Wednesday, October 9, 2013

BE Perfect BE Holy BE Righteous

To BE perfect, to BE holy, to BE righteous, to BE baptized in water are requirements for entry into the kingdom of Heaven. If you want eternal life you HAVE to OBEY Jesus Christ. You HAVE TO obey His words. You HAVE TO deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Jesus Christ EVERY DAY.
Jesus commanded us to BE HOLY. To be holy means to separate yourself UNTO GOD, to KEEP yourself UNSTAINED from the world, to stay away from sin and unrighteousness. That is what Jesus requires of us IF we want eternal life.
When asked whether only few are being saved Jesus Christ answered:”Straight is the gate and narrow is the door that leads to eternal life and FEW there be that find it. Strive HARD because many, I tell you, will try very hard and not be able.”(Luke 13:23)
Are YOU perfect, holy, righteous, obedient to Jesus Christ and striving hard to enter the narrow door? Because FEW will find it.

May Jesus bless you.

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