Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Jesus does not discriminate

Jesus Christ wants to guide each and every one of His sheep. His sheep listen to His voice and they follow Him. They do not listen to strangers, they don't listen to other people, they follow HIM. Many people don't know that, they think they must listen to a pastor or to somebody else, some prophet or servant of God.
Jesus calls us to a relationship with HIM where we HEAR FROM HIM. He gives His Holy Spirit IN those who repent and are baptized and they come into close relationship with HIM. Those who are led by the Spirit of God THEY are the sons of God. Many people WERE baptized, some were baptized with the Holy Spirit but they never learned to LISTEN and FOLLOW Jesus. They seek their guidance from other people, from reading the Bible.
We need to be led by the Holy Spirit, we must be ADAMENT to receive our guidance from Jesus. If we follow Jesus we must wait on HIM, we must GO AFTER HIM, SEEK HIM, LIVE OUR LIVES TO PLEASE HIM. The problem is not with Jesus it is with US, WE are not following Him. He calls us to FOLLOW HIM, to LISTEN to His VOICE, to GO where He sends us, to DO what He tells us, but FEW follow Him. Many don't WANT TO follow Him. Others don't know that Jesus can talk.
Jesus IS ALIVE! He is calling YOU to follow HIM! Seek Him with all your heart and He will reveal Himself to you, LISTEN and He will speak to you. Be ADAMENT to hear from HIM, BE SERIOUS and you will hear from Him. If we draw closer to Him, He draws closer to us. Jesus is waiting for YOU and me to follow HIM.
Are you following Jesus? Or do you seek your guidance from other people, from the Bible, from a preacher, from books, videos? IF YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD YOU GET YOUR GUIDANCE FROM JESUS. Follow HIM alone! Are you following Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

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