Monday, October 8, 2012

Churchism - Highway to HELL

Churchism is the highway to hell. It is the broad road to destruction and many are on it. Many people belong to churches but they do not belong to Jesus, they are not born again, they are not children of God.
You cannot enter the kingdom of heaven if you are not born again of water and of the Spirit of God, You need to be a new man, born of God, with the Spirit of Christ living in you. You need to be changed, regenerated inside, become a new man with new interests, interest in the kingdom of heaven, in being pleasing to God, in being righteous and holy.
Many people go to church and belong to churches because they believe that it gives them some security for eternity but they don't know Jesus. Fellowship with other people is not fellowship with God. If you are not in fellowship with Jesus then you are LOST. If you are not DOING His will then you are LOST. If you are not following Him and obeying Him you do not belong to Him. Are you following Jesus? Do you have a real relationship with Jesus or are you on the broad road of churchism, Methodism, Mormonism, Catholicism, all those isms will take you to hell because that is the broad road to hell. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Are you following Him and does Jesus know YOU? Are YOU pleasing to Jesus all the time? He will say to many in that day:”Go away I never knew you.” What will Jesus say to you? Does Jesus know you and will He allow you through that narrow door into the kingdom of heaven?
Jesus said:”Straight is the gate and narrow is the door that leads to life and few there be that find it. Many will try hard but not be able.” Are you trying hard to enter the narrow gate?
May Jesus bless you.

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