Saturday, December 1, 2012

SATANS CLEVER PLOT! - Bible Study, Fellowship and Church

The devil is very clever, he has got believers reading the Bible, doing Bible study, discussing the Bible  and having fellowship with each other and none of them are following Jesus. Some of the words that Jesus spoke were recorded in the gospels, in the Bible but JESUS NEVER STOPPED SPEAKING!

Jesus is ALIVE! He did not send us a Bible. He sent us the Holy Spirit to teach us and to guide us. God is SPIRIT and Jesus baptizes IN the Holy Spirit. He gives His own Spirit IN those who believe in Him, who accept Him as Lord and the Holy Spirit, living IN THEM, guides them into all truth. 

Now, believers are reading the Bible, discussing what they read in the Bible and none of them are LISTENING to Jesus! None of them are seeking the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised, who will guide them into all truth, because they don't trust Him!  They trust the Bible! They trust their own opinions about the Bible and they have no relationship with Jesus whatsoever, because they are not LISTENING to His Holy Spirit and they do not TRUST Him, they do not WANT His Holy Spirit!

They think that they have salvation because they occupy themselves with the Bible, with bible study, with fellowship, talking about those things, but they are not listening to Jesus. Jesus called us to come and listen to Him. He puts His Spirit IN those who seek Him and He Himself guides His sheep. He says:”My sheep listen to My voice and they follow Me.” 

Jesus never stopped speaking but believers are not listening, because many of them do not know that Jesus is alive and that He speaks! Has satan also deceived you? Or have you received the Holy Spirit? Are you LISTENING to the Holy Spirit, being LED by Him, being TAUGHT by Him? Are you in relationship with Jesus or are you busy with Bible study?

May Jesus bless you

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