Jesus Christ the Son of God was in the form of God but He came to this earth and He was born in the form of a man, flesh and blood, like we are, exactly like we are and He proved that flesh and blood, what we are, CAN OBEY GOD, CAN LIVE WITHOUT SIN, can live in perfect obedience to God. That is why nobody will be able to say to Jesus that they cannot stop sinning or they do not know what sin is, because we are all born with a conscience and out conscience tells us right from wrong. Everybody knows, the laws of God are written in our hearts. It is a matter of whether we decide to obey that voice of our conscience inside of us. Jesus promised His Holy Spirit to those who accept Him as their Lord and Master so that His Holy Spirit will come and live in them and will guide them into righteousness. But we need to make the decision. We must choose who we want to serve, whether we want to serve and obey Jesus or whether we want to obey the lusts of our flesh. WE ARE CALLED UNTO HOLINESS - because WITHOUT HOLINESS NO MAN WILL SEE GOD.
Jesus came to take away the sins of this world. If we repent of sin and we ask Jesus to forgive us He blots out all our past sins and He enables us to live in utter holiness, as He demonstrated that it is possible for us to also live in perfect obedience to God the Father. We just need to decide! We need to make up our mind, do we want to please Jesus, do we want to obey God, live holy and then we will have eternal life.
May Jesus bless you.
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