Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Stay on the Straight and Narrow Road

We will only have eternal life if we stay on the straight and narrow road until the END of our lives. That straight and narrow road is the road of obedience to Jesus Christ, the road of obedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit that convicts the whole world of sin, righteousness and judgment.
Nobody will have any excuse. Nobody will be able to say:”I did not know right from wrong,” because the Holy Spirit convicts all of us of sin, righteousness and judgment. If we do not OBEY the Holy Spirit and live in utter righteousness and holiness, we will perish.
Jesus Christ is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE and He gives the Holy Spirit IN those who seek Him. If you seek eternal life, ask Jesus for His Holy Spirit to come and live IN YOU and be with you, and He will guide you to eternal life. Are you on the STRAIGHT AND NARROW road, or are you on the broad road that leads to destruction?
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Serious Business

You cannot follow Jesus Christ on an off and on basis, either you are totally committed to Him and focused on Him and follow Him every day or you do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Without holiness no man shall see God. If you are not walking in utter holiness and dedication to Jesus, He will not speak to you. If you do not seek Him and go after Him every day, you do not have a relationship with Him.
Most believers just believe that they are saved but they have no relationship with Jesus because they don't pray, they are not focused on Him, they do not seek Him. Maybe they read the Bible and they are religious but THEY DO NOT HEAR HIS VOICE because they are not focused on Him. They are as much in the world and of the world as the rest of the world. They are just deceived they believe that they are saved but THEY DON'T KNOW JESUS. His sheep LISTEN to His voice and they FOLLOW Him every day.
Are you LISTENING to His VOICE and are you FOLLOWING HIM? You cannot be joking with your friends the one moment and be following Jesus Christ the next moment. Either you are dedicated to Jesus and to being pleasing to Him all the time or you are just not following Him. You cannot follow Jesus Christ on an off and on basis.
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Your reactions

Jesus said that the branch in Him that does not bear good fruit will get cut off (John 15). If we do not remain IN Him we cannot bear good fruit. Jesus said:”Without ME you can do nothing.” Our actions and our reactions to how other people treat us or to things that happen to us in life, are determined by our relationship with Jesus. If we are close to Him and we receive our guidance from Him then we will react in the way that He directs us to react.
If we react according to our feelings, or our natural desires then we react according to the flesh and we cannot please Jesus and then our fruit will be bad. Our reactions depend on our closeness with Jesus. In all situations we need to pray and let the Holy Spirit determine our reactions. Then we will bear good fruit and DO what is pleasing to Him. It all depends on our relationship with Him, how close we are with Him.
Do we react according to our feelings, or do we say:”Lord, How would You want me to react in this situation?” Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God (Romans 8:14). We need to control ourselves, control the flesh, submit to Jesus and react in the way that He shows us to react. We must DO what is pleasing to Him and then we will bear good fruit. It all depends on our relationship with Him.
How close are we with Jesus? Do we constantly seek Him? Are we constantly aware of Him and are we in everything seeking to be pleasing to Him? If we follow Jesus we no longer please ourselves or protect ourselves, preserve ourselves, but in all things we seek to be pleasing to Jesus alone.
May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The American Lie

I want to share with you the wisdom of an American about America. I once heard the weatherman Al Roker say that:”America rewards mediocrity. Every one is a winner even if he comes stone last.” The kingdom of God is not America. In the kingdom of God only overcomers will win the prize of eternal life.
The American grace gospel says that:”Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved regardless of whether they obey Jesus, whether they are a murderer or whatever they do.” THAT IS A LIE. The American lie has carried through to the American Gospel.
Jesus Christ said:”Only those who endure until the end shall be saved, only those who OVERCOME will win the prize of eternal life. On occasion they asked Jesus whether those who are being saved are few and Jesus said:”Strive hard to enter the narrow door because many, I tell you will try and not be able.”(Luke 13:24)
Do not fall prey to the American Grace Gospel which is a lie from satan who takes certain verses from the Bible and uses them to deceive the people. If you want eternal life YOU MUST OBEY JESUS CHRIST, go and read His words in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, for yourself, and DO THEM because Jesus Christ Himself will decide who will enter the kingdom of Heaven and who not, and His words also recorded in the gospels, will judge us.
Do not believe the lie, everyone is not a winner. Only those who OBEY Jesus and endure until the very end, they will have eternal life.
May Jesus bless you

Friday, April 26, 2013

Fake Christians - Empty Confessions

We prove our love for someone by our deeds. If we love Jesus Christ then we will OBEY Him, we will devote ourselves to Him and nothing will be too much trouble for us to do what is pleasing to Him. Many people think that if they just believe in Jesus and they confess Him that they will be saved but Jesus IS NOT FOOLED BY EMPTY WORDS.
We read in Romans 10:9,10 the words of Paul:“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” We cannot fool Jesus by empty words. We read in Matthew 15:8 “This people draweth nigh unto Me with their mouth, and honoureth Me with their lips; but their heart is far from Me.”
Jesus also said:”Why do you call Me Lord, Lord and you do not what I say?” Jesus Christ died for sin, if we disobey Him and we continue in sin we PROVE that we HATE Him. If we truly love Jesus nothing will be too much trouble to obey Him and to do what is pleasing to Him.
Jesus said that if you love father or mother or anything above Him you are not worthy of Him. This generation loves the world and the things of the world and they reject the words of Jesus, yet, they think that if they confess with their mouth and say:”I believe in Jesus, I love Jesus” that they will be saved. They are deceived. You cannot fool God. If you love Jesus you will obey Him and you will be UTTERLY faithful unto Him.
A tree is known by its fruit. A bad tree cannot bear good fruit. If you keep on sinning, you have NO RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST whatsoever and your confession of being a Christian is utterly useless because Jesus will say to you:”Go away I never knew you, you worker of wickedness.”
Doe your life, your actions, your devotion to Jesus show that you love Him? Do you spend time with Him? Do you obey His words, as written in the gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the red letter words? If you do not obey those words then your confession of your faith and your love for Jesus, IS A LIE.
You cannot fool Jesus Christ. If you love Him you will obey Him. You will obey every single word that He spoke and nothing will be too much trouble for you, you will UTTERLY obey Jesus Christ. If Jesus is your LORD you will serve Him as LORD. If you love anything more than Jesus, you will perish with those things.
May Jesus bless you.

Victims of the American fake gospel

The vast majority of American believers are products of the American FAKE CHRISTIANITY that reduces everything to a commodity that can be sold and used. Salvation is not a procedure, it is not a process. It is not a sequence of steps that you go through. It is not a box full of gimmicks that you have to apply and then you have salvation.
Salvation is a relationship with the Living God, it is KNOWING Jesus Christ FOR REAL. It is not about a Bible or a doctrine, it is a RELATIONSHIP and if you haven't met Jesus Christ and if you do not know Him for real, if you do not worship Him in SPIRIT AND TRUTH then you don't have salvation. It is not a matter of bible verses and application of Bible verses and scriptures. It Is a RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS. His sheep LISTEN to His voice and they FOLLOW HIM. It is not a process, it is a relationship. When you meet Him you either decide to throw everything over board and to OBEY Him, you LOVE Him and to FOLLOW Him until the very end of your life or you are not interested. You don't go through step 1, step 2, step 3 or drink a pill, or take a shot. You either FOLLOW JESUS and you KNOW HIM FOR REAL or you don't. You IMMEDIATELY STOP SINNING, you REPENT of YOURSELF, you TURN AWAY FROM yourself and serving yourself and you GO AFTER Jesus with everything that is in you because HE IS YOUR REALITY.  HE IS YOUR REALITY! If Jesus Christ is not your REALITY then you are a deceived fake Christian like most Americans. They DO NOT KNOW JESUS. Many of them just know the Bible, they know their doctrines but Jesus Christ is no reality to them. They do not know the power of God. If Jesus Christ is not your reality then you do not have salvation.
JESUS CHRIST IS SALVATION. YOUR SALVATION DEPENDS ON YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM. He will say to many of YOU in that day:”Go away I never knew you.” You will say:”I repented, I was baptized, I went to church, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, I did this and I did that...” And Jesus will say:”I never knew you, go away from Me.” You went through the motions but you never WALKED WITH THE KING because you NEVER KNEW HIM, YOU NEVER MET HIM. YOU NEVER LABORED IN PRAYER, YOU NEVER SOUGHT HIM WITH ALL YOUR POWER! YOU NEVER KNEW JESUS CHRIST!
You were victims of the AMERICAN FAKE GOSPEL, “ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED!,” go through process 1,2,3, and now you are saved! THERE IS NO SUCH THING! Either you know Jesus and you OBEY Him or else you have NO RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM. Have you met Jesus Christ or are you playing religious games?  Are you the victim of the AMERICAN FAKE GOSPEL? GET ON YOUR KNEES AND CRY OUT TO JESUS TODAY!
Forget about everything else. Forget about everything else! Get on your knees and cry out to the Living God and Jesus Christ Himself will reveal Himself to you but GET SERIOUS! GET INTO A RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LIVING GOD OR YOU WILL PERISH! STOP SINNING and OBEY HIM! If Jesus is not your life YOU ARE LOST!
Get to KNOW the KING  and SERVE Him with all your power. Jesus Christ is LORD and if you don't serve Him as Lord and if you don't KNOW Him, if you don't know His voice, YOU ARE LOST! CRY OUT TO HIM, HE IS ALIVE! He will speak to you, He will reveal Himself to you IF you seek Him with all your heart.
REMEMBER! IT IS NOT A PROCESS, IT IS A RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST! Is He real to you? If not, you just don't know Him. YOU ARE LOST! WAKE UP! Seek Jesus before it is too late.
May Jesus bless you

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

America will mourn cry and suffer

For five years, since 2008, I have been warning America to repent of their wicked ways. I have been mocked, I have been scoffed, I have been rejected, I have been threatened with death. On March 28th, 2013 Jesus told me to “GO NOW.”
I pleaded with the Lord to stay longer. I said:”Lord, let me stay longer and warn these people.” I made three videos, I was crying to the Lord to spare America, I was crying to the Lord for mercy for these people and all they did was, they mocked me, and they kept on scoffing me. They said it was theatrics, I was trying to impress people. And then the Lord said to me:”They did not listen to Me, they will not listen to you, GO NOW!” I left the country on the same day.
I am truly amazed at how receptive the people in Africa are for the gospel of Jesus Christ, how they accept the truth. American “Christians” will cry, they will suffer, they will mourn, because when God spoke and warned they mocked and they scoffed. When they cry out to God for mercy, He will not listen to them because they rejected Him and they rejected those whom He sent to warn them. May Jesus have mercy on my brothers and sisters who believed the truth and who follow Him with with all their heart, the FEW there be, that truly do love Him. But for the rest I say:”May God have mercy” because when you cry He will not listen to you, because YOU have rejected the mercy of God when He called on you and you loved your sin more than Him.
American FAKE “Christians” always have a scripture or an argument or an opinion, a reason why they will not follow and obey Jesus. They will not humble themselves before the Lord like Samuel did. He said:”Speak Lord, Thy servant is listening.”
If you don't want to be a servant of God you will serve satan and you will perish.
REPENT while you still can because the judgment of God is coming swiftly.
May Jesus have mercy on America.

The Sacrifices of God

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise.” Those are the words of king David in Psalm 51:17. The only sacrifice that we can bring to God is our own brokenness because if we are spirited and strong in ourselves we will not listen to Him, we will not obey Him.
Jesus said:”Blessed are they who are poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” Matthew 5:3. It is only when we are poor in spirit, poor in OUR OWN SPIRIT, poor in our own ideas and opinion, our own resources, it is only then that we are willing to OBEY the King, to LISTEN to Him, to FOLLOW Him and to be useful, fruitful in His kingdom. People who are wise in their own estimation, who lean on their own understanding and their own Bible knowledge WILL NOT LISTEN to the Holy Spirit. We need to empty ourselves of our SELF, of our own resources, of our own plans and our own opinions and totally submit to the Holy Spirit, TRUST Him, LISTEN and OBEY or else we will not follow Jesus, we will not do what is pleasing to Him.
As long as we lean on our own understanding and we are adamant about our own opinion we are in direct opposition, in rebellion against Jesus Christ because then we elevate ourselves and we think that we are God, we think that we are more clever and more wise than Him and we will not follow in His plan. God is not interested in our opinions or in our plans.
Jesus Christ is LORD and if we follow Him, we serve HIM as LORD. Wisdom that comes from the mind of man is satanic and in rebellion against God. Unless we deny ourselves, deny our own opinions and our own ways we cannot follow Jesus and we cannot be pleasing to Him, we cannot be part of the kingdom of God because we will not submit ourselves to Jesus. What He requires of us is utter and total submission to Him, We cannot please Jesus unless we submit to Jesus and totally obey Him.
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What you are

You are what you do. You become like the one whom you are following. The unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. Parents want to teach their children to do good while they themselves are wicked. We can only teach our children to follow and to obey Jesus if we ourselves are following Him.
If we ourselves are wicked and we are on our way to hell then we are taking our children to hell with us. The question is: Are we ourselves, obeying Jesus and doing what is pleasing to Him? Or are we taking the next generation to hell with us? Who are we following, Jesus Christ, or our own desires?
Where will we and our children end up?
May Jesus bless you.

Worthy works

Foolish believers listen to the devil, they refuse to obey Jesus Christ and they refuse to work for the kingdom of God. A tree is known by its fruit. Jesus said that every branch in Him that does not bear good fruit will get cut off and burned. The devil knows that, he wants you to be unfruitful.
Jesus will reward every man according to their deeds. The devil knows that and he wants you to lose your reward of eternal life.
Only those who obey Jesus and who are fruitful and who endure until the very end. Only they will win the prize of eternal life. Are you obeying Jesus and bearing fruit or are you listening to the devil and those so called Christians who tell you that we are saved by grace and not by works. We are saved by grace to work for the kingdom of God and if we refuse to SERVE Jesus Christ we will be CUT OFF AND BURNED because every branch that does not bear good fruit will get cut off and burned.
How is our fruit? Are we worthy of eternal life and reward from Jesus or will we be rewarded with damnation?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Your reality

Very few professing Christians do really know Jesus Christ for real. They occupy themselves with religion, with reading the Bible, they fellowship with other believers but they have no fellowship with Jesus Christ.
If you know Jesus Christ for real then He is your reality every moment of your life. You LISTEN to Him, you are focused on Him all the time. You don't care what other people say or think, you only want to be pleasing to Jesus because you KNOW His voice, you LISTEN to Him and you FOLLOW Him. He guides you every step of the way.
Is Jesus Christ REAL to you? Are you focused on Him alone and on nothing else? He will say to many believers in that day:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness,” because they never KNEW Him. They never LISTENED to Him, they never FOLLOWED Him.
Are you FOLLOWING Jesus Christ or are you just religious?
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

What is Jesus saying to YOU?

What is Jesus saying to you today? Jesus said:”My sheep listen to My voice and they follow Me.” If we are His sheep we will HEAR Him, we will GO AFTER Him, we will FOLLOW Him.
The reason why people are not hearing His voice is because they are not His sheep, or some sheep are just not listening to Him. He says:”Draw closer to Me and I will draw closer to you.” If you seek Him, you find Him but if like most believers, you are not interested in hearing His voice, He will also say to you, like He will say to so many BUSY believers, He will say:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness.”
Have you spent time with Jesus TODAY? Are you LISTENING to Him, WAITING ON Him, SEEKING Him? Or are you not one of His sheep?
May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

More than just words

If you are a born again follower of Jesus Christ then you will be like Him. It is not your words, but your life, that will tell the story. Jesus said to Nicodemus, as we read in John 3:8 “The wind blows where it wishes, you don't know where it is coming from and you don't know where it is going, and so is every person who I born of the Spirit if God.” It is because they are led by the Holy Spirit and they do what Jesus tells them to do, they go where He sends them.
Those who truly follow Jesus Christ will be hated by all men. They will speak His words, they themselves being disciples of Jesus Christ, will be making other disciples of Christ. They are not of the world, neither do they love the things of the world. Their only desire is to follow Jesus and be pleasing to Him. Their life tells the story, not their words. Anybody can quote scripture but not many follow Jesus. Not many of those who call themselves Christians, do really follow Jesus Christ. Not many of them do really have any relationship with Jesus.
If we follow Jesus we will walk like He walked and we will speak His words. If we want eternal life we have to follow Jesus and walk like He walked and speak His words and then our life will show that we are disciples of Jesus Christ.
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Why I do not sin

I am not a good person and I have done many evil things in my life even after I first met Jesus, but since I have come to know Jesus better I know that He does not tolerate any disobedience or any sin. The road that you are on determines where you will end up.
If we are on the wide road to destruction, that is where we will end up. But if we want to have eternal life and spend eternity with Jesus then we must now already start spending our life with and for Jesus.
I DO NOT SIN. My mind is always on Jesus and I am always seeking to please Him because I know that that is the only road that leads to life. It is not because I am good. It is because I know Jesus. I love Him, I fear Him and I obey Him. That is my choice. I do not want to go back on the broad road to destruction.
Jesus does not reveal Himself to you if you live in sin. You have to be pure and holy, and then He will speak to you. He will guide you. You will enjoy His companionship, His fellowship and His presence, but the moment you sin, that sin comes between you and Jesus and if you do not repent you will perish if you should die at that moment.
It was for ONE SIN that Adam died. God has not changed. Jesus said:”Be ye perfect like your Father in heaven is perfect.” He requires a PERFECT relationship with us. If you follow Jesus, you DO NOT SIN. King David said:”I have kept Thy words in my heart that I will not sin against Thee.”Psalm 119:11.
Jesus lives in my heart and I WILL NOT SIN against Him.
May Jesus bless you


There are no second prizes in the kingdom of heaven. There is no space for losers. Only those who deny themselves, pick up their cross and follow Jesus until the end, only they will win the prize of eternal life. It is only for the CHAMPIONS, for those who have overcome, who have overcome sin, overcome the flesh, overcome the devil and who have endured until the end. It is only for those who denied themselves and absolutely obeyed Jesus Christ.
Narrow is the door and few there be that find it. Not many believers will make it into the kingdom of heaven, only those who stayed close to Jesus, in close relationship with Him, who obeyed Him and who did His will. They are the ones who will win the prize of eternal life.
Are you a CHAMPION? Are you following Jesus every day? Will you win the prize of eternal life?
May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Mission Impossible

If you decide to follow Jesus then He takes you on a road that is utterly impossible. In the first place you do the “impossible,” you stop sinning. You go against your own will, against your own desires and you obey Jesus Christ.
People say it is impossible to stop sinning. With Jesus all things are possible. If you stay with Jesus then the road is impossible, it is difficult, you cannot see where you are going but you can only see Him who is guiding you, the One, whom you are following, Jesus Christ. “The righteous will live by faith and if he withdraws My soul will have no pleasure in Him.” To follow Jesus is to walk by faith, to trust Him in absolutely everything. The road will be impossible but because Jesus goes ahead of you, you arrive on the other side. You get to know Jesus because without Him you cannot walk that road. Without Jesus you will not find that narrow door that leads to life. There is no road map THERE IS ONLY JESUS.
Most people give up. Even the disciples, many of them gave up. (Go read in John 6) Jesus said to Peter:”Don't you also want to leave?” And Peter said to Him:”Lord, where shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. “If you do not hear His voice and LISTEN and FOLLOW, if you do not have the bread of life, His guidance, every day, then you cannot make it. You can follow your own mind, you can go your own way but you will not get to know Jesus and you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven.
Are you on the IMPOSSIBLE ROAD? Are you on that road where you are overcoming because your focus is on Jesus all the time?
May Jesus bless you.

Mission Impossible

If you decide to follow Jesus then He takes you on a road that is utterly impossible. In the first place you do the “impossible,” you stop sinning. You go against your own will, against your own desires and you obey Jesus Christ.
People say it is impossible to stop sinning. With Jesus all things are possible. If you stay with Jesus then the road is impossible, it is difficult, you cannot see where you are going but you can only see Him who is guiding you, the One, whom you are following, Jesus Christ. “The righteous will live by faith and if he withdraws My soul will have no pleasure in Him.” To follow Jesus is to walk by faith, to trust Him in absolutely everything. The road will be impossible but because Jesus goes ahead of you, you arrive on the other side. You get to know Jesus because without Him you cannot walk that road. Without Jesus you will not find that narrow door that leads to life. There is no road map THERE IS ONLY JESUS.
Most people give up. Even the disciples, many of them gave up. (Go read in John 6) Jesus said to Peter:”Don't you also want to leave?” And Peter said to Him:”Lord, where shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. “If you do not hear His voice and LISTEN and FOLLOW, if you do not have the bread of life, His guidance, every day, then you cannot make it. You can follow your own mind, you can go your own way but you will not get to know Jesus and you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven.
Are you on the IMPOSSIBLE ROAD? Are you on that road where you are overcoming because your focus is on Jesus all the time?
May Jesus bless you.

Mission Impossible

If you decide to follow Jesus then He takes you on a road that is utterly impossible. In the first place you do the “impossible,” you stop sinning. You go against your own will, against your own desires and you obey Jesus Christ.
People say it is impossible to stop sinning. With Jesus all things are possible. If you stay with Jesus then the road is impossible, it is difficult, you cannot see where you are going but you can only see Him who is guiding you, the One, whom you are following, Jesus Christ. “The righteous will live by faith and if he withdraws My soul will have no pleasure in Him.” To follow Jesus is to walk by faith, to trust Him in absolutely everything. The road will be impossible but because Jesus goes ahead of you, you arrive on the other side. You get to know Jesus because without Him you cannot walk that road. Without Jesus you will not find that narrow door that leads to life. There is no road map THERE IS ONLY JESUS.
Most people give up. Even the disciples, many of them gave up. (Go read in John 6) Jesus said to Peter:”Don't you also want to leave?” And Peter said to Him:”Lord, where shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. “If you do not hear His voice and LISTEN and FOLLOW, if you do not have the bread of life, His guidance, every day, then you cannot make it. You can follow your own mind, you can go your own way but you will not get to know Jesus and you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven.
Are you on the IMPOSSIBLE ROAD? Are you on that road where you are overcoming because your focus is on Jesus all the time?
May Jesus bless you.

Mission Impossible

If you decide to follow Jesus then He takes you on a road that is utterly impossible. In the first place you do the “impossible,” you stop sinning. You go against your own will, against your own desires and you obey Jesus Christ.
People say it is impossible to stop sinning. With Jesus all things are possible. If you stay with Jesus then the road is impossible, it is difficult, you cannot see where you are going but you can only see Him who is guiding you, the One, whom you are following, Jesus Christ. “The righteous will live by faith and if he withdraws My soul will have no pleasure in Him.” To follow Jesus is to walk by faith, to trust Him in absolutely everything. The road will be impossible but because Jesus goes ahead of you, you arrive on the other side. You get to know Jesus because without Him you cannot walk that road. Without Jesus you will not find that narrow door that leads to life. There is no road map THERE IS ONLY JESUS.
Most people give up. Even the disciples, many of them gave up. (Go read in John 6) Jesus said to Peter:”Don't you also want to leave?” And Peter said to Him:”Lord, where shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. “If you do not hear His voice and LISTEN and FOLLOW, if you do not have the bread of life, His guidance, every day, then you cannot make it. You can follow your own mind, you can go your own way but you will not get to know Jesus and you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven.
Are you on the IMPOSSIBLE ROAD? Are you on that road where you are overcoming because your focus is on Jesus all the time?
May Jesus bless you.

Mission Impossible

If you decide to follow Jesus then He takes you on a road that is utterly impossible. In the first place you do the “impossible,” you stop sinning. You go against your own will, against your own desires and you obey Jesus Christ.
People say it is impossible to stop sinning. With Jesus all things are possible. If you stay with Jesus then the road is impossible, it is difficult, you cannot see where you are going but you can only see Him who is guiding you, the One, whom you are following, Jesus Christ. “The righteous will live by faith and if he withdraws My soul will have no pleasure in Him.” To follow Jesus is to walk by faith, to trust Him in absolutely everything. The road will be impossible but because Jesus goes ahead of you, you arrive on the other side. You get to know Jesus because without Him you cannot walk that road. Without Jesus you will not find that narrow door that leads to life. There is no road map THERE IS ONLY JESUS.
Most people give up. Even the disciples, many of them gave up. (Go read in John 6) Jesus said to Peter:”Don't you also want to leave?” And Peter said to Him:”Lord, where shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. “If you do not hear His voice and LISTEN and FOLLOW, if you do not have the bread of life, His guidance, every day, then you cannot make it. You can follow your own mind, you can go your own way but you will not get to know Jesus and you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven.
Are you on the IMPOSSIBLE ROAD? Are you on that road where you are overcoming because your focus is on Jesus all the time?
May Jesus bless you.

Mission Impossible

If you decide to follow Jesus then He takes you on a road that is utterly impossible. In the first place you do the “impossible,” you stop sinning. You go against your own will, against your own desires and you obey Jesus Christ.
People say it is impossible to stop sinning. With Jesus all things are possible. If you stay with Jesus then the road is impossible, it is difficult, you cannot see where you are going but you can only see Him who is guiding you, the One, whom you are following, Jesus Christ. “The righteous will live by faith and if he withdraws My soul will have no pleasure in Him.” To follow Jesus is to walk by faith, to trust Him in absolutely everything. The road will be impossible but because Jesus goes ahead of you, you arrive on the other side. You get to know Jesus because without Him you cannot walk that road. Without Jesus you will not find that narrow door that leads to life. There is no road map THERE IS ONLY JESUS.
Most people give up. Even the disciples, many of them gave up. (Go read in John 6) Jesus said to Peter:”Don't you also want to leave?” And Peter said to Him:”Lord, where shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. “If you do not hear His voice and LISTEN and FOLLOW, if you do not have the bread of life, His guidance, every day, then you cannot make it. You can follow your own mind, you can go your own way but you will not get to know Jesus and you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven.
Are you on the IMPOSSIBLE ROAD? Are you on that road where you are overcoming because your focus is on Jesus all the time?
May Jesus bless you.

Mission Impossible

If you decide to follow Jesus then He takes you on a road that is utterly impossible. In the first place you do the “impossible,” you stop sinning. You go against your own will, against your own desires and you obey Jesus Christ.
People say it is impossible to stop sinning. With Jesus all things are possible. If you stay with Jesus then the road is impossible, it is difficult, you cannot see where you are going but you can only see Him who is guiding you, the One, whom you are following, Jesus Christ. “The righteous will live by faith and if he withdraws My soul will have no pleasure in Him.” To follow Jesus is to walk by faith, to trust Him in absolutely everything. The road will be impossible but because Jesus goes ahead of you, you arrive on the other side. You get to know Jesus because without Him you cannot walk that road. Without Jesus you will not find that narrow door that leads to life. There is no road map THERE IS ONLY JESUS.
Most people give up. Even the disciples, many of them gave up. (Go read in John 6) Jesus said to Peter:”Don't you also want to leave?” And Peter said to Him:”Lord, where shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. “If you do not hear His voice and LISTEN and FOLLOW, if you do not have the bread of life, His guidance, every day, then you cannot make it. You can follow your own mind, you can go your own way but you will not get to know Jesus and you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven.
Are you on the IMPOSSIBLE ROAD? Are you on that road where you are overcoming because your focus is on Jesus all the time?
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Payday is coming

Jesus commanded us to do unto others as we wish them to do unto us. Whatever we sow we shall reap also. If we take up the sword then we shall also die by the sword. The evil that we have committed will come back to us with interest unless we repent.
God is not mocked. He sees every deed. He knows every thought. Vengeance belongs to Him and He will repay. Are we ready to receive payment for what we have done? Those who do not repent and turn away from their wickedness, will not find forgiveness and they will pay with interest for the wickedness that they have committed.
We will all be judged by our deeds here and now and in eternity. Are we ready for that judgment? Nothing passes the eye of God. You will not skip judgment. God is not mocked. Are you ready for your reward?
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How are you with Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ is Lord. All power and all authority belongs to Him and we will all stand before the judgment throne of Christ and give account to Him for our deeds. The most important relationship in our lives is our relationship with Jesus Christ because if He is not pleased with us we will not have eternal life. All that matters is for us to be pleasing to Jesus Christ.
Jesus said:”Why do you call Me Lord, Lord and you do not what I say?” He said:”If you love Me, keep My commandments.” Many people will stand before Jesus and He will say to them:”You had nothing to do with Me. You had no relationship with Me. You never spent time with Me. Your life was about yourself, not about Me. What do you want to do in My kingdom if you never had any interest in Me?”
If we do not love Jesus and if we do not know Him for real, if we do not live to please Him and if Jesus is not our life then we do not have eternal life.
We prove our love for Jesus through our relationship WITH Him. His sheep LISTEN to His voice and they follow Him. They KNOW His voice, they live in close relationship with Him. All that matters to them is whether Jesus is pleased with them. He guides them, He speaks to them, He reveals Himself to them because He is REAL. He is the living God. Do you KNOW Jesus for real? Do you walk with Him daily? Are you pleasing to Jesus? Do you care about the kingdom of God?
What will Jesus say to you if you should die today? How are YOU with Jesus?
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Why truly born again believers SIN NO MORE

All humans have the ability to do the worst of sins and it is easy to get mad, to curse, to allow your imagination to carry you away into terrible sins, fornication, adultery and murder, if we allow those thoughts to enter us and to fester in us because then in the end it breeds death.
The reason why a born again child of God does not sin is because he has met Jesus Christ and HE HAS SEEN THE GLORY OF THE KING. He believes the words of the King and he wants to stay in that presence of the Lord and he KNOWS that he must keep himself pure and holy and he must obey Jesus Christ to remain in His presence. He has seen the kingdom of God and he wants to press on in because he knows it is only those who endure until the end who keep themselves pure and holy and who are pleasing to Jesus, it is only those who will inherit that wonderful kingdom that they have had a glimpse of. They have seen the glory of the King. They have seen the inheritance of the saints, of those who endure, who obey and who follow Jesus, who keep themselves spotless and clean as a bride for Jesus Christ, those who live in His presence, who hear His voice. They know that if they go back to sin and defile themselves Jesus will not have any relationship with them, He will not speak to them and that is why they keep themselves pure and holy. They live in the presence of the King. They hear His voice, they follow Him. They are not interested in the things of the world because they want to press on in and win that prize of eternal life, that prize reserved for overcomers, for those who prove by their obedience that they truly love Jesus Christ.
Are you a born again FOLLOWER of Jesus Christ who is striving, who is doing your utmost to be pleasing to your Master all the time. Have you seen the glory of the King? Have you met Jesus Christ? Can you see the Kingdom of God? And are you striving with everything that is in you to make it through that very very narrow door that so few will find?
May Jesus bless you.

Bearing much fruit

Those who are born again of the Spirit of God become ONE SPIRIT with Jesus Christ. They are His sheep, they listen to His VOICE and they FOLLOW Him. Without Jesus we can do nothing. He called us to bear fruit and we can only bear fruit if we remain IN HIM, if we are led by the Holy Spirit. Without Him we can do nothing. We need to be led by His Spirit and the only way that we will be led by His Spirit is if we follow Him, through our close communion with Him, continuously seeking Him in prayer, listening , OBEYING and DOING what He tells us to do.
Those things that we do of our own mind, of our own initiative, they do not give glory to God. It is only when we act under guidance of the Holy Spirit that we bring glory to our Father. That is why we must be continually focused on Jesus, always praying, always be led by the Holy Spirit in order to be fruitful, to bear good fruit.
Most believers do not have the Holy Spirit. They are not led by the Spirit of God, they don't have that close communion with Jesus Christ and that is why He will say to them:”Go away I never knew you.” We first need to come close to Jesus and stay close to Him, WITH HIM, all the time, or else we cannot please Him. We need to be LISTENING to the Holy Spirit to be able to do the will of God. If we seek him, we find Him but if we do not go after Him then we will not be led by the Holy Spirit.
Have you received the Holy Spirit? Are you in that close relationship with Jesus where you WAIT on Him and where you DO what is pleasing to Him because YOU HAVE HEARD FROM HIM and you are DOING HIS WILL? That is the only way that we can please Him. It is through that close relationship with Jesus, being ONE SPIRIT with Him and doing that WHICH HE TELLS US TO DO. May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

God's patience is running out

This is an arrogant, ignorant generation, a generation of people who think that they know more than God. They have no fear of God. You learn wisdom when you humble yourself on your knees before Jesus Christ and you seek Him with all your heart, when you come in awe before Him and you fear Him.
But this generation has no fear of God. It is an ignorant, self righteous generation who has no fear of God. When you tell them to fear God they give you scriptures and their opinions. The Spirit of God will not strive with this generation for ever. God does not need us. Jesus does not need you, my friend, neither does He need me but if you persist in your arrogant ignorance and refuse to bow before Jesus YOU WILL PERISH.
Jesus Christ is Lord, He is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE. He is ALIVE. And if you don't get to KNOW Him and if you do not OBEY Him YOU WILL PERISH. The more the Lord warns the more this generation mocks Him, disregards Him instead of going on it's knees and seeking wisdom from Jesus Christ Himself, the LIVING GOD. Time is running out. If you do not bow down before Him and seek His wisdom YOU WILL PERISH in your foolish ignorance.
Be warned, the patience of God is running out.
May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Good works show your faith

Most believers are lazy and they are also deceived by the devil. They are not willing to work for the kingdom of God. When you tell them to do the works of Jesus then they say they are not saved by works but they do not realize that we are saved TO WORK for the kingdom of God.
If you want to find out the truth just go to your Bible, go online to bible.cc and type in “good works”
I am reading:
John 10:23 - but Jesus said to them, "I have shown you many good works from the Father.
Ephesians 2:10 - For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
1 Timothy 5:10 - and having a reputation for good works: if she has brought up children, has shown hospitality, has washed the feet of the saints, has cared for the afflicted
1 Timothy 6:18 - Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others
Titus 2:7 - And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind.
showing yourself to be an example of good works in every way
1 Timothy 2:10 -  but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works. ... but with good works, as is proper for women who affirm that they worship God.
Titus 3:14 - And let our people learn to devote themselves to good works, so as
to help cases of urgent need, and not be unfruitful. 
Hebrews 10:24 - Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.
1 Timothy 5:23 - So also good works are conspicuous, and even those that are not cannot remain hidden.
Matthew 5:10 -  In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your
good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven

Friends, so it goes on. Are you going to believe what is written in the scriptures or will you believe satan because he is robbing you of eternal life. If we do not bear good fruit we will get cut off and burned. God has prepared good works for us to do. If we follow Jesus we will do the works of Jesus. Are you showing by your works that you are a child of God or are you showing by your works that you are a son of satan.
We will be judged by our works resulting from our faith. If we truly believed in Jesus we will bear good fruit and do good works to glorify our King and Master.
May Jesus bless you.

It is all about performance

All that will matter when we stand in front of Jesus in judgment is our track record, our performance. How well did we follow Jesus? Did we obey Him? What was our relationship with Jesus? What did we do in obedience to Jesus?
Jesus will judge every man by his deeds whether they were done IN HIM, IN CHRIST in obedience to Him. It is not about your Bible knowledge or about your church attendance. It is about our relationship with Jesus Christ. Did we serve Him as Lord?
Jesus said:”Why do you call Me Lord, Lord and do not what I say?” Is Jesus pleased with your and my performance? That is all that will matter in the end.
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, April 12, 2013

By the SPIRIT not by a book

Our relationship with Jesus Christ is a spiritual relationship. If we accept Jesus Christ and really get to know Him then we become one spirit with Him. Repent and be baptized in water and He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and then you will be led by the Holy Spirit.
If you do not have the Holy Spirit you do not belong to Jesus Christ (Romans 8:9). The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. The Holy Spirit will convict you of sin, righteousness and judgment.
You cannot follow Jesus Christ by a book or by a law. You follow Him under the guidance of His very own Spirit that He makes to dwell in you. Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God (Romans 8:14)
Have you received the Holy Spirit? Are you ONE SPIRIT with Him? Does He speak to you IN YOUR SPIRIT AND DOES HE GUIDE YOU BY HIS SPIRIT that dwells in you? You need the Holy Spirit to be united with Jesus Christ, to follow Him and to be pleasing to Him.
May Jesus bless you.

Mesmerized in church

The vast majority of Christian believers are mesmerized by church. They think that they have salvation but they have a false security because they do not know Jesus Christ, yet they are not even concerned about their eternal destination. They think that they are saved, but they have no relationship with Jesus whatsoever.
They are busy with religion and entertainment, Bible study, occupying themselves with religious practices but they do not know Jesus Christ, the Living God for real and He will say to them:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness.” They did not experience Jesus as real. They were not spiritually reborn. If you have met Jesus and become spiritually reborn then you experience Him as ALIVE, as Lord, as Master. You LISTEN to His voice and you follow Him. You become part of His kingdom, but most believers do not know Jesus Christ at all.
God is SPIRIT and those who worship Him must worship Him in SPIRIT and in truth. Jesus is not in a book, Jesus is alive. SEEK HIM AND YOU WILL FIND HIM. Jesus is ALIVE, go on your knees and cry out to Him. Seek Him with all your power, with everything that is in you UNTIL you find Him, until you spiritually connect with Jesus and get into a real living relationship with the LIVING GOD.
Do you know Jesus Christ FOR REAL? Get know Him before it is for ever too late.
May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The broad road of tolerance and compromise

Your destination is determined by the road that you are on. You will only enter the kingdom of Heaven and have eternal life if you stay on the straight and narrow road with Jesus. Most believers are on the broad road, the broad road of compromise and tolerance, tolerance for sin. That is the road that is preached by churches but that is the broad road that that leads to destruction.
Jesus Christ has zero tolerance for sin and disobedience. If you follow Him on the narrow road that leads to life then you will not sin at all and then you will utterly obey Him, you will be holy. It is not what you are but the road that you are on. On which road are you? Are you on the straight and narrow road of holiness, obedience and zero tolerance to sin, or are you on the broad road that leads to destruction?
You will only have eternal life if you stay on the straight and narrow lonely road with Jesus Christ.
May Jesus bless you.

A matter of LIFE and DEATH

Jesus Christ is the living God. He alone will decide who will have eternal life and who not. Many believers who thought that they were saved will stand before Jesus and He will say to them:”Go away I never knew you.” They never had time to seek Jesus, they never had time to pray. They never had time to work on their relationship with Jesus and that is why He will refuse them.
The question is:”Does Jesus Christ know me and does He know you? Because if He does not know us and if He is not pleased with us He will not allow us into His kingdom, we will not have eternal life.
Do you TRULY know Jesus Christ and DOES HE KNOW YOU? That is all that matters.
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Why I left America

More than 10 years ago, the Lord Jesus told me to go to the USA. I stopped what I was doing, my profession, everything. I sold my house, my property, gave it away and I went to the US. I did not know why but I knew He had sent me. The Lord told me to go to university and do a MBA degree. There I got to know the American people through and through, the economy, the way people think and I could relate to them.
Then in February 2008 the Lord Jesus spoke to me. He said: “Jesus is coming, are you ready?” twice in one night. Shortly afterwards He spoke to me again. He spoke to me the Words of the wise and the foolish maidens “There comes the Bridegroom go out to meet Him.” He spoke that twice, then shortly afterwards He spoke to me again. He said: “Heaven to hell, Baxter.” I didn’t know what it was about. The next morning I found the testimony of Mary K Baxter where Jesus had taken her on a guided tour of Heaven and hell. What particularly struck me about her testimony was the servants of God that were called and did not answered their calling and they ended up in hell and I knew that Jesus was speaking to me. So I started warning. Me and my wife warned the people in Baltimore where we were living at that time, we went out in the streets. The Lord Jesus sent us to the inner harbor to go and warn the people. There the authorities stopped us and told us that we were not allowed to speak on the streets and I asked the Lord what must I do now? He said to me go onto Youtube. I have been on Youtube sins February 2008 warning America to repent. We have been working day and night for 5 years, twenty four hours a day. I haven’t done anything else, no work, nothing. I did what the Lord told me to do.
On March 28, 2013 the Lord woke me up He said to me “You must go.” I said Lord please speak to my wife also. So I did not speak to her but the next morning at 5 o’clock when I woke up she was sitting in bed next to me and she said to me:"Has the Lord spoken to you?" I said why? She said the Lord said to me: “We must go now.” I said to her:"Yes the Lord spoke to me yesterday already." We wanted to delay our departure to sort out things. The Lord showed me judgment coming on America, a tsunami of the wrath of God. I made 3 very urgent videos, I was crying because I could see millions of people dying. People mocked me and scoffed me and then the Lord woke me up, Tuesday night (April 2, 2013)and He said to me:"WARN THEM NOW." So I immediately got up, I made a video and I warned them, that was 2 o’clock in the morning. The next morning there were many comments on that video mocking and scoffing  me. The Lord said to me:"They did not listen to Me they will not listen to you, GO NOW!" So I immediately bought air tickets and I left the country, I left everything. After 10 years I left everything and I just flew out the very same day. May Jesus bless and keep you.

Why some believers keep on sinning

The reason why many believers go on sinning, they never stop sinning is because they were never born again of the Spirit of God. If you are born again of the Spirit of God you are a new person, the old things have passed away, you have no desire for sin, you WANT TO BE pleasing to Jesus, you WANT TO BE pure an holy.
People who go on sinning are BAD TREES, that is why they bear BAD FRUIT. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit and as it is written:”The ax is already lying at the root of the trees, every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and burned.” A child of God does not sin, a follower of Jesus Christ does not sin because Jesus will not guide you into sin. Nobody who keeps on sinning has any relationship with Jesus Christ whatsoever, they are only deceiving themselves. If we follow Him we are holy like He is holy and we DO what is pleasing to Him.
It is obvious by our fruit what trees we are, whether we are children of God or sons of the devil.
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Being attacked by the devil

If you decide to follow Jesus Christ then immediately satan and all his demons are against you and you will be in spiritual warfare. A kingdom that is divided against itself will not stand and therefor satan does not attack his own. If you profess to be a Christian or a follower of Jesus and you are not attacked by the devil, if you are not rejected by the world, then you are not following Jesus Christ. But if you do follow Jesus the devil will try and get you until the very end. 
You will be in spiritual warfare and if you are in Christ you will overcome the devil, you will fight the good fight every day and you will destroy the kingdom of satan. Are you on the winning side? Are you fighting the devil and destroying the kingdom of darkness? Are you being attacked? Are you being rejected? If not, you are not following Jesus Christ and you are not part of His kingdom.
May Jesus bless you.

Being attacked by the devil

If you decide to follow Jesus Christ then immediately satan and all his demons are against you and you will be in spiritual warfare. A kingdom that is divided against itself will not stand and therefor satan does not attack his own. If you profess to be a Christian or a follower of Jesus and you are not attacked by the devil, if you are not rejected by the world, then you are not following Jesus Christ. But if you do follow Jesus the devil will try and get you until the very end. 
You will be in spiritual warfare and if you are in Christ you will overcome the devil, you will fight the good fight every day and you will destroy the kingdom of satan. Are you on the winning side? Are you fighting the devil and destroying the kingdom of darkness? Are you being attacked? Are you being rejected? If not, you are not following Jesus Christ and you are not part of His kingdom.
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

You will perish

The wages of sin is death. The soul that sins will die. Jesus Christ came to take away the sins of the world. Those who know Jesus are cured of sin, they do not sin. He has delivered them from the power of sin and they have the POWER to OBEY God. If we sin we prove that we do not belong to Jesus and we will perish.
If we believe in Jesus then we OBEY His words. Jesus said:”Why do you call Me Lord, Lord and you DO NOT what I say?”
NO SINNERS will go into the kingdom of heaven. One single sin will cause you to end up in damnation for eternity. Sin causes decay. One single sin is a blemish that will render you unsuitable for the kingdom of Heaven.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Proof of knowing Jesus

If we are really following Jesus then we will become like Him, we will be changed into His likeness and we will bear good fruit. The words of Jesus will be in our mouth and we will take on the personality of Jesus because then Jesus is living in us. We will do what is pleasing to Him.
Are we bearing good fruit? Have we been changed into His likeness, or are we just deceiving ourselves?
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Jesus will not be there for you

The kingdom of God is not about you or about me, it is about Jesus Christ. People believe that Jesus will always be there for them. One day Jesus will turn against you. He is with us and for us right now but if we are not WITH Him and FOR Him right now then He will be against us the moment that we die. Jesus is available for us right now but if we do not seek Him, follow Him and OBEY Him, if we do not live in close relationship with Him, all the time, going after Him then the moment you die HE WILL BE THE ONE WHO IS AGAINST YOU because He will say to you:”Go away from Me, I never knew you, you workers of iniquity, you were never interested in Me, I do not have place for YOU in My Kingdom.”
If we are not part of His kingdom right now, serving the King RIGHT NOW, listening to Him, following and obeying Him, then we have no part in His kingdom. Jesus will not always be there for us. IF WE ARE NOT HERE FOR HIM RIGHT NOW, THEN HE WILL NOT BE THERE FOR US THE MOMENT THAT WE DIE because if we deny Him right now He will deny us before His Father who is in Heaven.
Are you FOR Jesus RIGHT NOW? Are you FOR Jesus RIGHT NOW or are you depending on the false security thinking that Jesus will always be there for you?
Remember, your Advocate will turn into the Judge very soon and if you were not FOR HIM then He will be AGAINST YOU in the judgment.
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, April 1, 2013

God answers prayer

God answers prayer. Without Jesus we can do nothing, but God does not answer the prayers of the wicked. If you have sin in your life or you are in a sinful relationship then that separates you from God and you are wicked and God will not answer your prayer.

If you repent of sin, God will answer your prayer. IF YOU DO NOT REPENT YOU WILL PERISH IN HELL IN ANY CASE.
If you go to God in prayer you must be serious. If you pray you must mean it, you must pray from your heart. God despises hypocrites, He despises the prayers of those who are false. He hates falsehood. IF YOU ARE NOTO SERIOUS WHEN YOU PRAY, DON'T PRAY BECAUSE THE WRATH OF GOD WILL COME ON YOU. When you go to God you have to be serious, you have got to humble yourself before Him, repent of your sin, be pure and holy or else He will not answer your prayer and you will end up in hell.
ONE SINGLE SIN WILL MAKE YOU END UP IN HELL. WITHOUT HOLINESS NO MAN SHALL SEE GOD. Without holiness no man will come into the presence of God. It is time to repent, it is time to be holy, it's time to cry out to the living God or else you will perish. Without Jesus you can do nothing. Repent or you will perish.
Pray and He will answer you because He cares for you but He does not care for sin. If you are serious about eternity, REPENT RIGHT NOW! SEEK JESUS RIGHT NOW! REPENT OF ALL YOUR SIN and He will answer you. Cry out until He answers you because He is waiting for you. But you need to be serious. Get serious with Jesus, PRAY and He will answer your prayer.
May Jesus bless you.


IF YOU WERE SERIOUS about Jesus Christ you would be praying, you would be seeking Him, and He would be speaking to you. You would be praying for friends, you would be praying for the world, you would be hearing the voice of Jesus. He would speak to you. You wouldn't have time for sin, you wouldn't have time for the things of the world, IF YOU WERE SERIOUS!
IF YOU WERE SERIOUS you wouldn't be laughing, you wouldn't be watching TV, you wouldn't be arguing about the Bible, YOU WOULD BE CRYING FOR THE LOST.
IF YOU KNEW JESUS then you would OBEY HIM!
Are you serious?

Be Reconciled with God

I have been in agony with God for the last three days. He has shown me disaster that is coming on the world, and on this country (USA) because people will not repent. I've been crying out to God. I say:”Lord, I have been warning them. They are mocking me, they are scoffing me. What must I do?”
The Lord says to me:”Warn them, say to them: BE RECONCILED WITH GOD”
IT'S TIME TO REPENT! IT IS TIME TO SEEK GOD! It is time to get rid of your sin, to REPENT!
Seek the Lord! Seek the Lord while you still can!
Seek the Lord before disaster strikes you.
He showed me a massive roller coaster and millions of people died, millions.
I am warning you PLEASE!