Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Get Rid Of The Pain

We have all suffered pain, humiliation, rejection, sometimes abuse way back in out lives and those things that we suffered affect us even until today. That is like a thorn that stuck into your foot and the flesh has grown over it but that thorn is still there and it affects the way that we react with other people. It is like that thorn in your foot, it affects the way that you walk, it affects your relationship with Jesus. It destroys your life and we need to get rid of that pain, the cause of that pain, that thorn. We often do not want to let go of it. Maybe we were hurt and now we are hurting other people. Maybe somebody abused you and now you don't trust people, you don't trust God. You say:”Why did God let this happen to me?”
We need to let go of those things because they will affect us and they will keep us out of heaven also. We need to surrender it to Jesus, just take it to Jesus because now we belong to Him. If you have given your life to Jesus then nothing can happen to you that He does not allow and He LOVES YOU! He loves us MORE than any earthly father can love us. We need to surrender that to Him, forgive those people who have harmed you! Get it out of your system, get that thorn out, get the pain out, JUST GIVE IT TO JESUS! And ask Him to replace it with His love or else that will destroy us.
We are here to follow Jesus, to serve Him, and he said:”Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the other things will be added unto you.” We need to get rid of the pain, forgive others and then we will be forgiven. Let go and get our focus on Jesus and as we seek to please Him and are faithful to Him, obey Him and LOVE others unconditionally, as we do that the love of Christ flows through us. If we GIVE we will RECEIVE! If we GIVE LOVE we will RECEIVE LOVE!
Dear friend, let go of the pain, give it to Jesus, because He has forgiven you all your sins, you need to forgive everybody else who has sinned against you, and trust Him that nothing can happen to you that is not in His will.
Whatever comes your way is only because He allows it, for good purpose and then you have got to thank Him for it. If we can receive good things from God then certainly we can receive (accept) a bit of chastisement, a bit of correction, a bit of pain if He wants to teach us something. But in all things, let us get our focus on Jesus and forget the past. GET RID OF THE PAIN and follow Jesus with all our heart because HE CARES FOR US and He only has the best in store for us. TRUST JESUS!
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lawless Believers

Lawless, unrighteous people will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Many people have been told by preachers that they are under grace, not under law and therefor they keep on continuing in sin and they are lawless. They do not abide by the laws of their country, they are rebellious people, they are unrighteous. They will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus said in Matthew 7:21“ Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. 22“ Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ 23“ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’”
We also read in Matthew 5:20“ For I say to you, that unless your RIGHTEOUSNESS SURPASSES that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.”
That is very, very clear! Lawless believers will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We must do the will of the Father, which is, TO OBEY JESUS. The words of Jesus as written in the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) those are the words of God because Jesus did not speak anything on His own initiative. Everything He said was what He heard from the Father. We must OBEY JESUS, OBEY HIS WORDS as written in the gospels and we must LISTEN to His Holy Spirit in our heart, speaking to us. If we are lawless and sinful, then we are not obeying Jesus and we will NOT enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Do not be deceived. The grace of God leads us to REPENTANCE it does not allow us any sin. Without holiness, no man shall see God.
May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Is Your Name In The Book Of Life?

Is your name written in the Book of Life? We read in Revelation 20:11-15.”And I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. 12And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and BOOKS WERE OPENED; and another book was opened, which is the BOOK OF LIFE; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, ACCORDING TO THEIR DEEDS. 13And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and THEY WERE JUDGED, EVERY ONE OF THEM ACCORDING TO THEIR DEEDS. 14And death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. 15And IF ANYONE’S NAME WAS NOT FOUND WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE, HE WAS THROWN INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE.”
There is a condition for your name to stay in the book of life. We need to overcome and endure. We need to stay with Jesus all the way or else our name will be deleted from the Book of Life. We read in Revelation 3:1-3“ And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: He who has the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars, says this: ‘I KNOW YOUR DEEDS, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. 2‘ Wake up, and strengthen the things that remain, which were about to die; for I HAVE NOT FOUND YOUR DEEDS COMPLETED IN THE SIGHT OF MY GOD. 3‘ Remember therefore what you have received and heard; and keep it, and repent. If therefore you will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come upon you. Verse 5‘ HE WHO OVERCOMES SHALL THUS BE CLOTHED IN WHITE GARMENTS; and I WILL NOT ERASE HIS NAME FROM THE BOOK OF LIFE, and I will confess his name before My Father, and before His angels. 6‘ He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’ 
The unrighteous will NOT enter the kingdom of God. If our deeds are not complete in the sight of God our names will be deleted from the book of life. Jesus said that every tree that does not bear fruit will be cut off and burned. Every branch in Him that does not bear fruit will be cut off and thrown in the fire and burned. That goes for believers, that goes for people who believe they are saved. Their names will be removed from the Book of Life because their deeds are not complete. Many believers are living in sin. IF YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD YOU DO NOT SIN. You do the works of Jesus, you live in holiness, utter holiness. You OBEY GOD because the words of Jesus are the words of God and if you do not obey those words and if your deeds do not show you as righteous you will by no means enter the Kingdom of God.
Our deeds will determine whether our name will stay in the Book of Life. Is your name in the book of Life?
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Where Will He Find You

Where will Jesus find us when He comes? We will be judged by our deeds, each and every one of us. Jesus knows what we are doing where we are going, what we are thinking, what we are occupying ourselves with , what is important in our lives, and what is important, SHOWS in what we are doing. Will He find you in the movie house, will He find you in front of the TV? Will He find you with friends? Will He find you playing around on facebook? Where will He find you? Will He find you watching porn, will He find you fornicating? Where will your heart be when Jesus comes?
I come from a factory background and it is very east yo determine what a person does, how productive he is. There is a technique called activity sampling. You just observe an person or an activity, a certain area of the factory at random times during the day and you just look and see: what are they doing? What is the person busy with? Is he at his workplace? Where is he? Is he active? Is he standing around? Is he talking? What is he doing? And very quickly you determine the activity of that person, you get a profile, you know whether he is working or whether he is unproductive. At the end of the day you just add up the different activities that that person was busy with and very quickly you see whether he is a good worker or a bad worker. The question is: Where will Jesus find us when He comes? Will we be AT His kingdom? Will we be testifying for Him? Will we be praying? Will we be doing His works? Caring for our brothers and sisters, or will He find us slandering? How will our deeds be when Jesus comes?
Jesus is WATCHING US EVERY MOMENT. It is not a random activity sampling, HE IS WATCHING US and EVERYTHING IS WRITTEN DOWN IN THE BOOKS! HE KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT US, every moment! What will He find us busy with? When those books are opened, what will be written in there? Activities for Jesus? Will we have been busy with the kingdom of God or were we busy with ourselves, the things of the world, the lust of the flesh? Did we have any interest in the kingdom of God? Where will He find us?
We read in Revelation 3:1-3“ And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: He who has the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars, says this: ‘I KNOW YOUR DEEDS, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. 2‘ Wake up, and strengthen the things that remain, which were about to die; for I HAVE NOT FOUND YOUR DEEDS COMPLETED IN THE SIGHT OF MY GOD. 3‘ Remember therefore what you have received and heard; and keep it, and repent. If therefore you will not WAKE UP, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come upon you.”
Dear friends, where will Jesus find YOU and me, when He comes? What we be doing? Will be at His Kingdom or will our deeds not be complete in His sight?
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Your REWARD - According to Your Deeds

The devil wants us to end up in hell and that is why he has his preachers in place in all the churches on the pulpits to lead believers into hell, to tell them lies that will make them end up in damnation. You will often hear that preachers say that we are not saved by works, we are saved by grace. That is true, but if you are saved by the grace of God then you will do the works of your Father. Then you will bear good fruit because every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and burn.
The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 2:6-11 “God, WILL RENDER TO EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO HIS DEEDS: to those who by perseverance in doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life; but to those who are selfishly ambitious and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, wrath and indignation. There will be tribulation and distress for every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first and also of the Greek, but glory and honor and peace to every man who does good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For there is no partiality with God.” Remember we are talking here about BELIEVERS, not about sinners and the unsaved, they have no hope. We are talking about believers who bear good fruit and those who are wicked. God will repay every man according to His deeds.
We read the Words of Jesus in Matthew 25:30 The parable of the talents. What happened to the slave who did not produce anything with his talents? I read from verse 30 “And cast out the worthless slave into the outer darkness; in that place there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Satan wants to render us FRUITLESS and WORTHLESS because he knows what our reward will be. We cannot claim to be saved and to be children of God if we are FRUITLESS. If we are fruitless, we will be cut off and burned. Jesus said that "every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, will be cut off and burned." Are we bearing fruit? Most people are just sitting in the pews sleeping. They pay their tithes and they work for the church. What makes them THINK that Jesus is satisfied with their DONATION? Jesus does not want a donation, He wants OBEDIENCE. That is all that He cares about. He said: "Why do you call Me, Lord, Lord and you DO NOT what I say." If we are NOT FOLLOWING JESUS every day and OBEYING HIM, living in HOLINESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS, we will be cut off. We will end up in DAMNATION.
The wicked will NOT inherit the Kingdom of God. Do not be deceived dear friends. God will reward every man according to his DEEDS. Are our deeds COMPLETE in the sight of God? Is Jesus SATISFIED with you and with me? He is the final Judge. We will stand before Him and He will reward every man according to his DEEDS.
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Step Out for Jesus

A soldier does not go out without his uniform. As a child of God and ambassador for the Kingdom of God, we must also wear our uniform. I make these uniforms (T-shirts). I wear these uniforms when I go out because I want every moment to count for the kingdom of God. When I walk through a shop or wherever I go people read the testimony of Jesus. I don't even need to talk. The other advantage is that if you identify with Jesus, then you behave like a child of God you are very careful what you say, how you conduct yourself because you are an ambassador for the Kingdom of God.
To me this is the easiest way to testify for Jesus. You don't even need to say a word. People follow you around, they are inquisitive. They might see what is on the back (of the T-shirt) and then they want to see what is on the front and very often they start talking to you. Many people will not speak to you but the seed is sown and you can see it in their eyes. We must make use of every opportunity to testify for Jesus. We must identify with Jesus, we must let the world know on whose side we are, that Jesus is alive!
If we are ashamed of testifying for Jesus, identifying with Him then He will also be ashamed of us! He said that if we deny Him in front of this wicked generation He will also deny us before His Father in heaven and His holy angels. We must make use of every moment that we have, of every opportunity to testify for Jesus.
You will not be allowed to preach inside of a big apartment store but I guarantee you that there is no shopkeeper that will tell you to go outside because your t-shirt offends him, because they want your money. On the other hand, when people start asking you and talking to you about Jesus in that shop then you can reply to them, you can talk. And it happens so often that people start talking to me and to my wife (she also wears the t-shirts). They start asking us questions and others come and listen also!
It is so wonderful to be an ambassador for Jesus. We need to shine for Jesus. We are the Body of Christ, the only Jesus that this world sees is YOU and me and if Jesus is not in your heart then they will not see Jesus. The Bible that the world reads is us, our conduct, how we go about things, what we do, what we say, that is what they “read.” We must make sure that what people read in us gives glory to God.
We must use every opportunity to be and ambassador for Jesus. We must use every opportunity to put on out uniform and STEP OUT FOR JESUS!
May Jesus bless you.

The Source of your Joy

God loves us and cares for us and through His wonderful mercy He showers us with blessings, with friends, with gifts. He has given us so many things and gives us so many things every day. He has given us the scriptures whereby we can read the experiences of other people who have known Him. He has given us the gospels where we can read the words of Jesus. He has given us brothers and sisters who can help us, who can support us, who can take us to Jesus. He has given us children, family and friends and many material things, all from the hand of God but if these things become our source of pleasure and of joy then these things become idols. Our gratitude must go to God alone. We must thank God always in Christ Jesus for these things that we receive so freely from Him because we don't deserve it. These things that God gives us must not become our idols. Many of us crave spiritual gifts, which is a good thing but we must crave Jesus Christ Himself. We must yearn for God our Father and our joy must come from being with Him, being in His presence, being pleasing to Him because God is our source. Jesus Christ is our Lord and our Master. He is our source of life. Our joy must come from Him and our thanks must go to Him because He alone is worthy. Without Jesus we can do nothing. Let us bring Him the glory and the honor and the praises that are due to Him. PRAISE JESUS!
May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Don't go unless Jesus sent you

Jesus has called each one of us for a specific purpose and we can only achieve that purpose if we receive our instructions from Him. If we go on our own or we go where we think, we cannot be pleasing to Him. We must be led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus has prepared each of us for a specific task and we need to cleanse ourselves, purify ourselves and wait on Him and then He will use us. He will send us for that specific task that He has prepared for us, where He wants to use us. We need to be led by the Holy Spirit. If we are not led by the Holy Spirit we cannot please Him. We cannot please God doing what we want to do.
Many people go to mission fields because they had a “feeling” or other people told them. You need to hear from Jesus and you need to be sure that He has sent you. The apostles went under guidance of the Holy Spirit and they went in the power of the Holy Spirit and they did the works that Jesus sent them for. They achieved what He sent them for.
Some years ago I was invited to go and speak at a small church that was held in a school in a very very troubled suburb. It was a predominantly black suburb and it was very dangerous for white people to go in there but I used to go every Sunday morning. And then one Sunday morning I woke up 4 a.m. In the morning after I had dreamed that I was on my way to go and preach at this little church and I got shot, and I was lying there dead but I heard one man saying to the other one:”Why did you shoot him? He comes here to help us.” And this guy said:”I don't care what he does.” I knew that the Lord was telling me not to go there. He was warning me not to go there. The next morning I called the pastor of that church and I told him:”Brother I will not be coming there today, The Lord told me not to come.” He said:”Brother, the Lord will protect you, you must come here please!” But I did not go. During that same week there was another person who went into that same township, a white person, to go and hand out food and help people and he was shot dead, that very same township! You see, we need to be led by the Holy Spirit, we need to LISTEN to the Holy Spirit of God. It can be fatal if we do not listen. We must be led by the Spirit in order to do the will of God.
It is the will of God that we bear fruit, thereby the Father is glorified, but we can only bear fruit if we stay IN CHRIST, if we LISTEN to the Holy Spirit. We must GO where He sends us and then we will be pleasing to Him. We cannot go on our own, we must go where He sends us. Be sure to DO what Jesus has sent you to do. Make yourself available to Jesus, pray, LISTEN to the Holy Spirit and He will send you and He will use you for that which He has called you.
May Jesus bless you.

Preach JESUS not Grace, Paul, Peter and the Bible

Jesus Christ alone is the way and the truth and the life and His words are the words of life, no other words. We will be judged by the words of Jesus because His words are the WORDS OF GOD. People like to quote Paul and Peter and the pastor and what some other famous person said. That is futile! Preachers preach the Bible, they preach GRACE but they don't preach Jesus.
The only ONE who has power to save you is Jesus Christ. The only words that have power to save you
are the words of Jesus. They are the words of life. Paul himself wrote in 1 Corinthians 2:1 ”And when I came to you, brethren, I did not come with superiority of speech or of wisdom, proclaiming to you the testimony of God. 2For I DETERMINED TO KNOW NOTHING AMONG YOU EXCEPT JESUS CHRIST, AND HIM CRUCIFIED.” That is all Paul talked about, he talked about Jesus. Nowadays people preach Paul, they preach the Bible. Dear friends, that cannot save you. Jesus saves.
When you speak, let those words be like the words of God. Why? Because you have heard from God, because you are speaking the words of Jesus, because you have been spending time with Jesus and He spoke to you. THE WORDS OF JESUS ARE THE WORDS OF LIFE. If you do not know Jesus and you do not FOLLOW Him and OBEY Him, you do not have eternal life. If Jesus does not live in you, if He is not your life you do not have life. There is no other.
Preaching all these other things, grace, Peter, Paul, what other people said, that cannot save you. THE WORDS OF JESUS SAVE. Go and spend time with Jesus, pray and let Him speak into your spirit and those words that He speaks , they will save you! Go and READ THE WORDS OF JESUS IN THE GOSPELS, MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE AND JOHN and DO them. Those words SAVE THOSE WHO OBEY THEM. THE WORDS OF JESUS ARE THE WORDS OF GOD. This book (the Bible) is NOT the Word of God, the WORDS OF JESUS ARE THE WORDS OF LIFE!
Get to know Jesus, OBEY Him, FOLLOW Him, He must be your LIFE or else you do not have eternal life.
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, July 20, 2012


There is a popular DECEPTION amongst some believers that JESUS HAS DONE IT ALL FOR THEM and all they need to do is BELIEVE IN JESUS to be saved. That is a lie. Go and read the Words of Jesus in the Gospels. Jesus said: "WHOEVER WISHES to come after Me, must deny Himself, pick up His cross and follow Me." There is no easy way into the Kingdom of Heaven. It is a narrow Door. They asked Jesus whether those who are being saved are FEW and He said: "NARROW IS THE DOOR and FEW there be that find it. STRIVE HARD to find the Narrow Door." There is no easy way.
Jesus has not done it all for you. If you want eternal life, you will have to FOLLOW JESUS. You will have to DENY YOURSELF. You will have to OBEY JESUS. You will have to REPENT, turn away from sin and BE RIGHTEOUS. Show FRUIT OF REPENTANCE and then be BAPTIZED IN WATER, CONFESSING your SINS and Jesus will give you the GIFT of the BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT so that you can BE LED BY the SPIRIT, while you follow Jesus. It is not an easy road. You will BE PERSECUTED, you will BE HATED by all men for His Name sake. HE HAS NOT DONE IT ALL. You might lose your life for Jesus and if you are not willing to follow Him all the way, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus said that "NOT everyone that says to Me, Lord, Lord will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven but those who DO THE WILL OF MY FATHER." He will say to MANY in that day:"GO AWAY I NEVER KNEW YOU, you who WORK WICKEDNESS, LAWLESSNESS." He is talking about BELIEVERS, CHRISTIANS who cast out demons , who healed the sick, who preached the gospel, He will say to THEM, who WALKED IN WICKEDNESS and LAWLESSNESS, He will say to THEM: "GO AWAY I NEVER KNEW YOU."
"Every tree that DOES NOT BEAR GOOD FRUIT will be CUT OFF and BURNED." He was talking about RIGHTEOUSNESS, HOLINESS, without holiness no man shall see God. JESUS HAS NOT DONE IT ALL FOR YOU. YOU will have to DENY yourself, PICK UP YOUR CROSS and FOLLOW JESUS UNTIL the VERY END, IF you want to have ETERNAL LIFE. There is NO EASY WAY into the Kingdom of Heaven. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. Go and read the Gospels for yourself. Go and read the WORDS OF JESUS for yourself and you will WAKE UP and realize it is a NARROW ROAD. GET TO KNOW JESUS for yourself. LISTEN TO HIS HOLY SPIRIT and HE will GUIDE you and you will learn that WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT you CANNOT DO IT. BIBLE KNOWLEDGE is NOT good enough. YOU NEED the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN YOU to GUIDE you, to SUSTAIN you, to COACH you every step of the way. YOU NEED JESUS. It is all about YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS, nothing else. If you DO NOT KNOW JESUS and HE DOES NOT KNOW YOU, you will NOT ENTER the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. GET TO KNOW JESUS and FOLLOW HIM every step of the way. If you DO NOT LOVE JESUS, TRULY LOVE HIM and OBEY HIM, it is ALL IN VAIN.
 May Jesus bless you.


There is a popular DECEPTION amongst some believers that JESUS HAS DONE IT ALL FOR THEM and all they need to do is BELIEVE IN JESUS to be saved. That is a lie. Go and read the Words of Jesus in the Gospels. Jesus said: "WHOEVER WISHES to come after Me, must deny Himself, pick up His cross and follow Me." There is no easy way into the Kingdom of Heaven. It is a narrow Door. They asked Jesus whether those who are being saved are FEW and He said: "NARROW IS THE DOOR and FEW there be that find it. STRIVE HARD to find the Narrow Door." There is no easy way.
Jesus has not done it all for you. If you want eternal life, you will have to FOLLOW JESUS. You will have to DENY YOURSELF. You will have to OBEY JESUS. You will have to REPENT, turn away from sin and BE RIGHTEOUS. Show FRUIT OF REPENTANCE and then be BAPTIZED IN WATER, CONFESSING your SINS and Jesus will give you the GIFT of the BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT so that you can BE LED BY the SPIRIT, while you follow Jesus. It is not an easy road. You will BE PERSECUTED, you will BE HATED by all men for His Name sake. HE HAS NOT DONE IT ALL. You might lose your life for Jesus and if you are not willing to follow Him all the way, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus said that "NOT everyone that says to Me, Lord, Lord will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven but those who DO THE WILL OF MY FATHER." He will say to MANY in that day:"GO AWAY I NEVER KNEW YOU, you who WORK WICKEDNESS, LAWLESSNESS." He is talking about BELIEVERS, CHRISTIANS who cast out demons , who healed the sick, who preached the gospel, He will say to THEM, who WALKED IN WICKEDNESS and LAWLESSNESS, He will say to THEM: "GO AWAY I NEVER KNEW YOU."
"Every tree that DOES NOT BEAR GOOD FRUIT will be CUT OFF and BURNED." He was talking about RIGHTEOUSNESS, HOLINESS, without holiness no man shall see God. JESUS HAS NOT DONE IT ALL FOR YOU. YOU will have to DENY yourself, PICK UP YOUR CROSS and FOLLOW JESUS UNTIL the VERY END, IF you want to have ETERNAL LIFE. There is NO EASY WAY into the Kingdom of Heaven. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. Go and read the Gospels for yourself. Go and read the WORDS OF JESUS for yourself and you will WAKE UP and realize it is a NARROW ROAD. GET TO KNOW JESUS for yourself. LISTEN TO HIS HOLY SPIRIT and HE will GUIDE you and you will learn that WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT you CANNOT DO IT. BIBLE KNOWLEDGE is NOT good enough. YOU NEED the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN YOU to GUIDE you, to SUSTAIN you, to COACH you every step of the way. YOU NEED JESUS. It is all about YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS, nothing else. If you DO NOT KNOW JESUS and HE DOES NOT KNOW YOU, you will NOT ENTER the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. GET TO KNOW JESUS and FOLLOW HIM every step of the way. If you DO NOT LOVE JESUS, TRULY LOVE HIM and OBEY HIM, it is ALL IN VAIN.
 May Jesus bless you.

Spiritual Leaches and Followers

Many believers only want Jesus for the benefits, that which they can get from Him, they want eternal life, they WANT all their prayers answered, they WANT to be prosperous, they WANT everything but when they start following their celebrities and their idols then they start giving. Those celebrities don't give them anything. Those people want to be associated with that celebrity, they buy the clothes, they go to the concerts. They buy the DVD's, they wear the T-shirt with the celebrity name on it but they will not do that for Jesus. They will do everything to be associated with that celebrity or that football club but not with Jesus. Even their celebrity preacher, they will have reams of books written by some celebrity preacher but not Jesus. They will not wear a t-shirt with Jesus across it. They will quote their celebrity, obscene things that these celebrities speak but they will not utter the words of Jesus.
They want to be like those idols but not like Jesus. Who are we fooling? Do we know what it means to follow Jesus? It means to GIVE, to LIVE MY LIFE FOR JESUS, to be associated with Him even though you are rejected because you are following Jesus. MANY BELIEVERS DON'T KNOW WHAT IT MEANS TO FOLLOW JESUS, THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED IN FOLLOWING JESUS! They just want the benefits. They think that Jesus must bless them.
Dear friends, Jesus said:”Whoever denies Me in front of this wicked generation, I will certainly deny him before My Father who is in heaven.” Who are we following? Are you following Jesus? Are you associated with Jesus? Can everybody see and does everybody know that you are a child of God? You do everything to please Jesus, you don't go along with the things of the world, because you follow Jesus. Is that how you are? Or are you into the celebrities? Who are you following? If we deny Jesus He will certainly deny us also and we will end up where our celebrities end up, in the pits of hell! We've got to make up our minds whether we are SPIRITUAL LEACHES, just WANTING EVERYTHING FROM GOD or whether we are followers of Christ, who love Him and who live our lives to be a reflection of Christ in everything that we do, what we say and what we are even what we wear so that people can see that we are followers of Christ.
Who do you follow? Jesus, or the world?
May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Repentance is IMMEDIATE - It is not a process

Repentance is a decision to IMMEDIATELY STOP DOING WHAT YOU WERE DOING, STOP SINNING and to follow Jesus. Repentance is not a process. If you repent, you are DONE with sin, you are finished with it, you don't want to do it any more, because you KNOW that the wages of sin is death, you have decided to follow Jesus and YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SIN ANY MORE. You HATE SIN, you CUT IT OFF! You GET RID OF IT! That is repentance.
SANCTIFICATION IS A PROCESS, that takes time, to cleanse and purify us. That takes time. But repentance takes place like a CUT-OFF, like you cut it off with a knife. You die to sin and you live for Christ! Paul explained this very nicely in Romans 6:2 “How shall we who died to sin still live in it? 3Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? 4Therefore WE HAVE BEEN BURIED WITH HIM THROUGH BAPTISM INTO DEATH, in order that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.” Through baptism we bury the old man of sin, he has DIED TO SIN and from that water comes a new man who is regenerated in Christ. That is why a person must REPENT FIRST BEFORE HE IS BAPTIZED. The old man must DIE, you must put to death the old man of sin and then you make a public confession that:”I am following Jesus! I am alive FOR Jesus. I am not dead in my sins any more. I am DEAD TO SIN but I am ALIVE FOR CHRIST!”
We read in verse 5: “For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection, 6knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, that our body of sin might be done away with, that WE SHOULD NO LONGER BE SLAVES TO SIN; 7for he who has died is freed from sin.” When you repent, you DIE TO SIN AND THEN YOU ARE FREE FROM SIN, YOU LIVE FOR JESUS. You come out of that water and you are a NEW MAN! You have died to sin and you are alive to Christ.
“8Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him, 9knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, is never to die again; death no longer is master over Him. 10For the death that He died, He died to sin, once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. 11EVEN SO CONSIDER YOURSELVES TO BE DEAD TO SIN, BUT ALIVE TO GOD IN CHRIST JESUS. 12 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body that you should obey its lusts, 13and DO NOT GO ON PRESENTING THE MEMBERS OF YOUR BODY TO SIN AS INSTRUMENTS OF UNRIGHTEOUSNESS; BUT PRESENT YOURSELVES TO GOD AS THOSE ALIVE FROM THE DEAD, AND YOUR MEMBERS AS INSTRUMENTS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS TO GOD. 14For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law, but under grace.”
We have been made free from the power of sin so so that we can follow Jesus in the POWER of His Spirit
“16Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness? 17But thanks be to God that though YOU WERE SLAVES OF SIN, YOU BECAME OBEDIENT from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed, 18and having been FREED FROM SIN, YOU BECAME SLAVES OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. 19I am speaking in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness, resulting in further lawlessness, SO NOW PRESENT YOUR MEMBERS AS SLAVES TO RIGHTEOUSNESS, RESULTING IN SANCTIFICATION.”
Sanctification is the process whereby we are cleansed and purified. As we walk with Jesus we are convicted by the Holy Spirit of areas in our lives that are not pleasing to Him and the moment that He convicts you, then you STOP doing that thing. You don't carry on and go back tomorrow and do exactly the same thing, The you have not repented. When the Holy Spirit identifies that specific thing in your life, you IMMEDIATELY OBEY. You CUT IT OFF! And in that way you are cleansed, you are purified, you are sanctified, THAT IS THE PROCESS. But repentance is IMMEDIATE. You decide:”I am going to follow Jesus! I am not going to do that sin any more! I obey Jesus1” and then the process of cleansing comes after that but if we go on to the same sin all over again, then we have never repented! Then we are just still sinners.
A child of God is NOT A SINNER! HE WALKS IN HOLINESS AND HE IS BEING PURIFIED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT all the time. He walks in OBEDIENCE to God. The moment that he identifies something in his life that is not right he STOPS DOING IT because he wants to be pleasing to God. You become holy like He is holy. WITHOUT HOLINESS NO MAN SHALL SEE GOD!
REPENT AND BE HOLY! That is what God requires of us.
May Jesus bless you.

Called to be SONS

Jesus came to grant us the opportunity to become Children of God who live in the presence of God like Jesus Himself lived in the presence of God. He was in constant communion with the Father. He was led by the Holy Spirit. Even though He was man, like we are man, flesh and blood, He came to do the will of the Father. He did nothing on His own initiative. Everything that the Father told Him, He did, what the Father told Him to say, He said. He didn't speak His own words, and Jesus GIVES US THE POWER TO BECOME CHILDREN OF GOD.
If we REPENT, turn away from sin and accept Him as Lord, as Master; if we OBEY Him and we are BAPTIZED IN WATER, He gives us that same SPIRIT, the SPIRIT OF GOD that guided Him, so that we can live in constant communion with God like Jesus Himself. He walked on this earth and did the will of the Father.
Have you become a Child of God? Have you repented from your senseless existence? Did you OBEY Jesus, were you baptized in water so that your sins were washed off? Have you received the Holy Spirit and are you LISTENING to the Father's voice, following Him, doing His will? Have you become a son of God? Or are you still lost and doomed?
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

APPLY YOURSELF to the Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God is about the HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE, the expectation that we have of attaining eternal life IF we endure until the very end, IF we keep on following Jesus and IF we are faithful. It is not about physical things, it is not about things of this earth. It is about our eternal destination.
We need to APPLY ourselves to the Kingdom of God IF we want to keep that HOPE, IF we want to win the prize in the end. For now we have the HOPE that if we endure we will win that prize, we will have eternal life. But, not everyone will have that prize, only those who are fruitful, who bear good fruit, who OBEY Jesus, who are diligent and faithful until the very very end.
Jesus said that EVERY TREE THAT DOES NOT BEAR GOOD FRUIT WILL BE CUT OFF. What does He mean? There are many who have accepted Jesus, they have become children of God but they are not bearing fruit. There are many who are casting out demons, preaching the gospel, reading the Bible and they think that they are saved but Jesus will say to them:”Go away from Me you workers of LAWLESSNESS.” We must bear fruit.
We must APPLY OURSELVES to the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is not about physical things, it is about souls. It is about YOUR and my soul, it is about other people who are lost and whom we must bring into the kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God and His righteousness, means that we must bring others into the Kingdom of God while we ourselves walk in UTTER RIGHTEOUSNESS. The unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God. We must APPLY OURSELVES to the Kingdom of God like a road runner who is running to win that prize at the end. If we do not APPLY ourselves and put every effort into winning the prize, we won't make it. They asked Jesus whether those who are being saved are few and He said:”Narrow is the door and FEW their be that find it!” He said:”Strive HARD!”
Dear friend, nobody will go into heaven in a rocking chair. We need to APPLY OURSELVES, we need to STRIVE HARD. Be diligent, deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Jesus EVERY DAY. We must be FAITHFUL, we must follow Jesus EVERY DAY.
Are you applying yourself to the Kingdom of God? It is only with the UTMOST EFFORT that anyone will make it in there!
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

KNOWING YOU ARE SAVED - Security of Salvation

Many believers base their assurance of salvation on Bible scripture, that is no base. THE BASIS OF YOUR SALVATION IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS. If YOU have not met Jesus and He does not LIVE IN YOU you don't have salvation! When Jesus comes INTO you then you KNOW: I met God! You KNOW: I am saved! You KNOW that: God has accepted me! Because He puts His joy in you, He changes you, IMMEDIATELY. You are a NEW MAN, everything has become new! Old things have passed away! You don't love the old things any more, YOU JUST WANT JESUS, because He has put His JOY, His LIFE into you!
Many believers have not experienced Jesus yet. They don't have life in them. How do you know when things are not right between you and Jesus? When you have allowed sin and disobedience to come between you and Him, then you know the peace of God has left you. Many people never had that peace, they never had that relationship. You cannot base your salvation on a book, the Bible, on what other people say. It is determined by your relationship with Jesus.
Is your relationship with Jesus ALIVE? Do you PRAY? Do you WAIT ON HIM? Does He speak to you, in your heart? Does He guide you? Do you DO what is pleasing to Him? Because it is only if you OBEY Him and you live in RIGHTOUSNESS that you have assurance of salvation. Then the Holy Spirit confirms to you that God Is pleased with you. But if you don't have that supernatural, spiritual assurance and confirmation directly from the Holy Spirit IN YOU, then you have no assurance, you have no security, YOU ARE LOST! You cannot just believe you are saved and then you are saved! You need to get that assurance, that confirmation from the Holy Spirit living in you.
If you don't have that confirmation that you KNOW that: God is pleased with me, then you better get down on your knees and cry out to Him. If you have never accepted Jesus into your life and repented of sin, DO IT NOW! And He will give you the joy of salvation, a peace that passes all understanding.
If you have lost that peace, that joy, get down on your knees and repent and ask Jesus to forgive you, TURN AWAY FROM SIN AND LIVE ABSOLUTELY HOLY because God only lives in a holy temple. The unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God. If you are deliberately sinning, then you have no relationship with God, then you have left Him. NO SINNERS WILL ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD! THE ONLY ASSURANCE OF SALVATION THAT YOU HAVE IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS. How is YOUR relationship with Jesus? Is He pleased with you?
May Jesus less you.

How is your fruit?

We are saved by grace when we believe in Jesus but OUR FRUIT THAT FOLLOW BELIEVING IN JESUS, THAT WILL DETERMINE WHERE WE SPEND ETERNITY, whether we enter the Kingdom of God and have eternal life. I read the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:15-23 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16“ YOU WILL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thistles, are they? 17“ Even so, every good tree bears good fruit; but the bad tree bears bad fruit. 18“ A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. 19“ EVERY TREE THAT DOES NOT BEAR GOOD FRUIT IS CUT DOWN AND THROWN INTO THE FIRE. 20“ So then, you will know them by their fruits. 21“ Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. 22“ Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ 23“ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’
If we do not produce the fruit then we are bad trees and we will be cut down. Faith that does not produce the right works cannot save a man. We need to have changed and we need to produce good fruit. If our fruit is bad we will be cut down, we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus is talking here about believers, about people who preach the gospel. He is not talking about sinners. HE IS TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE WHO BELIEVED THAT THEY WERE SAVED! They were casting out demons, preaching the gospel. What did He say to them? “GO AWAY I NEVER KNEW YOU, YOU WHO DO LAWLESSNESS!” HE REQUIRES OF US THAT WE ARE RIGHTEOUS. He said that if out righteousness does not exceed that of the pharisees then we will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Let us not be deceived, we must bear the right fruit. WE MUST RECEIVE CONFIRMATION FROM JESUS THAT HE IS PLEASED WITH US and that is why He sent us the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth. If we pray and LISTEN He will speak to us, He will convict us. He will guide us but we must LISTEN and then we will bear the right fruit.
Jesus said in John 15:4-6 “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in Me. 5“ I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing. 6“ IF ANYONE DOES NOT ABIDE IN ME, HE IS THROWN AWAY AS A BRANCH, AND DRIES UP; AND THEY GATHER THEM, AND CAST THEM INTO THE FIRE, AND THEY ARE BURNED.”
We must abide in Jesus. We must PRAY, we must stay in that close relationship with Him where we receive confirmation from Him all the time and where we are guided by the Holy Spirit. He will speak to you, He will guide you. He will correct you, He will coach you, but you need to pray, stay WITH JESUS. We need that CONSTANT CONFIRMATION of the Holy Spirit. Then we remain IN CHRIST and then we will bear good fruit.
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Pulpit Poison - Toxic Preaching

The gospel that is preached from the pulpits of churches is POISON. It produces sons of hell, sinners who have no remorse nor any intention to repent and obey Jesus Christ. The gospel of Jesus Christ sets you free from the power of sin, it changes you from a sinner into a saint who lives HOLY and who OBEYS the words of Jesus.
The wages of sin is death and if you are not delivered from sin and live holy, you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven. Without holiness no man shall see God. Have you accepted Jesus as your LORD? Has He delivered you from the power of sin? Have you become a child of God? Are you free from sin and are you following Jesus every day? Do you deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Him, living in utter holiness doing the will of God?
The unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God. We will all be judged by our deeds and your deeds will determine where you spend eternity. Have you become a child of God who lives blamelessly in the presence of your Father?
May Jesus bless you.

The Light in YOU

Many believers are selfish and self centered. They do not realize that Jesus called us for a purpose, for Him to live in us and through us to shine into this world to bring light in darkness, to expose the wicked works of darkness and to lead people to the Light, Jesus Christ Himself.
We are the Light of the world. Jesus said: Matthew 5:14-16 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15“ Nor do men light a lamp, and put it under the peck-measure, but on the lampstand; and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16“ Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your GOOD WORKS, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Through our works and our righteous deeds we we must let our Light shine and glorify God. That is our purpose.
We need to serve that purpose, but many believers DO NOT HAVE CHRIST IN THEM, THEY DO NOT HAVE LIGHT IN THEM. They are darkness themselves, they do not bring light into this world.
Of those Jesus also said: Matthew 6:22,23“ The lamp of the body is the eye; if therefore your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. 23“ But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. IF THEREFORE THE LIGHT THAT IS IN YOU IS DARKNESS, HOW GREAT IS THE DARKNESS!“ Do we have the Light of Christ IN US? Do we SEE Jesus, do we HEAR from Him? Are we LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD and are we DOING THE WORKS OF GOD? Is our Light shining in this world?
Are we the Light of the world and the salt of the earth? Jesus said: Matthew 5:13 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how will it be made salty again? It is good for nothing anymore, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.” In another verse it says, it is not even good for the dung pile. Many believers are not even good for the dung pile! If we have lost our saltiness, IF THE LIGHT OF CHRIST IS NOT SHINING THROUGH US AND WE ARE FRUITLESS, WE DO NOT SHOW THE WORKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS THEN WE ARE USELESS! If we are not drawing people unto Jesus then we will be CUT OFF because we are darkness!
Jesus said that “the branch in Me that does not bear fruit will get cut off and thrown in the fire. Is the Light of Christ shining through us? Are we the salt of the earth? Are we bearing fruit or are we ready to be cut off? Are we ready to be discarded by God because we are utterly useless? It is not about YOUR SALVATION, it is about YOUR FRUIT and if we bear no fruit then we are bad trees. If we have no light in us then we are useless and we will be cut off. Then the Light in us is darkness, then we ourselves have become darkness!
Is your LIGHT SHINING in this world? Are you drawing men unto Christ, or are you darkness? There is no more time to play around. The ax is already lying at the root of the tree and every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut off. Is your Light Shining? Are you bearing good fruit? If we don't, we will be cut off!
May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Escape the Zombie Invasion

The world is full of zombies, living dead people who have no hope. They are filled with despair and they are being invaded and possessed by demons that take control of them and then they destroy themselves and other people, cannibals, flesh eaters, murderers, abortionists... Every evil thing has taken possession of them because this world has rejected God!
If you do not have Jesus in you, you have death in you, you have a death sentence on you. BUT YOU CAN HAVE LIFE! YOU CAN COME ALIVE! You don't need to be a zombie. Jesus Christ gives eternal life to those who accept Him, who embrace Him and invite Him into their lives; who open the door of their hearts to Him and say:”Lord Jesus I need You! I need life, I need hope, I need a purpose! Please Help me!” and He comes in and He lights up their life. He brings Light where there is darkness. You don't need to be a zombie! There is hope. If you cry out to Jesus and you call on Him, He will come to you, He will come and live in you and He will give you hope.
He does not look at your past sins. He does not look at who you are and what you are, He loves you as you are. He KNOWS what you are and He will change you. He will give you hope, He will clean you up! He will deliver you from the forces of evil that you have allowed into you, those forces of evil that have taken possession of you. Jesus is your only hope. Open the door of your heart and invite Jesus in, but KICK THE DEVIL OUT! STOP SINNING! Obey Jesus, REPENT! Turn away from wickedness, be baptized in water so that your sins can be washed off, and ask Jesus for His HOLY SPIRIT to come and live in you and His Holy Spirit will guide you and will give you peace. Every step of the way, He will be with you. He promised, He said:”I will never leave you and I will never forsake you.” Do you want PEACE, a PURPOSE, HOPE and ETERNAL LIFE? Then go on your knees and cry out to Jesus, say “Lord, I need You! Help me please!” Just cry out in your own words, say “Lord Jesus, help me please!” and He will come to you immediately. He will save you from eternal damnation, He will give you LIFE, Eternal Life. Call on Him NOW, call on Jesus right now where you are and He will give you LIFE. He is the LIFE GIVING SPIRIT, there is no other.
He loves you, He cares for you! Cry out to Him RIGHT NOW!
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, July 13, 2012

RECEIVE the Implanted Word

Jesus is the Bread of Life, the Word of God. He Himself is LIFE. He the LIFE GIVING SPIRIT and He dwells in those who have accepted Him. Jesus said:”Man will not live from bread alone but from every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” We need to be fed every day from the Word of God which is Jesus Himself. The apostle James writes in James 1:21 “Therefore putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility RECEIVE THE WORD IMPLANTED, which is able to save your souls.” That WORD IMPLANTED is Jesus Christ Himself.
We need to RECEIVE Him, every day. We must LISTEN and we will LIVE. We must be RECEPTIVE, we must WAIT on Him, every day and RECEIVE that Word which He implants in us, that BREAD OF LIFE. We need to take time to LISTEN to Him. He will speak to you in your soul, in your spirit. It will permeate you. Jesus Himself, the LIFE GIVING SPIRIT implants Himself in you but YOU need to open up for Him, you need to LISTEN.
Jesus said:”My sheep LISTEN to My voice and they follow Me.” We need to take time every day to LISTEN, spend time with Him, LISTEN WHAT HE IS SAYING TO YOU. Be receptive ALL DAY LONG. Be tuned in to His Holy Spirit LIVING in you. God is Spirit, Jesus lives IN YOU by His Spirit and He speaks to you IN YOUR HEART. You have got to LISTEN, you have got to TUNE IN.
Ifi you have not yet received Jesus into you, if Jesus has not made His dwelling place in you yet you don't have life in you. You need that BREAD OF LIFE EVERY DAY, EVERY MOMENT, you need to be LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD. Jesus is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE, and if we do not follow Him we cannot have eternal life. We need to be tuned in to Him all the time that life giving Spirit, IMPLANTED into those who love Him and who follow Him, the sons of God. Have you received Jesus and do you drink every day from the fountain of life? Do you wait on Him, listen to Him, do you receive the Bread of Life every day. If you don't, you do not have life in you. There is only one way and that is Jesus Christ. Receive the implanted Word that is able to save your soul and follow Him every step of the way until the very end.
If you are TUNED IN to the VOICE of the HOLY SPIRIT, you will NOT SIN. You will LIVE RIGHTEOUSNESS, you will DO WHAT IS PLEASING TO GOD, you will BEAR FRUIT. Jesus said: “Hereby is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit.” We can only bear fruit if we stay in Jesus and if His Word lives in us. Is His Word IMPLANTED in you and growing to produce fruit every day?
May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Zombie Christians

The world is filled with zombie Christians, they are mindless believers who sit in the pews and they listen to the lies that come from the pulpits. They are followers of men, they live under MEGA DECEPTION because they have turned their back on God. They love unrighteousness and therefore God has delivered them to their desires, to a GREAT DECEPTION. They DO NOT LOVE JESUS, neither do they KNOW JESUS. They don’t want God, they LOVE SIN and the things of the world. They don’t love the truth, they don’t love righteousness, they are reprobates. They are OFF the world and they are LIKE the world, they are not of the Kingdom of God. They do not have the Spirit of God. They are driven by demons because God has delivered them, because of the wickedness of their hearts.
If you are a follower of Jesus, a child of God, you LISTEN to the Holy Spirit and you are of a sound mind, you follow Him with your mind, your mind is set on Christ. You cannot follow Jesus if you are INTOXICATED, MERSMERIZED, if you are full of DRUGS. You can call it PRESCRIPTION DRUGS, whatever you want to. If you are NOT of a SOUND MIND, you cannot follow Jesus.  Jesus delivers you and sets you free. He gives you a sound mind so that you can follow Him. You need to be SOBER to follow Jesus. You need to be PURE IN HEART and you need to be SERIOUS about KNOWING the TRUTH. If you want the truth, JESUS will give you the truth. If you want to be free, God will set you free but most believers don’t want the truth, they want their own desires and that is why God has DELIVERED them, they are zombies. This whole world is full of zombies, people who have turned their back on God, they are mindless, mersmerized, victims of their own LUSTS, that will DESTROY them because they do not have the knowledge of the truth. If you seek the truth and you invite Jesus into your life, you call on Him. You say:"Lord I want the truth," He will come and live in you and He Himself will speak the truth to you. He will save you, He will guide you and He will teach you because He is the Living God and He cares for you. But if you DON’T CARE FOR JESUS and if you DENY HIM, He will certainly DENY you.
If you love the world and the things of the world, then the love of the Father cannot be in you and He will not force you to follow Him. He will not force you to obey Him. He will DELIVER you to your LUSTS. Are you a DISCIPLE OF JESUS? Do you LISTEN to the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD? Jesus said "MY SHEEP LISTEN TO MY VOICE and they FOLLOW ME. They will not run after strangers." Who do you LISTEN TO? You listen to people, you follow your own mind or do you go on your knees  and call out to the Living God, and say:"Lord give me wisdom please, guide me, teach me." The decision is ours. If we want the truth, Jesus will give us the truth but if we turn our back on Him we will become MINDLESS ZOMBIES like this whole world,sheep led to the slaughter. Are you following Jesus or are you following the stream that is pouring into the throat of hell? The choice is ours. SEEK JESUS NOW before it is too late.
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hireling Preachers - Paid Parrots and Snake Oil Salesmen

Do not expect to hear the truth from an "ordained minister", who is in service of a "church." They are paid parrots and they sing the tune of the organization. Whichever organization employs them that is the tune that they sing. Whether it be Baptist or catholic or whatever denomination or DEMONnation it might be. They are in it for the profit, not for the truth and not for your soul. They are not called, they are hired.
A man of God is called by Jesus and he is sent by Jesus. Jesus Himself was made of NO REPUTATION, He had no title. Neither does a man of God have a title. A man of God has a burden, he  has a calling, he has a mission and his only interest is to do the will of the One who send him and that is JESUS.
Church organizations look after themselves and YOU are there meal ticket, YOU pay for their luxuries. They are not missionaries they are mercenaries. Dear friend, do not be deceived, your eternal destination is your responsibility. Do not trust any man with it, go directly to Jesus. And invite Jesus into your heart. Ask Him for His Spirit to come and dwell in you and LISTEN TO HIM, because HIS SHEEP LISTEN TO HIS VOICE and they FOLLOW HIM. They do not listen to strangers because they do not know the voice of strangers. They listen to JESUS and Jesus speaks in your heart, in your soul, in your spirit because this here (you body) is the Church, the Body of Christ NOT that building down the road that is the business enterprise of the false church. The true Church, the Body of Christ is the Temple of the Holy Spirit in which God Himself dwells. A man of God takes you to JESUS. He introduces you to JESUS.
Those hirelings in the pulpits DO NOT KNOW JESUS. They want you in "church" so that they can exploit you and take your money. A man of God takes you TO GOD because he KNOWS GOD and he is SENT OF GOD. His got NO TITLE, his only got a burden and that is to put your hand in the Hand of JESUS, so that you can follow Jesus. All that matters is KNOWING GOD THE FATHER THROUGH JESUS. If you DON’T KNOW JESUS and if you DO NOT LISTEN TO HIS VOICE, then you are NOT ONE OF HIS SHEEP.
Do not listen to the strangers. Do not listen to the hirelings, do not rest until YOU HEAR FROM JESUS HIMSELF. Go on your knees and cry out to Him, say:"Lord I want you, I want to hear from you, reveal Yourself to me!" and He will come to you quickly. Open the door of your heart and let Jesus in and then He will have mealtime with you. LISTEN TO JESUS alone and FOLLOW HIM. He is the LIVING GOD. Don’t listen to HIRELINGS or Christian entrepreneurs because for them it is all about the money. YOU need to look after your SOUL. GET TO KNOW JESUS, my friend. GET TO KNOW JESUS and FOLLOW HIM.
May Jesus bless you.

You need Jesus INSIDE

Many believers read the Bible and they know the Bible and they think that their Bible knowledge can save them, that is not true. Jesus saves you if you KNOW Him and you FOLLOW Him. If you invite Jesus into your heart, you accept Him as your Lord and your Master then He Himself comes and He lives in you, and He guides you. He teaches you. If you have not accepted Jesus and if you don't know Him, if He is not living inside of you then you cannot have salvation, because He will speak to you, that INNER VOICE, inside, will guide you every step of the way. If you do wrong He will immediately convict you and you will know: I have done wrong now! But if you do not LISTEN to that INNER VOICE of Christ in you, then you have no relationship with Him.
You can read the Bible as much as you like but if you don't have a relationship with Jesus THEN YOU DON'T KNOW HIM. And He is going to say to many believers:”Go away I never knew you,” because they DID NOT LISTEN, they did not pray. Praying is not just giving God a list of what you want: Lord give me this, give me that, give me...” It is communication, all the time, not just before you go to bed, all day long. You have got to be tuned in to Jesus in you and if He is not inside He is out! Then you have got to invite Him in, LISTEN AND OBEY HIM! If you do not have the Spirit of Christ in you, you don't belong to Him, you don't know Him. You need Jesus on the inside and you must follow Him every day, and if Jesus is not inside YOU MUST CRY OUT TO HIM. Go on your knees, cry out, say :”LORD I NEED YOU, I WANT YOU!” He will come and He will live with you and you must OBEY Him. He will guide you, He will teach you, but you must OBEY Him.
If you do not obey Him and you do not have that relationship with Jesus INSIDE OF YOU, you don't have eternal life. Going to church, belonging to a church, reading the Bible, doing religion, that cannot help you. YOU NEED A LIVING RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LIVING GOD, WITH JESUS! He has got to be real to you, He has got to LIVE INSIDE of you. You must LISTEN, you must PRAY and He will reveal Himself to you. The more you LISTEN and OBEY, the more He will reveal Himself to you, the more you will get to KNOW Him. But if you do not know Jesus for REAL, if He does not live INSIDE OF YOU, you don't know Him. You have got to get to know Jesus and come into that close relationship where you are AWARE OF HIM all the time and you are tuned in to that INNER VOICE of his Spirit living inside of you, OBEYING, LISTENING, FOLLOWING. That is how you follow Jesus. Those who are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
You have got to LISTEN ot the Spirit of God that He puts inside of you when you meet Jesus. Have you met Jesus? Have you accepted Him, has He come into you? Is Jesus real to you? If not, you better get to know Him before it is too late.
Get to know Jesus. Cry out to Him and He will reveal Himself to you as REAL. He will guide you step by step but YOU have got to SEEK Him, you have got to FOLLOW Him, every day, You have got to seek Him ALL THE TIME. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE TUNED IN. He won't force you, you've got to FOLLOW Him. You have got to SEEK His counsel, His direction, you have got to SEEK His voice inside of you. You have got to listen, YOU have got to follow Jesus if you want eternal life. If you don't follow Him, you won't have eternal life. Just merely reading your Bible and being religious won't get you into the Kingdom of Heaven.
You have got to follow Jesus, LISTEN to that INNER VOICE, but first GET JESUS INSIDE!
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Senseless Baptism

If we want to have eternal life, we must OBEY God. The words that Jesus spoke were the words of God and if we disobey Jesus we will not have eternal life. John the Baptist was sent before Jesus and he preached repentance, and he baptized those who repented but some did not repent and they were not baptized. We read in Luke 7:28-30 Jesus said:” I say to you, among those born of women, there is no one greater than John; yet he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.” 29And when all the people and the tax-gatherers heard this, they acknowledged God’s justice, having been baptized with the baptism of John. 30But the Pharisees and the lawyers rejected God’s purpose for themselves, NOT HAVING BEEN BAPTIZED BY JOHN.”
Jesus commanded us to be baptized in water if we believe in Him. There is only ONE baptism and that is the baptism of faith AFTER believing in Jesus. There is no such thing as infant baptism. We can only be pleasing to Jesus IF we OBEY HIM. If we disobey Him, we will not have eternal life.
We read in Mark 16:15. Jesus said: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16“ HE WHO HAS BELIEVED AND HAS BEEN BAPTIZED SHALL BE SAVED; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.” It is not optional to obey Jesus. If we want to have eternal life we must ABSOLUTELY obey Him. If you want to have eternal life you MUST BE baptized in water AFTER BELIEVING IN JESUS CHRIST. Doing it in any other way is the precepts (rules) of men, that is not the words of Jesus and that is all useless and to no avail. We must OBEY Jesus if we want to have eternal life because we will be judged by His words.
May Jesus bless you.


God loves us and He wants us to be in close communion with Him, as He also spoke through the mouth of Micah the prophet. Micah 6:8 ”He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?” That is all God requires of us, is to DO JUSTICE to all people around us, to walk in righteousness, to LOVE KINDNESS and to WALK HUMBLY WITH OUR GOD.
God did not leave us as orphans. He drew us closer to Him through Jesus. Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us. God sent His only Son to come to this earth to reconcile us with Him but even more than that, He sent us His Spirit, HIMSELF, the Holy Spirit, to come and live with us, to be with us every moment.
If you accept Jesus as your LORD He immediately comes in, His Spirit comes into you and He writes His laws in your heart. His presence comes and lives with you, that INNER VOICE that wants to guide you, that close companion that is with you always. Have you invited Jesus into your life? Has that INNER VOICE come and lived inside of you? And then you need to LISTEN to that voice of His Holy Spirit. That is Emmanuel, God with you, Jesus living in you AND THEN YOU WALK WITH GOD, every day, every moment of every day! Not with people, not with friends, YOU WALK WITH GOD because He has pur His Spirit in you, but you need to focus on Him all the time. LISTEN intently, in your heart, He will speak to you.
When you first met Jesus you KNEW that you had met Him, he had forgiven your sins and He had given you eternal life. You had that joy of salvation, you KNEW God! And He has never left you but you need to walk with Him every day and you need to take others to Him. You need to focus on Him all the time, day and night, every moment, without waver. You have got to be focused on that INNER VOICE. If you need wisdom, you say:”Lord, please help me!” If you cannot hear His voice you say:”Lord, why can I not Hear You?” and He will show you. If you have done sin then the voice goes quiet. If you have disobeyed Him or if you have sinned, then you have left Him and you need to get back to Him. You need to REPENT, you need to OBEY Him! Obey Jesus, REPENT and be BAPTIZED in water and He will put his Spirit inside of you. He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and you can WALK WITH GOD.
He called you to walk with Him every moment. ARE YOU WALKING WITH GOD? Have you found Jesus. Is that INNER VOICE SPEAKING TO YOU are you LISTENING? ARE YOU WALKING WITH GOD?
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Jesus is Coming. Are You Ready?

[Transcript] - This is a recording of three divine warnings about the imminent return of Jesus Christ given to Jan Boshoff, a believer and follower of Jesus Christ.
These warnings were received from February 25th, 2008 to March 27th, 2008 "JESUS IS COMING, ARE YOU READY?" These are the words that I heard twice the same night on February 25th, 2008.
Both times I woke up during the night, hearing a voice saying:"JESUS IS COMING, ARE YOU READY?"
God has spoken to me previously in the same way warning me and directing me about many things in
my life. I realized that this was a message from God to me and to everybody. I started warning everybody. I ever painted the words on my van and on my jacket to warn people wherever I go to repent and to get ready.
On March 22nd, 2008 I had a second warning. I woke up in the night hearing the words of Jesus as
 recorded in the parable of the ten virgins who went out to meet the Bridegroom the words I heard were:"BEHOLD THE BRIDEGROOM! COME OUT TO MEET HIM". I heard the words exactly as written in Matthew 25.  It is important to note that all ten of these virgins were prepared and waited for the Bridegroom to come however, only 5 had extra oil for their lamps and while they were going away to make the purchase the bridegroom came and those who were ready went in with Him to the
wedding feast and the door was shut. Later the other virgins also came saying: Lord, Lord, open up for us! but He answered: Truly I say to you, I do not know you. Be on the alert then for you do not know the day nor the hour." Matthew 25:10-13.
I had a third message on March 27th, 2008. I woke up with a voice saying:"Heaven to hell, Baxter." The next morning I did a Google search using these words. I immediately found the testimony of Mary K Baxter who had been taken on a guided tour of heaven and hell by Jesus Christ Himself. She recorded her experience of hell and heaven in book form tapes etc. I listened to the testimony on Youtube and I was shocked. I want to make one thing very clear, I am skeptic and seldom read much other than the Bible. I had never heard of Baxter before and I was not doing  any research of heaven or hell, these topics were not on my mind at all. If I was given a book or a tape of her testimony I
would most likely not have taken it seriously, however, since I was directed to her testimony from
outside my mind supernaturally, I took it seriously as a warning from God. I have since discovered other sites from which the testimony can be downloaded. I urge any body listening to this message to
listen to Mary K Baxter's testimony.
All three these supernatural warnings were given to me in one month these were also confirmed by amongst others, my wife, who also has a serious relationship with Jesus Christ. I am taking these warnings very seriously and I am warning everybody that I can while keeping my own house in order.
There is no doubt in my mind that Jesus is coming like a thief in the night and people are not ready.
After all we all decide what we want to believe. It is written in Proverbs 28:26 "He who trusts in his own heart is a fool." Your opinion is a useless as mine. It is not wise to trust your own mind or anybody but Jesus It is written in James 1:5: "But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him." Do not trust in your own understanding but rather ask God. He will answer you.
Remember, Jesus writes your name in the book of life or deletes it He will decide who goes into heaven and who will go into hell. Do not think that because you once said the sinners prayer you are safe. If you have any sin in your life when Jesus comes you will burn in hell.
Examine your relationship with Jesus Christ.
Jesus said: MY SHEEP KNOW MY VOICE AND THEY FOLLOW ME. If you do not know His voice you have a problem. A more serious question: DOES JESUS KNOW YOU? If He denies you like the  five foolish virgins in the parable then He will also say to you: GO AWAY I NEVER KNEW YOU. If you have never accepted Jesus Christ, now is the time.
John 3:16 says: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. Jesus died on a cross on Calvary for our sins.
In obedience to God he gave His life as ransom for our sins so that if we believe in Him, repent of our sins and follow Him we shall have eternal life. Those who do not accept and follow Jesus are already lost and condemned to spend eternity in hell. You can accept Jesus right now and be saved.
It is written in Romans 10:9-13: that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your eart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
YOU HAVE TO REPENT AND BE SORRY FOR YOUR SINS ask Jesus to forgive you of all your past sins. You have to invite Jesus into your life and commit to live a life that pleases Him.
You can pray the following prayer with all your heart meaning it and you will be saved:
Jesus will forgive your sins, clean you out and give you peace inside like never before. Jesus said: "If you love Me you will keep my commandments" John 14:15.
From now on, pray always, Jesus will guide you and teach you His ways.
Get a Bible and read, starting with the New Testament.
Jesus' words are recorded in the first four books Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Testify, tell others that you have accepted Jesus. Jesus will guide you to other believers who seriously follow Him with whom you can fellowship and strengthen your relationship with Jesus above all PRAY AND SEEK JESUS' FELLOWSHIP. You must obey Jesus AND BE BAPTIZED IN WATER AND HE WILL BAPTIZE YOU IN THE HOLY SPIRIT.

Make Disciples

When Jesus called me He gave same instruction that He gave to the disciples. I woke up one morning and I heard a voice say these words: “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, teaching them to do all that I commanded you.” But then the voice went on and said:”And take their hand and put it in My hand and I will guide them.”
I am here to make disciples of Jesus. Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever and He calls us to be His disciples,. His sheep LISTEN to His voice and they FOLLOW Him. If you invite Jesus into your life and you accept Him as your Lord then He puts His Spirit in you and that INNER VOICE will speak to you, will guide you. His sheep LISTEN to His voice, they do not listen to strangers, they run away from strangers but they listen to the Shepherd, their Shepherd.
Jesus is calling YOU to be one of His sheep. He wants to guide YOU by His Spirit but you need to OBEY Him, you need to REPENT, turn away from sin and serving yourself, and follow Jesus Christ. You need to be baptized in water and He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and with FIRE, but you must commit in your heart to follow Jesus, because Jesus did not just call believers. He called disciples, who follow Him and who DO His will. Have you accepted Jesus as your LORD? Is He your MASTER? Is He your SHEPHERD and is He your LIFE? Are you following Jesus every day of your life as disciple? Are you one of His sheep? Do you WAIT on Him and LISTEN to that INNER VOICE? Do you OBEY that INNNER VOICE of the Holy Spirit? Have you come to KNOW Him and TRUST Him? Are you TRULY, one of His sheep? Because He will say to many believers in that day:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness!” What will He say to you, dear friend? Are you following the Shepherd? Are you LISTENING to His voice, every day and are you DOING His pleasure? Is Jesus truly YOUR Shepherd?
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Did you receive the Spirit?

Faith in Jesus is not an academic exercise. It is not something that you read in a book, it is something that you experience when you put your trust in Jesus. Then something happens in your spirit because His Spirit comes and lives in your spirit, WHEN YOU ACCEPT HIM, when you say: “Lord I believe in You.” You cry out to Him, you say:”Lord I want You.” Immediately you receive confirmation in your spirit. You just KNOW that:”Jesus has accepted me!” You KNOW that THE SPIRIT OF GOD HAS COME INTO ME, AND I AM A CHILD OF GOD.
The only way to maintain that connection, that confirmation that Jesus has accepted me, is if I OBEY Him. If we DISOBEY Him, we grieve His Spirit, because God is Spirit. THROUGH OUR OBEDIENCE TO THE SPIRIT THAT HE HAS PUT IN US WE MAINTAIN THAT CONFIRMATION. We need to be seeking for that constant confirmation that JESUS IS PLEASED WITH ME.
Paul said that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ do not belong to Him and he also wrote in
Galatians 3:2 “did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by HEARING WITH FAITH?”
Did you receive the Spirit? Did you receive Christ into your life? And are you maintaining that confirmation that JESUS IS PLEASED WITH ME? The moment you sin the Holy Spirit in you will tell you He is grieved and if you keep on disobeying Him He will go away from you.
DID YOU RECEIVE THE SPIRIT WHEN YOU BELIEVED IN JESUS? If you have not received the Spirit, if you have not received Jesus then you need to get on your knees and cry out to Him. Say:”Lord I want You in my life!” If you have received Jesus and you have ignored Him and that voice has gone quiet, you need to REPENT, go on your knees, cry out to Him. Say:”Lord, take not Your Holy Spirit away from me. Please come dwell in me. Please forgive me my sins, but I want to be close to You. I want Your Spirit!”
May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Willingly Transformed Through Suffering

Jesus called many for the purpose of the Kingdom of God but of those that He called not many answered to the call. He called each of them for a purpose. We read in Romans 8:28-30. Paul wrote: “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 29For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first-born among many brethren; 30and whom He predestined, these He also called; and whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.”
He called many for the purpose of His Kingdom to become conformed to the image of Jesus, to carry out the specific purpose for which He has called them. IF WE ARE NOT WILLING TO ANSWER TO THE CALL AND FOLLOW JESUS, WE WILL NOT BE CHANGED INTO HIS LIKENESS, WE WILL NOT BE TRANSFORMED TO BE SONS OF GOD, TO BECOME PART OF HIS KINGDOM. The change that He works in us is often painful, it often goes with suffering because even Jesus, though He was the Son of God, learned through what He suffered, but He willingly submitted Himself to the Father, and therefor we must willingly, joyfully follow Jesus and submit ourselves to the discipline of the Father so that we can be suitable to fit into God's plan that He has called us for. If we are not willing to submit ourselves to God, if we are not willing to take ownership and responsibility for the task which He has called us for then we have no expectation. Then we have no hope of eternal life because we are not interested in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Has Jesus called you? Have you answered to the call? Are you submitting yourself to the discipline of the Holy Spirit so that you can be transformed into the image of Christ? Have you answered to the call?
Are you following Jesus?
If we want to be part of the Kingdom of God we must submit ourselves and we must follow Jesus. He said:”Whoever wishes to come after Me must deny Himself, pick up His cross and follow Me, every day until the very end.”
You cannot have your best life now and expect to spend eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven. What is your expectation? Where will you spend eternity? Have you answered to the call and are you following Jesus?
May Jesus bless you.


Many people are complaining that they are losing their freedoms. Their freedoms are being taken away by government and institutions. The reason why the freedoms are being taken away is because people have rejected God. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. Whomever the Son of God has set free will be free and free indeed.
If you are in bondage and your freedoms are being taken away it is because you are not submitting yourself to Jesus. There is only freedom in Christ. If you reject Jesus and you embrace sin and you serve yourself, then you get in bondage of SATAN and God delivers you to your own desires. He gives you what you want BUT YOU BEAR THE CONSEQUENCES and that is why your freedoms are being taken away. You have rejected freedom, you have rejected Jesus, because He came to set you free.
If you want to be free you need to get on your knees and repent of your wickedness and accept Jesus into your life, accept Him as your LORD and MASTER and then He will set you free. But if you reject Jesus you will be in bondage, you will become a slave of other people, of the system.
Do you want to be free, my friend? If you want to be free, go on your knees, cry out to Jesus. Repent of your wickedness, ask Him to set you free, but then you must submit yourself to Him. Invite Him into your life and let His Spirit come and dwell in you and He will set you free. You will be absolutely free. If you reject Him, you will be in bondage. Are you free or are your freedoms being taken away?
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, July 6, 2012

YOU must change

Nobody can enter the Kingdom of Heaven UNLESS THEY ARE CHANGED, unless they are born again from God and they are changed to be like Jesus. Not like anybody else that you know, not like any celebrity, not like any preacher, not like any human that you know. You must be changed into the likeness of Jesus and if we do not change we will not be suitable for the Kingdom of Heaven, we will not go in there!
The only way that we are changed is through our relationship with Jesus, daily following Him, living in close relationship THROUGH PRAYER, being led by His Holy Spirit. If you do not have the Holy Spirit you do not belong to Jesus. If you do not follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit you are not a child of God. You need to be transformed through the renewal of your mind. You must ask Jesus to change your heart and change your mind so that your mind is set on Christ and that change, that transformation will never stop until the day that you die. Jesus came to do the will of the Father and if we are changed into His likeness then our only interest is the Kingdom of God, the will of our Heavenly Father.
Are you being changed or are you still exactly the same as you were born, are you the same as you were before you knew Jesus? IF YOU FOLLOW JESUS YOU WILL CHANGE, YOU WILL BE CHANGED INTO HIS LIKENESS. Are you being transformed into the likeness of Christ?
May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Nobody is temptation proof and whoever thinks that he is standing must be careful that he does not fall. A marathon runner cannot afford to stumble, or to fall. If you stumble that might be the end of your race. You might not be able to continue with the race.
The same with the Christian road runner, those who are following Jesus, your fall might be fatal. Do not allow the devil any foothold. His only job is to destroy you. It was for ONE SIN, ONE DISOBEDIENCE that caused Adam to die. And it is ONE TEMPTATION that destroys many believers because they give in to temptation and then they are done with.
A child of God has no business watching television TV, has no business watching the movies. A child of God has no business playing xbox. He has no business with the things of this world. We must be very, very careful because if you fall, you might just not get back up. Don’t look for trouble.
A child of God has no business chatting with his brother’s wife if his brother is not there. Don’t open the door to temptation. You have no business visiting his house if he is not there. If he is not there you’ve got no business going in there. You’ve got no business being alone with another woman, you are looking for trouble. And that is how many marriages are broken up. All this nonsense of private counseling and counselors, that opens the door to the devil. Do not look for trouble, because he will find a way to get in and he will destroy you. We must be very careful, as children of God, the devil is coming at you. He is looking for an opportunity to destroy you, don’t open the door.
Don’t play with sin. We read in Hebrews 12:12-13 “Therefore strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble, and MAKE STRAIGHT PATHS FOR YOUR FEET, so that the limb which is lame may not be put out of joint, but rather be healed.” Jesus said: WATCH and PRAY that you FALL NOT INTO TEMPTATION because the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Don’t play with the devil, he will destroy you. ONE SIN can make you end up in HELL.
May Jesus bless you.


Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive and He Himself came and He gave Himself as a ransom for many. It is often those people who have every little or nothing in life that give the most. The biggest gift that we can give a person is JESUS, because Jesus is eternal life.
There is a man in Australia, Nick Vujicic, he was born without limbs, no arms no legs but he is a motivational speaker, He gives people Jesus, he gives them hope. He goes where other people cannot go. He HAS to give because he has Jesus.
Do you have Jesus in you? Do you HAVE to give? Do you HAVE a testimony of what Jesus has done in your life? How much Jesus have you got inside of you, that you can share with other people and give them hope, so that they can also have eternal life, in Christ?
Have you become a giver? Are you giving other people hope? Are you taking them to Jesus so that they can have eternal life?
May Jesus bless you.

Search on the internet: Nick Vujicic - No Arms No Legs No Worries

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

God's Mercy Through Suffering

It is not the will of God that any person would perish but it is His will that all repent and have eternal life. For that reason God shows His mercy to many people through suffering. Many people end up with terminal sicknesses and they have time to prepare, they have time to repent. Some do not make use of that opportunity.
Sinners will not go into the kingdom of Heaven. If we have not repented and pleaded for mercy before we die then we will end up in hell and that is why God grants many people that opportunity to repent. They could just be cut off. Some are just cut off and they go into eternity lost.
We do not know when our time will come and that is why we must always be ready. Some people are hoping for a death bed repentance. Others have been on that sick bed for many years and it is only because God loves them. All His ways are loving kindness. He cares for us and He wants us to get rid of the sin. He wants us to repent and prepare so that we can be with Him for eternity. We must make use of every opportunity and get rid of the guilt of sin.
Repent and seek Jesus. Repent, ask forgiveness from those whom you have wronged, forgive those who have wronged you because if we do not forgive others the wrongs that they have done to us then god will not forgive us. We must set free and we will be free. We must always be prepared to face God. We don't know when our time will come. The mercy of God leads us to repentance. Let us make use of that mercy and always be prepared.
May Jesus bless you.

Most believers do not KNOW God, do not have ETERNAL LIFE

Most believers do not KNOW God, they know ABOUT God and they believe IN God but they do not KNOW God. And that is why they do not have eternal life. Eternal life is to KNOW GOD. That is what Jesus said, I read from John 17:3 “And this is eternal life, that they may KNOW THEE, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.” You only get to KNOW GOD when you OBEY HIM, because when you OBEY HIM then He reveals Himself to you. But believing IN Him and knowing ABOUT Him, reading ABOUT Him in the Bible, that does not make you get to KNOW GOD. Jesus said, I read from John 14:21“He who has MY COMMANDMENTS and KEEPS them, he it is who loves Me; and he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him, and will DISCLOSE MYSELF to him.” Jesus will REVEAL HIMSELF to those who OBEY His commandments, who OBEY HIS WORDS. His Words are the Words of Life. (As recorded in the gospels, Mtthew, Mark, Luke and John) The Gospel of Jesus Christ gives us eternal life. If you BELIEVE IN JESUS and you OBEY HIM, then you will be saved. But many people DO NOT OBEY HIM, they just believe IN Him. The DEVIL ALSO BELIEVES IN JESUS but he DOES NOT OBEY HIM.
You cannot be pleasing to God if you DO NOT OBEY HIM. You cannot get closer to God if you DO NOT REPENT of your SIN and if you DO NOT OBEY JESUS and that is why MOST BELIEVERS DO NOT KNOW GOD, they DO NOT have ETERNAL LIFE because they DO NOT OBEY! If you OBEY the Gospel of Jesus Christ then you will be saved because then He will REVEAL HIMSELF to you and you will get to KNOW HIM. He will give you HIS HOLY SPIRIT because He Himself is the Spirit. He is the Life Giving Spirit and He gives Life to those who OBEY HIM. YOU CANNOT be in a RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS if you DO NOT OBEY HIM. You might just believe IN Him but that does you no good because you are NOT getting to KNOW HIM and you are NOT PLEASING TO HIM and therefore you don’t have eternal life. You also DON’T KNOW GOD.
You only get to know God when you OBEY the Gospel of Jesus Christ. REPENT, turn away from sin and serving yourself, be BAPTIZED IN WATER and then DENY YOURSELF, PICK UP YOUR CROSS and FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST EVERY DAY of your life and you will get to know Him. PRAY and He will REVEEAL HIMSELF to you. ASK and He will give you the HOLY SPIRIT that will LIVE IN you and that will GUIDE you EVERY STEP of the way. If you DON’T have the HOLY SPIRIT, you DON’T BELONG TO CHRIST and you DON’T KNOW HIM and you DON’T have ETERNAL LIFE, if you DON’T OBEY HIM you have NO LIFE in you. It is no good to BELIEVE without OBEYING, if you DO NOT OBEY JESUS, you DO NOT have ETERNAL LIFE.
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Why Believers Stumble

There are many reasons why believers stumble. One of the biggest reasons is because they are not following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they have become TOP HEAVY. They have a lot of knowledge in their heads but they don't have Jesus in their hearts and they do not trust Jesus, they do not trust the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is written:”Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”Proverbs 3:5. You need to ask wisdom from God and follow the guidance that He GIVES you, that He PUTS INSIDE of you, without checking that against your logic, against your head or against your discernment, which is just another way of saying that you are leaning on your own understanding.
The righteous will live by faith, by TRUSTING JESUS WITH THEIR WHOLE HEART, He puts the guidance of His Spirit IN YOUR HEART, IN YOUR MIND. You pray and He gives you the answer, He PUTS IT IN YOU but if you refuse to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit in you, if you start doubting and you don't trust in Him with all your heart, YOU STUMBLE and you fall, and you cannot do the will of God because you don't believe.
If you don't BELIEVE Jesus, if you don't TRUST Him above everything you will not follow Him. He cannot make your foot stumble BUT YOU NEED TO TRUST HIM. If you don't trust Him you will not follow Him. You need to TRUST JESUS WITH ALL YOUR HEART and He will make sure that you do not stumble. He will guide your footsteps BUT YOU NEED TO TRUST HIM. Do you truly trust Jesus?
May Jesus bless you.

Spiritual Knowledge

Knowledge of God is not taught, you do not acquire that from reading books even from reading the Bible. Knowledge of God comes through your relationship with Jesus. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and you are led by the Spirit of God then He puts His wisdom in you. You don’t get it from a Book, you don’t get it from other people. He GIVES it to you, the wisdom of God.
We read in 1John 5:20 “And we know that the Son of God has come, and has GIVEN us understanding, in order that we might KNOW HIM who is true, and we are IN HIM who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.” If you follow Jesus, then you become ONE SPIRIT with Him, but you need to be TUNED IN to the Holy Spirit. You need to CHECK with Him every step of the way or else you are just not following Him. Jesus said: FOLLOW ME.
The only way that we can follow Jesus is if we are led by the Holy Spirit, if we are constantly TUNED INTO HIS SPIRIT who dwells in us, and if we walk by faith. Because if you do not trust Him, you will not listen to Him, you will not obey Him and you will not follow Him. You will NOT TRUST the knowledge that he puts in you. It is through your relationship with Jesus that you learn to trust Him, to follow Him but without faith it is impossible to please God. Because if you do not TRUST HIM, you will not trust that which He puts into your mind when you ask Him, because He puts the Mind of Christ into you. He puts that knowledge into you and you follow that knowledge of God that is in you. It is not something from outside, it is inside of you, near you, inside, in your mouth, in your mind, He puts it into you. Knowledge of God comes from the Holy Spirit that indwells you. You need the Holy Spirit and you need to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit to be pleasing to God.
May Jesus bless you.