Monday, April 30, 2012

Which Kingdom do you belong to?

There are only two Kingdoms. The one is the Kingdom of God that will last forever and the other is the Kingdom of satan. Those who do not belong to the Kingdom of God will perish. And if you are not born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.  You can only be born again if you BELIEVE IN JESUS, if you ACCEPT HIM AS LORD and He grants you new birth, He makes you a child of God. Then you are not of this world anymore, you are not of the kingdoms of this world. You are not interested in the kingdoms of this world, but the only way that you can experience the Kingdom of God and see it for real is if you are born again.
You need to come to Jesus to be born again, to open your eyes. You must be born of the Spirit so that you can experience the Kingdom of God. We read in John 3:3-6 Jesus said: "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus said to Him, how can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born, can he? Jesus answered, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of WATER and of SPIRIT he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.”
Jesus gives the new birth to those who bow down before Him and accept Him as Lord. And then they need to be born of WATER, they must be BAPTISED IN WATER so that their old body of sin, this fleshly body is buried in the water, it comes out as a new man. Resurrected from the water like Jesus Himself was resurrected from the dead and He gives inside of you, spiritual rebirth. You must be born of the SPIRIT OF GOD so that you can SEE the Kingdom of God and that you can be part of that Kingdom, that you experience JESUS as REAL, you SEE HIM as LORD. Where you experience GOD as your FATHER. You don’t become religious and belong to a church you belong to GOD. You are a child of God, you come to Jesus. He is King and Lord and Master and you serve Him as King. He gives His Spirit inside of you and you listen to Him, you obey Him. You are led by His Spirit. His Spirit speaks to your spirit and He guides you by His Spirit. If you are not born again, then your spirit is dead, you cannot hear Him speaking, you cannot see the Kingdom of God. You do not experience Jesus as your LORD.
Do you belong to the Kingdom of God or do you belong to the kingdoms of this world? Because all these kingdoms will perish, they will pass away. But if you belong to Jesus, He gives you ETERNAL LIFE, so that when this body dies, you don’t die, your spirit lives forever but the soul that sins will die. The soul that is separated from God will perish in eternal damnation. If you want to have life, eternal life, you must be born again. You must become A CHILD OF GOD so then you can experience the Kingdom of God, live for the Kingdom of God and go and live in the Kingdom of God for eternity. If you are not born again of water and of Spirit, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Are you born again of water and of Spirit? Do you experience Jesus as LORD and GOD as your FATHER?
May Jesus bless you.

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