Friday, April 5, 2013

Jesus will not be there for you

The kingdom of God is not about you or about me, it is about Jesus Christ. People believe that Jesus will always be there for them. One day Jesus will turn against you. He is with us and for us right now but if we are not WITH Him and FOR Him right now then He will be against us the moment that we die. Jesus is available for us right now but if we do not seek Him, follow Him and OBEY Him, if we do not live in close relationship with Him, all the time, going after Him then the moment you die HE WILL BE THE ONE WHO IS AGAINST YOU because He will say to you:”Go away from Me, I never knew you, you workers of iniquity, you were never interested in Me, I do not have place for YOU in My Kingdom.”
If we are not part of His kingdom right now, serving the King RIGHT NOW, listening to Him, following and obeying Him, then we have no part in His kingdom. Jesus will not always be there for us. IF WE ARE NOT HERE FOR HIM RIGHT NOW, THEN HE WILL NOT BE THERE FOR US THE MOMENT THAT WE DIE because if we deny Him right now He will deny us before His Father who is in Heaven.
Are you FOR Jesus RIGHT NOW? Are you FOR Jesus RIGHT NOW or are you depending on the false security thinking that Jesus will always be there for you?
Remember, your Advocate will turn into the Judge very soon and if you were not FOR HIM then He will be AGAINST YOU in the judgment.
May Jesus bless you.

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