Thursday, November 15, 2012

Press on in

Many believers have had an experienced where Jesus spoke to them, a long time ago and after that nothing happened. Many others are looking for the experience, they want to hear from God, but they are hearing nothing. And Jesus said that: “My sheep listen to My voice and they follow Me.” Jesus wants to guide you. Jesus wants us to be in relationship with Him. He said: Follow Me. He gave us the Holy Spirit to guide us, His own Spirit but we must PRESS ON IN, we must seek Him. Jesus wants our undivided attention. 

People want God to speak to them, when it pleases them, but we must devote our lives to Jesus, to the Kingdom of God. Nothing must be more important than Jesus, than hearing His voice, than being led by His Holy Spirit. We must hunger and thirst, press on in. Remove every obstacle. Spend time with the Lord, fast, pray. SEEK JESUS Himself with all your heart. You won’t find Jesus in the Bible. You won’t find Him in fellowship with other people. Other people might share with you their experience with Jesus. You might read in the Bible how God dealt with other people in the past but that must encourage us to seek our OWN experience and not just a once of experience but a CONSTANT LIVE RELATIONSHIP with the Living God, because God is alive. Jesus is alive, but we need to PRESS ON IN. 

People say they don’t feel the presence of God. God is there, Jesus is with you. He has never left you but you need to PRESS ON IN. If we OBEY His Spirit what He has planted in us, iIf we live in RIGHTEOUSNESS, in HOLINESS and if we DO what is pleasing to Him, if we witness for Him, He will reveal Himself to us but JESUS REQUIRES OUR UNDIVIDED ATTENTION. We must be focused on Him. Press on in all the time. Then we will experience His presence.

We cannot serve two Masters. We will either hate the one and love the other. If we do not LOVE JESUS and GO AFTER HIM with all our power, we cannot follow Him. You CAN experience the presence of God if you SEEK HIM, if you PRESS ON IN. He said: “Draw closer to Me and I will draw closer to you.” PRESS ON IN, seek Jesus. Let your mind always be on Him. Wait on Him. Expect Him. Do what is pleasing to Him and He will reveal Himself to you more and more. PRESS ON IN! SEEK HIM. Don’t look at other people. Don’t look at their experience, seek your own. SEEK JESUS and you will find Him. 

May Jesus bless you. 

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