Thursday, December 27, 2012

False Comforters

Jesus Christ sent us the Comforter, to help us, lead us and guide us into His ways. The Holy Spirit will CONVICT us of sin, righteousness and judgment. He will keep us on the straight and narrow way. But there are also many false comforters, who are sent by the devil, preachers that tell you that it is OK to sin. They make you feel secure in your sin. The devil tempts you into sin and he makes you feel good in your sin and then he accuses you with the Father.
The Holy Spirit does not accuse you, the Holy Spirit CONVICTS you. These preachers will tell you that if you feel convicted about sin that it is the devil convicting you, NO. The devil does not convict you, the devil makes you feel good, he is a soothsayer and he uses these false preachers to make you feel satisfied and happy in your sin. The Holy Spirit leads us to REPENTANCE, holiness, righteousness and obedience to Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit never makes you feel easy. It is satan and the false comforters that make you feel happy and content in your sin. The Holy Spirit wants to get you out of trouble, satan wants you to feel good when you are in trouble.
Never become complacent, never feel happy with yourself, no man is perfect before God. The Holy Spirit will CONVICT YOU AND KEEP YOU ON YOUR TOES. If you listen to the Holy Spirit you will always be on edge. There is no time to rest, there is no time to sit back and feel content with yourself. There is work to be done in the kingdom of God. If you are not gathering with Jesus, you are scattering with satan.

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