Wednesday, July 11, 2012

You need Jesus INSIDE

Many believers read the Bible and they know the Bible and they think that their Bible knowledge can save them, that is not true. Jesus saves you if you KNOW Him and you FOLLOW Him. If you invite Jesus into your heart, you accept Him as your Lord and your Master then He Himself comes and He lives in you, and He guides you. He teaches you. If you have not accepted Jesus and if you don't know Him, if He is not living inside of you then you cannot have salvation, because He will speak to you, that INNER VOICE, inside, will guide you every step of the way. If you do wrong He will immediately convict you and you will know: I have done wrong now! But if you do not LISTEN to that INNER VOICE of Christ in you, then you have no relationship with Him.
You can read the Bible as much as you like but if you don't have a relationship with Jesus THEN YOU DON'T KNOW HIM. And He is going to say to many believers:”Go away I never knew you,” because they DID NOT LISTEN, they did not pray. Praying is not just giving God a list of what you want: Lord give me this, give me that, give me...” It is communication, all the time, not just before you go to bed, all day long. You have got to be tuned in to Jesus in you and if He is not inside He is out! Then you have got to invite Him in, LISTEN AND OBEY HIM! If you do not have the Spirit of Christ in you, you don't belong to Him, you don't know Him. You need Jesus on the inside and you must follow Him every day, and if Jesus is not inside YOU MUST CRY OUT TO HIM. Go on your knees, cry out, say :”LORD I NEED YOU, I WANT YOU!” He will come and He will live with you and you must OBEY Him. He will guide you, He will teach you, but you must OBEY Him.
If you do not obey Him and you do not have that relationship with Jesus INSIDE OF YOU, you don't have eternal life. Going to church, belonging to a church, reading the Bible, doing religion, that cannot help you. YOU NEED A LIVING RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LIVING GOD, WITH JESUS! He has got to be real to you, He has got to LIVE INSIDE of you. You must LISTEN, you must PRAY and He will reveal Himself to you. The more you LISTEN and OBEY, the more He will reveal Himself to you, the more you will get to KNOW Him. But if you do not know Jesus for REAL, if He does not live INSIDE OF YOU, you don't know Him. You have got to get to know Jesus and come into that close relationship where you are AWARE OF HIM all the time and you are tuned in to that INNER VOICE of his Spirit living inside of you, OBEYING, LISTENING, FOLLOWING. That is how you follow Jesus. Those who are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
You have got to LISTEN ot the Spirit of God that He puts inside of you when you meet Jesus. Have you met Jesus? Have you accepted Him, has He come into you? Is Jesus real to you? If not, you better get to know Him before it is too late.
Get to know Jesus. Cry out to Him and He will reveal Himself to you as REAL. He will guide you step by step but YOU have got to SEEK Him, you have got to FOLLOW Him, every day, You have got to seek Him ALL THE TIME. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE TUNED IN. He won't force you, you've got to FOLLOW Him. You have got to SEEK His counsel, His direction, you have got to SEEK His voice inside of you. You have got to listen, YOU have got to follow Jesus if you want eternal life. If you don't follow Him, you won't have eternal life. Just merely reading your Bible and being religious won't get you into the Kingdom of Heaven.
You have got to follow Jesus, LISTEN to that INNER VOICE, but first GET JESUS INSIDE!
May Jesus bless you.

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