Saturday, December 8, 2012


God is GOD and the kingdom of God is about GOD, not about US as so many people think and believe. All those who believe in Jesus and accept Him have the power to BECOME children of God, and all those whom God accept He treats as children. They are taught in His ways, they are disciplined. They must learn obedience to God. God chastises every son that He receives.
If we are not disciplined we are not true children but He will discipline us and teach us His ways. If we refuse to be disciplined we will be chastised, we will be punished to correct us, to teach us holiness so that we can be pleasing to God.
God called us to SERVE in His kingdom, just as Jesus Himself, as a Son, SERVED. He came to SERVE. The child might be the heir but as long as he is in the house, as long as he is not yet of age he serves like a slave, there is no difference. We are called to SERVE and if we refuse to serve we will be CUT OFF. Jesus, although He was the Son of God, learned through what He suffered and we will also learn through what we suffer IF we submit ourselves to God, to His discipline.
When we accept Jesus, He puts OF His Spirit in us and His Spirit will guide us into all truth IF we LISTEN. If we refuse to obey we will be chastised, if we refuse to serve we will be cut off and burned, then we are reprobates (good for nothing). The ax is already at the root of the trees, every tree that does not bear good fruit will get cut off and burned.
If you have accepted Jesus as Lord you must OBEY Him. You will be disciplined, you will be corrected. If you refuse correction you are a reprobate. If you follow Jesus you WILL SERVE God as a servant. If you refuse to serve you will GET CUT OFF AND BURNED.
What is your situation? Are you accepting the chastisement, the correction and the discipline of the Holy Spirit. Are you submitting to God the Father? Are you SERVING Him or are you READY to BE CUT OFF?
JUDGMENT IS STARTING IN THE HOUSE OF GOD. If we do not SUBMIT, OBEY AND SERVE we will get CUT OFF and BURNED! Is God our Father pleased with our service? Jesus came to do the will of the Father. If we are children of God we will also do the will of the Father. Are we doing the will of the Father?
May Jesus bless you.

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