Many pastors tell jokes to amuse people and then people tell that joke because the pastor told it. Telling a joke opens the door for idle talk and we will give account to God for every idle word. Our words must be sprinkled with salt, giving grace to the hearer and bringing them to Jesus not to idleness. If you open the door to the devil with a so called good joke then the next joke that comes out is a filthy joke. Don’t give the devil any foothold, don’t give him any place. Our words must reflect Jesus Christ, rather than tell each other silly jokes we must tell people about Jesus Christ not idle talk but rather our testimony of what Jesus has done in us.
We are ambassadors for Jesus Christ, sons of God, not sons of the world. We have been bought at a price. Let us conduct ourselves as sons of God, children of the Most High God, not with idle talk but rather giving praise to Him to whom we belong.
May Jesus bless you.
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