direction of the Head, via the central nervous system, the Holy Spirit. Every member of the body is connected to the Head. Those who are not connected are not part of the Head.
Jesus said: “My sheep know My voice and they listen to Me.” John 10:27 Very few believers are connected of know His voice.

Those who are connected, who hear the voice of the Master, the true Shepherd, they are the true servants of God. They report for duty every morning. Their mind is set on Christ. Wherever God has called them and placed them they bear fruit for the kingdom of God.
They never take time out but serve Him every day.

There are few who really follow Jesus and truly belong to His body. Many were called but few responded. They were all more interested in their own affairs and had no interest in the kingdom of God. To many He will say in that day: Go away, I never knew you.

With Jesus, there are no half measures. Either you follow Him and serve Him or you are not worthy of Him. Salvation is not earned. It is a free gift. Refusal to serve the Master demonstrates love for self, Satan and sin. Those who follow Jesus do it voluntarily, they are bond servants, who serve Him day and night because they belong to the kingdom of heaven. Jesus is their King and they are members of His body.

Hell will be lined with preachers

Preachers have a responsibility to speak the truth and look after the souls of people. They are the watchmen, called to warn the people and keep them from going astray. Double damnation will come on preachers who deceive people and cause them to stumble and end up in hell.

Many preachers have compromised the truth for lies to please people. They have made the gospel more “friendly” to attract people to their churches but they have lied to them.

There is only one gospel, the cross of Jesus Christ. We are saved by believing in Jesus and repenting of sin. Repentance means to stop sinning. Jesus commanded that we preach the gospel to all creation. “He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.” Mark 16:16

There is only one baptism, after repentance of sins. Baptism of babies is a lie.

Without holiness nobody shall see God. The soul that sins shall die, even if they believe in Jesus. Those who continue willfully sinning after believing in Jesus will end up in hell. God is not mocked. Preachers do not warn people to live holy and repent from sin. Many people will end up in hell because they believed the lies from the pulpits.

Every believer needs to get into a daily relationship with Jesus. Jesus said: ”My sheep know my voice and they follow Me.” John 10:27. Jesus will say to many people in the judgment day: “Go away from Me, I never knew you.” Preachers just lured them to church and took their money but never led them into a relationship with Jesus. They stood between these people and Jesus. Instead of teaching them to follow Jesus they made them slaves and servants of themselves and their churches. These people will end up in hell because the preachers led them into the ditch.

While these lying deceiving preachers will receive eternal punishment, those who were deceived will not be excused. Those who seek truth will find it. They will realize that God is holy and does not tolerate sin but because they loved sin they also loved the lying preachers and supported them.

There will be no excuse. Most people have Bibles. Most people have heard the truth but they preferred to listen to lies. Anyone who seeks Jesus will find Him. He put in each of us a conscience and He warns us. If we refuse to take heed we end up in hell.

The lying preachers will end up in hell as well as their followers. The choice is ours. Do we take our relationship with Jesus in our own hands and seek Him with all our hearts or do we believe lies and hope for the best.?

There is only one way, obedience to Jesus and utter holiness. Those who do not follow Him daily and get to know Him intimately will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

No fire insurance God is not mocked

There are many people who think that they can just believe in Jesus, be saved and have eternal life while they carry on living sinfully. God is not mocked. Without holiness nobody shall see God.

There is no such thing as fire insurance: quickly accepting Jesus and now you will not go to hell. God is not a fool. He knows the intensions of our hearts. If we keep on refusing Him when we do have the opportunity to follow Jesus, the day will come that we seek Him but He does not answer us. We must be serious and make use of our opportunities while we can.

Jesus calls us to be part of His kingdom. When we repent of sin and are accepted by Jesus, He forgives our sins and justifies us but we need to be changed into His likeness. We must become sons of God who do the will of God. We must become an active part of the body of Christ, guided by the Head, Jesus, through the nerve system, the Holy Spirit.

The majority of believers fall away. Many are called but few are chosen. Very few will make it through the narrow door into heaven.

Holiness does not come in one day. We become holy through a relationship with Jesus Christ. A relationship is built through obedience to the Holy Spirit, which He puts in us if we meet Him. Many people have never met Jesus and do not have the Holy Spirit. They become Bible scholars and are indoctrinated into church but never get into a relationship with Jesus.

For most people there will not be an opportunity for a last minute repentance and most certainly there is no such thing as a fire insurance to keep you out of hell. If you do not have a daily relationship with Jesus you will not enter heaven. You must live under guidance of the Holy spirit, constantly repenting if you do something wrong. The wages of sin is death. No sin will go into heaven. He will say to many people: ”Go away I never knew you.”

Always be ready, you do not know when you will die, which could be any moment. If Jesus does not know you, you will go into eternal hell.

The purpose of fasting

God is Spirit and those who worship Him must do so in spirit and in truth. We are flesh and we have soul and spirit. Our soul (mind) and flesh dominates most of the time. Fasting weakens our flesh and allows our spirit(conscience) to “surface”.

When we first invite Jesus into our lives and repent of sin, the Holy Spirit cleans our heart, (conscience) and makes us new. The Holy Spirit then also lives in us, with our spirit. God made us to be a temple of the Holy Spirit. We get involved with the cares of life and chase after the desires of the flesh, ignoring the soft voice of the Holy Spirit, who together with our conscience warns us and wishes to guide us into the will of God.

Fasting is a good way to deprive the flesh and focus on the spirit together with the Holy Spirit in us. As the body weakens through the fast, the spirit becomes stronger and we “hear” the voice of the spirit louder and clearer.

The objective of fasting is to get closer to Jesus. Jesus is always close to us but we are not tuned in. We ignore His Holy Spirit in us. So we need to deprive the flesh and force ourselves to focus on Jesus. A fast is useful for spiritual awakening and restoration.

Fasting without praying is a waste of time. You need to remove other distractions as well. The things that please the flesh must be put aside for the duration of the fast. No TV, no food, no reading, avoid friends and other distractions. Spend time praying. Your spirit must come alive as your flesh weakens. You can drink some water, but not too much, just to keep the fluid levels up.

Take time to pray. Spend time being quiet with Jesus. There are certain levels of isolation. It is sometimes not possible to eliminate all normal activities. You can go about necessary chores, looking after the family etc. The important thing is to remember, you are fasting to get closer to Jesus. If you don’t pray and spend time with Him you are wasting your time.

Fasting is a time to examine yourself and draw closer to Jesus. Ask Him to reveal to you wrong things, hindrances in your life. Repent of those things. Write the things down that come to mind when you pray and make sure to fix it up. You will find that your spirit (conscience) becomes “alive” and the Spirit of God speaks to you, that soft inner voice. Take note of everything, take it seriously, seek God with all your heart. Draw closer to him and He will draw closer to you.

TV kills Christians

There is only one thing that makes you a Christians and that is your relationship with Jesus Christ. Anything that interferes with your relationship with Jesus destroys you and causes spiritual death. TV captivates the minds of people and diverts them from reality. Many believers will be sadly disappointed, when Jesus will say to them: “Go away, I never knew you.” They never had a relationship with Jesus.

Our minds determine our actions. We need to guard our minds against wrong influences. Whatever we absorb through our senses determine our way of thinking. Just think how easily a 20 second commercial gets stuck in your mind if you hear and see it a few times.
People are continuously desensitized against sin, blasphemy, curse words, sexual immorality, violence, adultery, homosexuality, abortion, lust, all the things that God hates.

Being in a relationship with Jesus requires a pure heart, sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is unavoidable for a Christian who goes out in the world every day to be challenged by temptations. A person who watches TV willfully clogs his mind with impurity.

God is invisible. We cannot sense God with out senses, only in our spirit. If we allow our senses to rule our spirit suffers. The Holy Spirit speaks into our spirit. Those who are guided by the Spirit of God, they are the children of God. So, if we are compelled by lust and our fleshly mind we are separated from God.

God does not force Himself on us. We must willfully follow Jesus and seek His guidance. If we do not cultivate our relationship with Jesus it dies. Our mind must be pure, clean and receptive for the Holy Spirit. If your mind is clogged up with TV trash and God gives you a vision or a dream, you are not able to distinguish whether it came from God or from Hollywood. That is why TV addicted Christians are spiritually dead. You cannot clog your mind with trash and also be receptive for the Holy Spirit.

Anyone who is serious with Jesus and wants to maintain His relationship with Jesus must totally avoid TV. TV renders a person totally useless for the kingdom of God. It is impossible to allow your mind to be captured by TV and be guided by the Holy Spirit.

There is only one way to please Jesus and that is to constantly focus on Him and be guided by His Spirit. He will not beg us nor argue with us. In the end most Christians will end up in hell after believing they were saved. They never had a relationship with Jesus, never were truly His body, guided by His Spirit. He will say: Go away, I never knew you. They sold their souls to the TV. Satan sucked them in through the flat screen idol.

"Church" is a graveyard

The organized church is a graveyard where good souls are suffocated and entombed. The real church, the Body of Christ is alive and vibrant, guided by the Holy Spirit of God. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Body of Christ. Each and every member of His Body is active and fruitful, doing as the Master commands.

The church is full of stiffs, as in the days when Jesus preached. Jesus said: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness.’ Mathew 23:27. That also describes the organized church today.

There is no difference between the church goers and the world. They watch the same filth on the TV, have the same interests and participate in the same worldly activities. The are adulterers and fornicators. There is no difference. The church goers may have Bibles but they do not obey what is written in the Bibles. They are hypocrites. Most preachers say: We are all sinners, that they are, on their way to hell.

Serious believers who seek the truth and find Jesus are quickly indoctrinated into the teachings of the church. The church occupies people with activities directed at the expansion and maintenance of the church. It is all done in the name of Jesus, or God. They are suffocated into dead fruitless works and never get into a relationship with Jesus. They become slaves of the church, not disciples of Jesus. They are spiritually dead.

Church members are zombies who sit in pews. They are pumped full of doctrine and knowledge to tranquilize them into slavery, “always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 2 Timothy 3:7. “For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant.” Hebrews 5:12. They never grow to maturity, they die as babes.

Those who seek Jesus are quickly branded as trouble makers and they are pushed out. These people either find another graveyard church or some of them start their own.

There is only one way to become a mature man in Christ be fruitful in the kingdom of God. Get out of the grave yard before you die and get into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Listen to His Holy Spirit. Be guided by the Holy Spirit.

Many church Christians have never been born again. They have never really repented of sin and invited Jesus into their hearts. They never experienced the cleansing power of the Holy Spirit, never been delivered from sin and got into a relationship with Jesus.

If you have not really been born again, repent of sin. Plead Jesus for forgiveness and ask Him to cleanse you of unrighteousness. Obey Him and be baptized in water for forgiveness of sins and ask Jesus for the baptism in the Holy Spirit. His Spirit in you will guide you into all righteousness. Continuously seek Him in prayer, be focused on Jesus every moment of your life. Read His words in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and obey. Stay with Him and He will reveal Himself to you.

Stay with Jesus and avoid the graveyard church and graveyard Christians.

Works based salvation deception

Salvation comes through believing in Jesus Christ and not through performing the works of the Law of Moses. We are justified through faith in Jesus who forgives our past sins and cleanses us of all iniquity when we repent of sin and believe in Him. However, misleading teachings have crept into apostate churches.

These people have reduced the grace of Jesus Christ to a license to sin. They teach that we are all sinners and remain sinners even after we have come to Jesus. That is a lie.

Repentance produces fruit of righteousness. A person who has met Jesus Christ is a new creation. Old things have passed away, new things have come. Those who follow Christ have no interest in the world or the things of the world. Neither are they conformed to the world. They sin no more.

The wages of sin is death, The soul that sins will die. If a believer would continue in sin he is denying Jesus who died for him and he has made Jesus to an open shame. A believer who continues in sin will be judged along with those who never knew Jesus.

No sin will be allowed in heaven. A person who continues in sin is a slave of sin and has no relationship with Jesus. Righteousness and obedience to Jesus Christ are the trade marks of a Christian. Faith without works of righteousness and compassion is dead. Those who do not bear those fruit are not children of God. They are children of the devil. Without holiness, nobody shall see God.

Harlot church serves Satan

The most dangerous deception is the one closest to the truth, but it is a filthy lie. Church is such a deception. Church is outwardly noble but lethal for the eternal destiny of the soul. It promises salvation apart from the Savior. The majority of church members do not belong to the real church, the body of Christ.

The real church is the body of Christ of which Jesus Himself is the Head. Each member of the body of Christ is a sheep, who hears the voice of the Shepherd and follows Him. Each member is guided through the central nervous system, the Holy Spirit that functions to coordinate the activity of all parts of the body. Jesus is the brain. Each member of the Body of Christ is in a constant close relationship with Jesus every moment of their lives. The Spirit of Christ dwells in them. They are servants of the King of the Kingdom of heaven, Jesus Christ, serving Him day and night. They have been delivered of sin and although they are in the world they are no part of it. They are holy instruments used by the Master in his Kingdom, available to go where Jesus sends them when He pleases.

Very few Christians are guided by the Holy Spirit and thus they are not part of the body of Christ, or at best they are totally dysfunctional. They have been hijacked by the harlot church system. They believe that they are saved but have no relationship with Jesus. Being held captive by doctrines of men, they serve the church and participate in church activities which are aimed at serving and expanding the church organization. They are occupied with studies of scripture and teachings of men, side tracked away from an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ the Lord and Master, King of the Kingdom of heaven.

Instead of being constantly in a relationship with Jesus, Christians are involved in fruitless church activities. They have been side tracked by the devil. They think they are serving God but do not have a relationship with Jesus. He will say to many in that day: “Go away I never knew you.” They were good church people but will end up in hell because they never got to know Jesus.

Make sure that your church brings you into a relationship with Jesus or you might also be deceived and disillusioned. Satan comes as an angel of light. Be careful!

Preachers from hell

Christian seminaries and Bible Schools have produced a generation of preachers that are preaching people straight into hell. The fruit of their deceptive work is evident from the vast number of believers who firmly believe that they are saved but they have produced no fruit of repentance.

The wages of sin is death. There is no exception. God hates sin. Without holiness nobody shall see God. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and to set us free from sin. The soul that sins will die, eternally in hell.

There is only one gospel, the Kingdom of God: Jesus Christ is Lord. Serve Jesus as Lord and Master or perish in hell. Repent of sin, which means to stop sinning altogether, plead forgiveness from Jesus. Invite Jesus into your heart as Lord and Master. Be baptized in water for the remission of your sins and you will be saved if you obey Him until the end.

Those who are in Christ are new creatures. They are delivered from sin and wickedness. Their hearts have been cleansed through faith in Jesus. They sin no more but serve Jesus in righteousness every day of their lives. They are holy people filled with the Holy Spirit who have no interest in the things of the world, TV, sports, fashion, acceptance of man and pleasures of the world. They only have one objective, to serve Jesus and be in a constant relationship with Him. You cannot love the world and love Jesus.

Run from preachers who do not bring you under the fear of God. And a relationship with Jesus. Run from preachers who do not baptize you for repentance of sin. Run from worldly preachers who say we are all sinners till we die. They are preachers from hell.

Jesus' Commandments are not optional

The Christian church at large has lost focus on the importance of Jesus Christ and His Words. They regard the Words of Jesus Christ as optional and they have taken on their own doctrines as the important part of being a Christian. What they have forgotten is that Jesus Christ is the Alpha and the Omega, He is the Beginning and the End. The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to Him. Jesus said to Nicodemus unless a man is born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God. Many Christians are not born again, they call themselves Christians. Seeing the Kingdom of God is realizing that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, HE IS KING and nothing is more important than Jesus and obedience to Him.

Christians deny Christ, they turn their back on Christ. I have heard preachers pray like Jesus is their little brother, they only want salvation through Him. What they fail to realize is that Jesus Christ is King of kings, He is Lord of lords. All power and authority has been given to Him. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Gospel of the Kingdom, Jesus Christ is the King and His Words Reign.

Jesus said we will be Judged by His Words, He does not Judge anybody but the Words that He Spoke, will be judged un in the last day. All power in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus Christ, He is the KING. His Words are the only Words that really count. All Judgment has been given to Him. The Father Judges nobody He has given all Judgment to Jesus Christ and that is why Jesus says that He will say to many people in that day: Go away from Me, I never knew you.

People don’t think it is important to know Jesus Christ, they think it is not important that Jesus knows them, that is a fatal mistake. The only Person worthwhile knowing in this whole universe is Jesus Christ. He alone is the Way the Truth and the Life. If we do not know Him and He does not know us, He will not allow us into His Kingdom.

He is coming for a pure Bride, a Bride that loves Him, that obeys Him and is prepared for Him. The majority of the Christian Church does not even know Jesus Christ. They don’t regard His Words as important yet HE will JUDGE us by HIS WORDS and our DEEDS, how we responded to our faith in Jesus Christ.

Is He your King? Do you see the Kingdom of God? Do you realize that Jesus is the King, that He is the One that you need to satisfy? He will decide who will go into Heaven and who will not go into Heaven. He is the King of kings He is the Lord of lords. He is the most important Person that we can ever know and yet He is denied to the detriment of those who do so. We must obey Jesus Christ if we want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We must love Him, He must be the center of our total being or else He will not allow us into His Kingdom.
If we don’t love Him now and if we don’t obey Him now, we will never ever enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus said if you love Me keep My commands. He said to His disciples if you are My Friends, I call you Friends because you keep My commandments. We must keep Jesus commandments if we want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. There is nothing more important than obedience to Jesus Christ.