Monday, December 10, 2012

Follow the SPIRIT

If we do not have the Spirit of Jesus Christ then we do not belong to Him. God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. We have to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and our Master in order to be born again and become children of God. JESUS CHRIST IS SPIRIT, He is the LIFE GIVING SPIRIT. If we do not have His Spirit in us we do not belong to Him.
Many people have accepted Jesus, many people have received the SPIRIT OF CHRIST in them but they are not following Him. They are not obeying Him. Jesus said:”Whoever WISHES to come after Me must deny himself, pick up his cross daily and follow Me.” We are all spirit, I have my own spirit, but my own spirit is not pure, I have to submit myself to the SPIRIT OF CHRIST that lives in me. I must deny my own feelings, my own desires and focus on the SPIRIT OF CHRIST in me, OBEY Him and FOLLOW Him.
Many people have other spirits in them, mean spirits, evil spirits, spirits that they have allowed in them. Jesus will set you free from those spirits that control your life IF you submit to Him. But, if we do not submit to Jesus, OBEY Him and follow His Spirit, living in us, we will not have eternal life. Many people continue in sin, it is because they follow their own spirit and the evil spirits that they have allowed in them. If we do not obey Jesus we will not have eternal life. We might belong to Him, He might have given us His Spirit but He only gives eternal life to those who obey Him, who deny themselves every day, pick up their cross and follow Him. If we do not OBEY Jesus and live to please Him we will not have eternal life.
Are you following the Spirit of Christ? Have you received the Spirit of Christ? If not, accept Jesus into your life, invite Him in, kick all others out, kick the devil out, deny yourself and then submit yourself to Jesus every day. Do what pleases Him and He will guide you to eternal life.
May Jesus bless you.

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