Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Psychology cannot heal the soul

Psychology cannot heal or fix the soul of man. Psychology works with the mind, it tries to change your mind and modify your behavior and where it comes short it uses medication and other methods to try and modify your mind, to brainwash you. Only Jesus can heal the soul and the mind.
It is only when Jesus touches you that you are healed. That is why you cannot teach a person to be a Christian. There are many who are “taught Christians,” they read the Bible and they try to modify their behavior but they cannot because INSIDE THEY ARE SINNERS, they are not changed, they are not regenerated . They are just trying to do something differently but inside they haven't changed. You need Jesus to touch you. You need to cry out to Jesus and ask Him to change you, to make you new so that you are BORN AGAIN, you become a new person with a new personality. Your soul is healed, your soul is changed and THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE!
Only Jesus can do that, no psychology, no teachings, no Bible study, that cannot change you. What changes you is when you go on your knees before Jesus and you cry out to Him and He touches you. He comes into your life and He changes you and He makes you a new man! Have you been touched by Jesus? Go on your knees and cry out to Him and He will heal you. He will heal you of your past hurt. He will heal you of your pain, He will heal you of your addictions and your anxieties, your fears! ONLY JESUS CAN HEAL THE SOUL! Cry out to Jesus and He will come to you.
May Jesus bless you.

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