The Holy Spirit came into the world to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. Nobody will have any excuse because the Holy Spirit speaks to everybody, it doesn't matter who it is. Jesus said:”And this is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world but men loved darkness more than Light because their deeds were evil.”John 3:19.
Jesus is the Light of the world and if we follow Him we will not be in darkness. If we obey the voice of the Holy Spirit that convicts us of sin then we will STOP SINNING and we will OBEY Jesus. Those who accept Jesus receive forgiveness of sin and He delivers them, He sets them free from the power of sin and if they OBEY Him He puts the Holy spirit INSIDE of them to guide them into all truth.
Many have received the Holy Spirit but they do not obey, they do not listen. Some listen SOME OF THE TIME but there are some sins that they continue with. IF YOU ARE DISOBEDIENT IN ONE THING THEN YOU ARE DISOBEDIENT, then you are not fit for the Kingdom of God. We must utterly and totally, COMPLETELY obey Jesus Christ.
THE SOUL THAT SINS WIL DIE! If you continue in sin YOU ARE NOT SAVED! You are on your way to hell. We cannot follow Jesus part of the way, we cannot just listen to Him sometimes. If you want to have salvation you must LISTEN to Him ALL THE TIME. LISTEN, OBEY and your soul will live. If you refuse to obey you will perish! You will go into hell! We have no excuse, you cannot follow Jesus part time. We must OBEY Him to have eternal life.
May Jesus bless you.
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