Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT

Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against evil forces and principalities, dark forces that rule this world. Everything that happens in the physical is already won or lost in the spiritual. In order to overcome evil, the evil in us and the evil in this world we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit of God because it is the Holy Spirit that overcomes everything, overcomes all evil.
If we are filled with our own wisdom, our own spirit, the wisdom of this world, evil forces and demons then we will be defeated. We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit of God. We need to be emptied of all evil and we must embrace the Spirit of the Living God to come and live in us to guide us, to enable us to DO THE WILL OF GOD.
Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the children of God (Romans 8:14) and they are the ones that overcome the world. If we depend on ourselves, our physical strength, our intellect, our mind, we are already defeated because the flesh cannot compete against the spirit. As Jesus said:”The flesh is useless.” If we war according to the flesh and we war according to the flesh we will perish but if by the Spirit of God that indwells us, we mortify, kill, subdue the desires and the works of the flesh and we obey the Spirit of God then we will overcome. The natural man is filled with doubt, fear, insecurity, self sufficiency, self-confidence, arrogance, worldly wisdom; all of those things are defeated by the power of evil. It is only the wisdom of God and the Holy Spirit of God that indwells the SPIRIT FILLED CHILD OF GOD that overcomes the world.
If we are not filled with the Holy Spirit,we are filled with other things and we will be defeated and that is why God promised the Holy Spirit to those who follow Jesus Christ. And that is why Jesus also commanded His disciples (before He ascended to Heaven) to go to Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit so that they could be FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT and have the POWER to overcome the world. If we are not filled with the Holy Spirit then we will not overcome, we will be defeated by satan. And that is why the evil forces of this world and the wisdom of this world REJECTS the Spirit of God. They embrace knowledge, power, wisdom of men, and they are defeated. Your Bible knowledge cannot defeat the power of satan, your own knowledge and your own wisdom cannot defeat satan, it is the POWER OF GOD, the Holy Spirit IN YOU that defeats the evil one. If we are not filled with the Holy Spirit and do not STAY FILLED with the Holy Spirit we are defeated, we will not overcome.
Therefor we have to stay close to Jesus in CLOSE RELATIONSHIP with Him, always seeking Him, praying and staying FILLED with the Holy Spirit of God and then we will DO what is pleasing to Him. Are you FILLED with the Holy Spirit or are you filled with other things?

May Jesus bless you.

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