Sunday, March 17, 2013

Calling the lost sheep

There is only one true and real good Shepherd who cares for each and every one of us, who has been with us from the beginning and that is Jesus Christ who made us. We were created by Him for Him and through Him because nothing that exists came in existence without Him. We have been aware of His presence with us since we can remember ourselves but we have all strayed like sheep, we have looked to other people and to ourselves and we have ignored His soft voice inside of us, calling us, speaking to us, coaching us. We have all run after other shepherd looked for our direction and inspiration from others but Jesus Christ is calling us to come to Him, to seek Him, to obey Him. He wrote His laws in our hearts, we know what is right and we know what is wrong, from the beginning, but we have often ignored that voice. He is real. That is the voice of God speaking inside of us and Jesus wants us to invite Him in. He wants us to turn away from wickedness, from running after our own ways and from running after other people, seeking comfort, hope and guidance from others and to come to Him because He alone is the good Shepherd. Jesus is calling you and me right now, He has never stopped. He has always been drawing us. Stop ignoring Him, open the door of your heart and invite Jesus in. Go on your knees and repent of your sin. Cry out for mercy, seek Him with all your heart and He will come in and He will give you peace and joy like you have never experienced. Seek Him with all your heart and He will reveal Himself to you and become more and more real to you every day. There is only one Good Shepherd and that is Jesus Christ. May Jesus bless you.

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