Monday, May 20, 2013

Carnal Christians

If we follow Jesus Christ then our only concern is being pleasing to Him. Then we wait for His confirmation and His approval. We LISTEN to His voice, we OBEY Him, we GO WHERE He sends us and we DO what He tells us and we are not concerned about what anybody thinks about us.
If we are still concerned about being acceptable to the world or being approved of by other people then we cannot be following Jesus Christ.
Jesus strongly rebuked the pharisees, He said to them:”How can you be seeking the glory of God if you are still concerned about the praises that you receive from each other?”
If you are still concerned about being accepted by the church or fitting into this world then you cannot be following Jesus. Then you are carnal, demonic, fleshly, then you are an enemy of God!
Are you a follower of Jesus or are you a CARNAL CHRISTIAN?
May Jesus bless you.

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