Monday, July 16, 2012

Pulpit Poison - Toxic Preaching

The gospel that is preached from the pulpits of churches is POISON. It produces sons of hell, sinners who have no remorse nor any intention to repent and obey Jesus Christ. The gospel of Jesus Christ sets you free from the power of sin, it changes you from a sinner into a saint who lives HOLY and who OBEYS the words of Jesus.
The wages of sin is death and if you are not delivered from sin and live holy, you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven. Without holiness no man shall see God. Have you accepted Jesus as your LORD? Has He delivered you from the power of sin? Have you become a child of God? Are you free from sin and are you following Jesus every day? Do you deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Him, living in utter holiness doing the will of God?
The unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God. We will all be judged by our deeds and your deeds will determine where you spend eternity. Have you become a child of God who lives blamelessly in the presence of your Father?
May Jesus bless you.

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