Thursday, November 3, 2011

YOU must make up your mind - HEAVEN OR HELL

Salvation is for free, it does not cost money.
Jesus offers eternal life to everybody, because He already paid the price.
But, we need to make up our mind whether we want eternal life
because if we want eternal life we must obey Jesus.
We must accept Him as our LORD, that means: I DEDICATE MY LIFE TO JESUS
I obey Him. I love Him and I OBEY Him because I love Him
and I do the things that are pleasing to Him
because I HAVE DECIDED that I want to follow Jesus.
There is no obligation, but if I do not truly want to follow Him
and if I don't want to obey Him, nothing stops me
I can walk away any time but then I will not have eternal life.
Dear friends, the only way that we will have eternal life is
if we LOVE Jesus and we OBEY Him.
The words that He spoke will judge the whole world
and those words will determine whether we enter heaven of not,
because the words that He spoke will judge us in the last day.
Now, dear friends, many people say to me: ”Please pray for me,
I have got a problem with lust, I have got a problem with homosexuality
I have got a problem with...” this and that and the other.
Dear friend, do you really love Jesus? Do you really care to please Him?
You cannot follow Jesus if you do not REPENT.
Do you know what that means? That means, you turn away for your SELF, the things you desire and love
the desires of the flesh, and you obey Jesus Christ. You sacrifice your SELF, your own desires
and you do what is pleasing to Jesus, because YOU WANT TO!
But YOU must make up your mind!
I must make up my mind: Do I want to please Jesus, or do I want to enjoy the world, the pleasures of the flesh, the temporary things? But then I end up in hell.
Because the only way to go into heaven is: I must please Jesus!
I must pray, I must spend time with Him. I must LISTEN to Him! I must seek Him with all my heart.
If I don't love Him, what do I want to go and do in heaven?
If He is not real to me, what business have I got trying to please Him?
Jesus must be real to me. Dear friend, if you go on your knees and you cry out to Jesus He will reveal Himself to you, if you REPENT of your sin, if you turn away and if you get serious, then Jesus will be serious with you.
Many people say they don't hear the voice of Jesus, they are NOT SERIOUS! They don't want to hear Him. They want to do their own thing. They don't want to go to hell but they don't love Jesus anyway.
They won't go into heaven. Dear friend you need to make up your mind.
You must repent, get your focus on Jesus and seek Him with all your heart.
Don't let anything stop you from being pleasing to Jesus.
Not many will make it into heaven, dear friend, not many.
It's for free, but if you do not love Him with all your heart and put ALL your effort into pleasing Him, you won't make it. You will just not follow Him.
You need to REPENT, put theses things behind you and seek Jesus with all your heart and He will become more and more real to you every day.
The choice is ours friend, but YOU need to REPENT, YOU must make up your mind.
I am speaking to me as well.
There is only one way, and that is: Jesus must be your life, or else He is nothing.
May Jesus bless you.

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