Saturday, February 16, 2013

You are not alone

We are never alone. The one who made us in our mother's womb, has been with us all along, every moment. He jealously guard over us. He cares for us and He wants us to be in relationship with Him. He knows our doubts, our fears, our joys, our expectations but only He can make our lives complete. His name is Jesus Christ. He cares for you. He is right there with you and He just wants you to reach out to Him, He is ALIVE, He is SPIRIT and He wants to give LIFE to you. You are never alone, He has not deserted you. He watches over you day and night but He wants you to invite Him into your life and to live your life to please Him. He has a wonderful plan for your life in His kingdom but you need to submit to Him. You need to trust in Him, you need to seek Him all the time as He is seeking you. He will never reject you, He will never forsake you but if you keep on ignoring Him, rejecting Him, then there will come a day when He will reject you also. Jesus is calling YOU, He is right there with you. He is calling you to turn away from a senseless existence to a life with expectation, expectation of eternal life of eternity with Him. Do not keep on rejecting Him. Invite Him into your life and you will experience His presence always with you and then you will KNOW that you are not alone. You will KNOW that your Creator has not forsaken you. His name is Jesus Christ. Call on Him now. Seek Him and He will give you peace that passes all understanding. You will never be alone again. May Jesus bless you.

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