Monday, September 24, 2012

A NEW Orientation

Many people use their sexual orientation to justify an immoral life style. We are born with a wicked orientation, we are born into sin and we have a sinful nature and therefor we love sin, but Jesus said that unless a man is BORN AGAIN he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
If you are not born of the Spirit of God and made NEW INSIDE you cannot be a child of God because if you are born again then you are changed inside and the things that you used to do, you hate them. You don't want to do them any more, your orientation dies and you come alive to the kingdom of God, you WANT to do those things that are pleasing to God, because we will be judged by our deeds. The WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH. If we continue in sin we must die. Jesus give us the NEW NATURE when we accept Him as out Lord and our Master AND THEN WE turn away FROM WHAT WE PREVIOUSLY WERE. He who is in Christ IS A NEW MAN. He is not the same any more. His orientation has died and he has got a NEW ORIENTATION, his orientation is the kingdom of Heaven and he is seeking to please Jesus. He doesn't seek to please the flesh and the desires of the flesh, he does those things that are pleasing to Jesus because Jesus lives in his heart.
If we still have a sinful orientation then we are not born again and we are not suitable for the kingdom of heaven because then we will do those things that God hates and He will not allow any impurity or unholiness into His kingdom.
You need to be born again! You need to get a NEW ORIENTATION, the orientation of the kingdom of heaven and that you get when you fall on your knees before Jesus and you plead Him to come into your life, to give you the NEW BIRTH to make you new inside so that you have a heavenly orientation and not a sinful orientation that will cause you to end up in hell.
You need to be BORN AGAIN to be able to enter the kingdom of heaven.
May Jesus bless you.

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