Thursday, December 13, 2012

Converted but Not Born Again

Many people are born into Christianity, others convert to Christianity. They are given a Bible and they are indoctrinated, they take on a new belief, a new faith but that does not make them children of God. You cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven unless you are BORN AGAIN.
You must be BORN AGAIN of water and of the Spirit of God to be able to see the kingdom of God. If you are born again you are a new person. It is not just your mind that is changed, you are NEW INSIDE! You are not a sinner any more. INSTANTANEOUSLY you are transformed and the laws of God are written in your heart, you love Jesus and you immediately hate sin. You love God and you hate the things of the world and you have the joy of Christ in your heart and you KNOW Jesus is ALIVE! You KNOW God is your Father, you KNOW you are forgiven, you KNOW that you are a new creature. You do not educate a person and convert him to Christianity, that is just religion, you MUST BE BORN AGAIN of the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God must come into you, come and live inside of you and you must be transformed, you must be BORN AGAIN, you must become a new person to be a child of God.
You can only be BORN AGAIN if you meet with Jesus. If you bow down on your knees and you cry out to Jesus with all your heart, with everything that is in you, you repent of your sin, you ask Him to forgive you and you ask Him to come into your life, you accept Him as your Lord and your Master and you commit to obey Him, to serve Him until the end of your life then His Spirit comes into you and you are transformed in a moment. If that has not happened to you, the new birth has not taken place and you are still spiritually dead.
If you have met Jesus and that new birth has taken place in you, you need to be baptized in water and then you will seek more of the Spirit of God. Jesus promised the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the FILLING IN with the Holy Spirit. He says that it will become in you like a fountain, a well of living water that bubbles up into eternal life. If you have not received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, when He fills you and it bubbles over, then you don't have the Spirit of God in you.
You need the Spirit of Christ in you, you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit to be a child of God. You cannot become a Christian by just taking a book, start reading a Bible, putting on a new jacket, a new belief and saying:”I believe in Jesus, ” you have got to be transformed into a child of God and then you will not be a sinner any more, you will be a child of God. You will have a new way of living, you will live to please God.
Have you been born again? Or were you just born into a religion? Have you just been converted? You must be BORN AGAIN to become a child of God and have eternal life.
May Jesus bless you.

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