Sunday, October 6, 2013

Will YOU follow?

Jesus Christ said:”My sheep LISTEN to MY VOICE and they follow ME.” If you follow after Jesus Christ you GO where and WHEN He guides you because you live to please Him. You don't go after your own ambitions, your own plans and your own desires because in everything you seek to be pleasing to Jesus. You live your life as a living sacrifice unto Him to DO His will because you live IN His kingdom.
His kingdom has come IN YOU. He sits on the throne of your heart. He is the CENTER of your life. You GO where He guides you. Many believers have never even stopped sinning and they DO NOT follow after Jesus. Jesus said:”Whoever WISHES to come after Me must DENY himself, pick up his cross daily and come here, follow Me.” Whoever goes after Jesus MUST abandon their own plans and DO what Jesus GUIDES them to do. They get their guidance and their wisdom from Him. He guides and they FOLLOW because they LISTEN to HIS VOICE and they FOLLOW HIM.
Do YOU listen to His voice and do YOU follow Him? Do you KNOW His voice and ARE YOU really one of His sheep?

May Jesus bless you.

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