Thursday, November 17, 2011

Holy Spirit Confirmation

Modern Christianity is largely based
on application of the Bible
Interpretation of the Scriptures
The authority of those that preach
is their knowledge of the Bible
and not Jesus Christ
because the majority of them
do not know Jesus
They have a religion
without Jesus Christ
They don't even KNOW that Jesus
is not part of their religion
because they've got a Bible
They are not trusting
in the Holy Spirit,
they don't need the Holy Spirit
They can carry on their religion
without the Holy Spirit
because you won't even see
that the Holy Spirit is not there.
They've got the Book
That is a dead religion friends
that is a theoretical religion
The result of that religion is
that many well meaning pious Christians
will stand before Jesus Christ one day
and He will say to them:
Go away from Me, I never knew you,
you workers of iniquity,
your workers of unrighteousness
They will say:”Lord but we read the Bible,
we preached the Bible
we read Your Words and
we told the people
about Your Words and
Jesus will say to them
“I never knew you”
because they never knew Him,
they never listened to Him
They were not tuned in to Him
Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit
to guide us into all truth
He did not send us books
Our authority is not Books
Our authority is
the Holy Spirit of God
It was not some book,
that gave Peter the authority
when Ananias and Sapphira
lied to the Holy Spirit
and the judgment of God
on those two people
that lied to the Spirit
that confirmed Peter
It was not application
of the Scriptures

by which Peter said to the lame man:
”Silver and gold have I none
but what I do have I give to you.
In the name of Jesus Christ,
stand up and walk.”
It was the indwelling power
of the Holy Spirit
There is no way that you can be justified
through your interpretation of Scripture
by reading the Scripture
and evaluating yourself
according to the Scripture
because many people
justify themselves by quoting Scriptures
There is One who Justifies
and that is the Holy Spirit of God
There is One who convicts of sin
and righteousness and judgment
and that is the HOLY SPIRIT
There is only One who can confirm to you
whether He is satisfied with you
and that is the Holy Spirit of God
Am I saying that the Scriptures are not good?
No I am not saying that
What I am saying dear friend
You cannot have salvation
You cannot be justified
You need the confirmation
of the Holy Spirit
The only way that you can
know how you stand with Jesus
is through confirmation of His Spirit
That is why He sent the Spirit
to guide us into ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS
He didn't say: "Go evaluate the Scriptures
and then justify yourself against that"
Then you just become another scribe and a pharisee
with a religion that is devoid of Jesus Christ
You need the Holy Spirit dear friend
You need to get down on your knees
and cry out to Jesus
and say:"Lord, show me, show me whether
You are pleased with me
Lord confirm to me, I do not
want to hear from anybody else
I want to hear from Thee
because Lord, You are my GOD
I am not trusting in myself
I am not trusting in other people
but I am trusting in You Lord Jesus
because I follow You Lord
I want to know You more Lord
I want to know Your voice
I want to follow You every day of my life!"
Many Christians don't spend
half an hour with Jesus in a day
They don't need Him, they got a Bible
and they think they don't need Jesus
Dear friend, He will say to you one day:
“Go away I never knew you”
because you didn't get confirmation from Him
You didn't seek Him until you found Him
You got to cry out to Him with all your heart
you got to LABOR IN PRAYER, say:" Lord, I need You"
Lord confirm to me
search me, see if there is anything in me that is wrong
and please Lord show me, so that I can correct it,
so that I can be pleasing in Thy sight
The Book can not take the place of
the Holy Spirit of God dear friend
You will not find the Way without the Holy Spirit of God
Jesus Christ is the Way and the Truth and the Life
and He sent you the Holy Spirit
to GUIDE you
If you do not LISTEN
you will not live
You need to go on your knees and seek Jesus
with all your heart until you find Him
Until He is REAL to you
and until He confirms to you
that He is satisfied with you
Don't trust another man
Don't trust your insight of the Scriptures
Get to KNOW JESUS my friend
before He one day says to you also:
“Go away I never knew you
You never counseled Me
You never spoke to Me
You had no relationship with Me”
Get your confirmation from
the Holy Spirit, dear friend

May Jesus bless you.

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