Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Cause of Death

Ever so often the media reports studies that were done, new discoveries that were made of things that can cause your death, food that is not good for you, you shouldn't eat salt or meat etc. If you believe all those stories then there is hardly anything that you can eat, then everything is a threat to your heart or to your body or will make you die.
The truth is that in the end we will all die but it is not those things that determine your life or your death, IT IS GOD WHO DETERMINES YOUR LIFE. I have known many people who were physically absolutely peak fitness, health fanatics, only eating health food and they suddenly died, in the gym or while doing exercises and then I have known some people who were in bad health who lived very long.
My wife's mother lived with us for more than twenty years, she was born with a heart defect. Her heart beat was so weak that at times the doctor could not even find a pulse. He said she was too weak to operate on but granny lived with us, she ate meat and I gave her her own salt pot because everybody said she shouldn't eat salt. The Lord kept her alive. The doctors almost killer her a few times with wrong medication but in spite of that God kept her alive until Jesus called her home at a ripe old age. God determines our life. God keeps us alive as long as He wishes and whatever we need to know, He will tell us and He will teach us and He will guide us IF we ask Him. If we listen to the clever people we will perish.
God will keep us alive as long as we are useful for His kingdom, as long as we serve a purpose. On July 28, 1998 I was in good health but I had a heart attack and I died. As I was going down a deep black hole on my way to hell I pleaded with Jesus to let me come back and come and warn people to repent, to come and warn them that hell is real and God gave me a second chance to come and be useful for His kingdom. He made me understand that AS CHILDREN OF GOD, IF WE DO NOT BEAR FRUIT AND ARE NOT USEFUL FOR HIS KINGDOM, HE WILL CUT US OFF AND WE WILL GET BURNED, we will end up in hell. Even though I was a child of God, I was cut off and I was on my way to hell, I was not fulfilling my purpose as a child of God, I was living my life to please myself and not to promote and to build the kingdom of God. God will keep His children alive as long as they serve the kingdom of God.
It is not the will of God that any man perish but that all repent and have eternal life because if we do not repent, obey Jesus and live holy, we will perish. THE SOUL THAT SINS WILL DIE! Those who believe in Jesus and OBEY Him will never die. When they pass away they will move over from the physical to the spiritual but they will live. Those who disobey Jesus will perish, their souls will perish in eternal damnation, whether they were believers or unbelievers. If you refuse Jesus you will perish. The grace of God keeps us alive so that we can make peace with God, live godly lives, repent and get to know Jesus, obey Him and be fruitful. If in the end we refuse to turn, refuse to repent we are cut off and we are burned in eternal hell.
It is not the doctor, it is not the food you eat, it is God who determines your life. If you want eternal life you must obey Jesus. If you want to have life and life in abundance in this life you must obey Jesus. He said:”Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the other things will be added unto you.” Jesus Christ is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE. Seek Him, OBEY Him and follow Him and you will have life. The wages of sin is death, it is sin that will cause us to perish .
May Jesus bless you.

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