Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Change! Become like a child!

We make things too complicated and that is why so few people will enter heaven. Jesus said we must become like little children, like babes, or else we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I read in Matthew 18:3. And He said: “Truly I say to you, unless you are changed and become like little children you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” That is how easy it is. We must change and become like children and just accept Jesus, believe Him, trust Him, obey Him and then we will not have a care in the world.
People want to know how things work, they are worried about all kinds of things, but they don't trust Jesus. A child is not worried about doctrine, he is just worried about his dad. We must be worried about the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, about my Dad, my heavenly Father being pleased with me. That is all that matters. A child trusts his father. He is not worried about anything in the world because his dad will take care. Our heavenly Father is MUCH BETTER than any earthly father, but people don't trust Him, not like a child. They want to get into religion and that is why they will not get into heaven.
We need to ACCEPT Jesus. LISTEN to His words, go read His words in the gospels, believe them and accept them, WITH JOY! The first believers accepted the message with JOY and they got saved and they were baptized in water, and they received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and they went their way with JOY!
We are making it too complicated, people! It is not complicated. People want to know how things work. This is how it works: CHANGE, become like a child! Embrace Jesus like a child! Say:”Lord! I am here! I love You! I need You Lord Jesus! Please forgive me! I want You! Please guide me, I trust You!” And He will guide you! “Lord give me your Holy Spirit! Please!” And He will give it to you because HE LOVES YOU! HE CARES FOR YOU! And then you will have JOY because you TRUST HIM! Go to Him like a child, my friend! CHANGE! Become like a child and you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven! You will hear His voice, you will follow Him, you will trust Him, because you have CHANGED! You have become like a child. Become like a child! Get on your knees, call out to Jesus, and He will reveal Himself to you!
May Jesus bless you.

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