Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Garments with the POWER of God

We must be careful what we touch and what we bring into our homes because those things affect us. The apostle Jude wrote (Jude 1:23) that we must not even touch the garment that has been soiled by the flesh. On the other hand also, clothing that was worn by the apostles was laid on sick people and they recovered. The power of God worked through the clothing that was once worn by the apostles.

We have been sending out these t-shirts to people to use, to witness for Jesus and we are receiving back reports of the effect of these t-shirts. We have received reports that people that opened these t-shirts, that they started vomiting and demons that were in them left them. These t-shirts have brought healing but they have also brought conviction in some houses. If we receive something from the hand of God then it has an effect on us. If you receive one of these t-shirts from us you must know that the power of God is going to work on you and in your house. You cannot continue in sin, He will convict you and the judgment of God will come on your house. You cannot just use that t-shirt as a cloth to wash your car. The judgment of God will come on you, it belongs to God, not to us and not to you. Be careful how you use it.
We have made some new t-shirts to convict people of sin, righteousness and judgment. Here is a new one: “Do you teach your children about Jesus or are you raising them for hell?”, “YOUR CHILDREN ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY”, “Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
The message of Jesus Christ is LIFE to those who obey Him and judgment to those who reject Him. Will you wear this t-shirt? Will you be a witness for Jesus? Will you touch this garment, (holding up a t-shirt) and know that the Spirit of God has touched you and will have an effect on your life in days to come?
If you want one of these t-shirts you are welcome to contact us, my details are at the end of this video and the link is also in the description box below this video. We need to be touched by God and we ourselves who have the Spirit of God living in us, need to touch this world because this world is sick and it needs healing. We need to be vessels of the Spirit of God. Are you willing to be a vessel for the Holy Spirit of God or will you be used by the enemy?
May Jesus bless you.

Free T-shirts available:
Free downloadable printable gospel tract in Word format, letter size:

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